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Electric bike waving

Thai Bry

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crinklystarfish - 2007-07-21 12:28 PM

One of the scariest things that can happen is to be legitimately cycling down the nearside of stationary vehicles, to be met by someone turning right straight across your path, only to realise that this has happened because some altruistic soul has interfered with the normal and expected flow of traffic, and slowed down to wave someone across in front of them. 

The onus is on the cyclist to be careful, of course, but it does cause havoc. Be careful Frank. And I mean that absolutely genuinely.

If you just did what most other cyclists seem to do, and rode on the pavement, you wouldn't have the problem!

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Frank, we wave and let other drivers cross as necessary so are we in a bigger minority????.


To keep Clive happy so he doesn't bust a gut I'd better tell you though that we rarely let them out of a side road into our queue if there's not a real need and if there is then only an odd one. We NEVER let the bl**dy cheats who travel down the motorway at high speed when it's clear that one of the lanes is going to be closed and then try to push in whilst everyone else has been queueing, unfortunatley some twit usually will though. Happy with that Clive?



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Bazza454 - 2007-07-20 11:51 PM
Thai Bry - 2007-07-20 11:45 PM


I can't do this for style & aerodynamic reasons. Crikey all I need is the Italian style police onto me and that's me finito!!

I do not fancy "swimming with the fishes" or propping up a flyover in some urban bypass scheme.


Just tell them that you are from Yorkshire (not Humberside) and you'll be ok.

Bazza ... you're not allowed to say the 'H' name even in jest! They're building a nice new complex in Hull called St Stephen's Square shopping mall/centre thingy (ruddy waste of money!), and they still have some foundations to pour ... >:-)
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Clive - 2007-07-21 4:05 PM


Undertaking in the UK is illegal. If you want to do that you should be in America where it is not!


Or Australia. I was picked up from the airpoprt by my cousin who then drove back slowly in the outside lane while I sat and cringed. It appeared to be perfectly normal as everyone "undertook" her and no-one gave a 2 fingered salute.

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Oz must be the same as America then, undertaking is just as legitimate as overtaking. Surely it cannot be us thats odd?


Oh yes, the beauty of little motorbikes is that when the Friday and Saturday arrivals are queueing to get the the Warners shows for miles us thursday arrivers (retired mob) can just sail by the queue with impunity. Lovely!


Just read a bit more on page 1!

How is it that pedal cyclists seem imune to traffic lights, especially at work knocking off times? They switch between road and footpath without a care for any pedestrians, creep up behind old codgers on the path and scare them to bits. I keep my push bike (12 speed drop handlebar racing bike with off road tyres) in the garage now, just bring it out if the wife nags me about excorcise!! Prefer me put put.


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Can't fault anyone for being super-careful on a push bike, it really is a jungle out there. Just for the record, I have absolutely no time for the jokers who ride on pavements or ignore signs / red lights etc. They give responsible cyclists a bad name and make everyone intolerant of us, even placid motorhomers. If I see one taking the mess while I’m on my bike, I do let them know of my displeasure.

We aren’t all irresponsible, but the idiots do get noticed more often.

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davenewell@home - 2007-07-22 3:24 PM And this is another thread that should have been in chatterbox, if it deserved to be anywhere at all! D.


I think you're right, it should be in Chatterbox, but you also made a contribution earlier on this thread, so I guess we're all guilty.

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Didn't we all ??? Dave knows that he isn't silly nor is anyone else.

:-) But he has a point we will end up losing the forum memebers that give their advice freely for us all. I think Dave is in general just saying that this should not be here I for one agree. As I ,m sure most do . ;-)

Oh trust me did it come out right

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One forum - like this one - is enough for me. Finding other areas to post in is just too much hassle!


My favourite topic is "Off Topic". Its a bit like having a conversation with your mates, you tend to waffle about most things but normally end up back where you started.

Most bikers wave or nod at each other though.


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There's generally not a problem with a thread wandering a bit off topic as long as it follows some sort of logical path but starting a thread in Motorhome Matters that would have been better placed in Chatterbox is not a good way for the forum to go on really. You ought to have a browse around a bit Clive, there's quite a lot out there, just click on "forums in the left hand column and you'll find a host of different subjects to amuse you.



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Clive - 2007-07-21 10:13 PM

Just read a bit more on page 1!

How is it that pedal cyclists seem imune to traffic lights, especially at work knocking off times? They switch between road and footpath without a care for any pedestrians, creep up behind old codgers on the path and scare them to bits.


Speaking from experience of being an old codger then Clive? (lol)


As for waving, in France we found that motorcyclists didn't wave when we'd pulled to one side to let them pass, they often stuck a leg out! Sensible if you think about it, meant that they kept 2 hands on the handle bars. 8-)

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A little off subject ,I am afraid, but I really must take issue with the wholesale condemning of cyclists (the real sort) for the irresponsible actions of a few. The ones who give cyclists a bad name are usually the youngsters who ride on footpaths as a matter of course and in pedestrianized areas and no-one likes to tell them off for fear of receiving a load of abuse. Yes, I have cycled on footpaths but only when there were no pedestrians around and purely as a defensive action when it would have been suicidal to mix with the fast moving motor traffic. On meeting a pedestrian I would dismount and have never yet received a word of complaint. Not that I do it very often anyway.

How many motorised road users can honestly state that they have never broken the law by exceeding the speed limit or parked on a yellow line outside of permitted hours. We all tend to obey laws that suit us.

John S

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The trouble with cyclists (and I count myself here) is that we tend to be a bit "holier than thou" as we are green and take excercise. Thus when some of us do transgress we are all fair game.


A bit like motorhomers, caravanners etc. etc. :-D



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Clive - 2007-07-22 10:31 PM


My "Favourites" is this forum, not any previous pages I had to navigate through to get here!


I have mine set to "new threads"


Dunno why I bothered to tell you that as I'm just pushing even further off topic. Sorry. (In Edit)




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