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Electric bike waving

Thai Bry

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Not wishing to upset anyone!!

We all now know that Caraprof has now taken delivery of a couple of electric bicycles. This now puts this gentleman in a "Minority" category, we all know what happens to people in a minorty, they start waving to each other!!!

Caraprof, what response happens if another electric bike owner waves to you.!!

Just my Thai humour and no offence is intended or aimed at anyone - it's my Thai upbringing not to offend.

Only humorous responses please!!


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Guest peter
Thai Bry - 2007-07-20 10:00 PM

Not wishing to upset anyone!!

We all now know that Caraprof has now taken delivery of a couple of electric bicycles. This now puts this gentleman in a "Minority" category, we all know what happens to people in a minorty, they start waving to each other!!!

Caraprof, what response happens if another electric bike owner waves to you.!!

Just my Thai humour and no offence is intended or aimed at anyone - it's my Thai upbringing not to offend.

Only humorous responses please!!


Why Bry? Who gives a toss about offending Frank? He is from Bolton after all so is fair game. (lol)
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Thai Bry - 2007-07-20 10:00 PM

Not wishing to upset anyone!!

We all now know that Caraprof has now taken delivery of a couple of electric bicycles. This now puts this gentleman in a "Minority" category, we all know what happens to people in a minorty, they start waving to each other!!!

Caraprof, what response happens if another electric bike owner waves to you.!!

Just my Thai humour and no offence is intended or aimed at anyone - it's my Thai upbringing not to offend.

Only humorous responses please!!


I suspect that Frankie is the sort of person who wouldn't even wave to his wife if they were both lost and cycling in the opposite direction.....

Anyone yet asked Frankie what sort of helmet he wears now that he's motorised? 

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Guest caraprof

I've actually only taken delivery of one. I'm evaluating it to see if senior management likes it.There were two that I was torn between so I may end up with one of each.

It came at lunchtime and I put the battery on charge for five hours and waited for the rain to stop. And waited, and waited .....

At 8.00 p.m. I took it for a short spin and it's brilliant! It zooms along on the flat or moderate hills but needed a bit of good pedalling to climb the hill to my house, which is very steep. I made it up this hill without having to leave the saddle and there is no doubt that with an ordinary bike I'd have been walking. It really is steep and I've not cycled much for ages. I walk a lot but cycling seems to bring different muscles into play!

My dilemma is that the other bike didn't come out quite as well in the test reports as the one that I've bought but it has a larger range of gears, is lighter and has a step-through frame, which will suit my wife.

This is what I've bought


This is the one that I may buy for my wife. She definitely prefers the step-through facility.


As for waving, the beauty of electric bikes is that, as they approach you, there's no way of telling that they are electric, so I won't have to wave at anyone.

However, when I'm out on my bike I may start waving at motorhomers just to confuse them.

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As for waving, the beauty of electric bikes is that, as they approach you, there's no way of telling that they are electric, so I won't have to wave at anyone.


You've only had the bike a day and you're already a "bike snob" - you'll only wave to other bikers if they are motorised - if you're not careful you could become the bikers equivalent of a Hymer owner.....

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Guest caraprof

I'd like to tell you a little story as Max used to say. This is prompted by the various remarks about how miserable we non-wavers must be.

There's a busy road near my home and every day when I drive along it there will be some one coming the other way who wishes to make a right turn across the traffic. Most times the poor buggers just sit there whilst streams of cars drive slowly towards them and refuse to just slow down for a few seconds and wave them across.

Me, I always do. Having let the other car across my bow I am back up to the one in front in seconds, with no time lost, but a nice gesture done to a fellow driver.

Now then, it occurs to me that lots of these people who just ignore these people wishing to turn, are the sort of people who wave. They must be, because the ones who allow them across are in a tiny minority.

Now, what do you think is more important when driving, thinking a bit and being considerate to other motorists or waving to motorhomers who you've never met, don't know and might not even like if you actually had to spend an evening with them?

Do not assume please, that because some of us don't like waving, that we are inconsiderate. We may actually be much more well-mannered and considerate than the wavers. We just get our priorities right!

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caraprof - 2007-07-20 10:47 PM

As for waving, the beauty of electric bikes is that, as they approach you, there's no way of telling that they are electric, so I won't have to wave at anyone.

However, when I'm out on my bike I may start waving at motorhomers just to confuse them.


Brilliant idea, now I'm confused as who to wave to!!

Not only a M/home owner I also own a rather big and fast Italian m/bike, and all we do is just nod when out on the road.

Now I'm totally confused, do I nod -customary to other bikers- wave to other M/home owners or wave to electric bike owners, or do I now join a gym to tone up my muscles for all three!!

Please help this lad from the sticks in Thailand


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Thai Bry - 2007-07-20 11:25 PM
caraprof - 2007-07-20 10:47 PM

As for waving, the beauty of electric bikes is that, as they approach you, there's no way of telling that they are electric, so I won't have to wave at anyone.

However, when I'm out on my bike I may start waving at motorhomers just to confuse them.


Brilliant idea, now I'm confused as who to wave to!!

Not only a M/home owner I also own a rather big and fast Italian m/bike, and all we do is just nod when out on the road.

Now I'm totally confused, do I nod -customary to other bikers- wave to other M/home owners or wave to electric bike owners, or do I now join a gym to tone up my muscles for all three!!

Please help this lad from the sticks in Thailand



Suggest that you refer to one of Franks earlier posts - mount a satellite dish on the back of your Italian m/bike with the word "Bo**ocks printed on it.....

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I can't do this for style & aerodynamic reasons. Crikey all I need is the Italian style police onto me and that's me finito!!

I do not fancy "swimming with the fishes" or propping up a flyover in some urban bypass scheme.


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Thai Bry - 2007-07-20 11:45 PM


I can't do this for style & aerodynamic reasons. Crikey all I need is the Italian style police onto me and that's me finito!!

I do not fancy "swimming with the fishes" or propping up a flyover in some urban bypass scheme.


Just tell them that you are from Yorkshire (not Humberside) and you'll be ok.

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Even worse!!, I go into Lancashire on my bike sometimes - Caraprof's home turf - he knows I'm from Yorkshire, well part of me is, so I could afford to loose my English bit of me. Then I have to choose which bit of me is English and which bit of me is Thai.

Neither my Thai mother nor my Yorkshire father never prepared me for these major decisions!!

Doomed, doomed, I'm doomed!!!


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caraprof - 2007-07-20 11:05 PM


Me, I always do. Having let the other car across my bow I am back up to the one in front in seconds, with no time lost, but a nice gesture done to a fellow driver


I hope they don't repay your kindness by waving to you :-S


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So your the one!

I start with just ten cars in front in the queue but some "considerate" person immediately in front of me stops to let 4 come in from a side road. Eventually the traffic lights go green and guess who is the first one to stop when they turn red again? Yes me, muggins!

Thanks a bunch!



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I have some bad news. Cyclists nearly all wave at each other; or nod / say hello. I think the Beloved Professor may be in for a whole new world of torment. 

And it gets worse. 

One of the scariest things that can happen is to be legitimately cycling down the nearside of stationary vehicles, to be met by someone turning right straight across your path, only to realise that this has happened because some altruistic soul has interfered with the normal and expected flow of traffic, and slowed down to wave someone across in front of them. 

The onus is on the cyclist to be careful, of course, but it does cause havoc. Be careful Frank. And I mean that absolutely genuinely.

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Since when has it been legitimate to cycling down the nearside of stationary vehicles?. Not in my book! (I train the passenger to open the door at the appropriate moment). Undertaking in the UK is illegal. If you want to do that you should be in America where it is not!


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Hi Clive, flipping this over, since when has it not been legitimate? - apart from in your book.

It's legitimate to the point where many highways authorities install on-road cycle lanes on the nearside of the road and encourage undertaking. What would you have us do - wait patiently for motor vehicles to start moving even though there is often more than enough road space to make good safe progress?

I trust you are tongue-in-cheek with the timely opening of doors!

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