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Can you justify the cost?


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Hi my answer (rather flippantly) on another post was if you want to save money sell the m/h and use hotels. My own thoughts are that I can't based on the following:


The initial cost and the amount this would have earned in interest


Running costs: tax, fuel, insurance, maintenance

The toys I keep buying for it. (lol)


In my case this must be in the region of £10,000 per year :-( Thats enough for some very good hotel holidays.


Just looking at this from a strictly financial point of view, can anyone justify theirs?



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After greatly debating this subject with my other half,I would have to say that, although Olley is right about the hotel / holiday point, what he (maybe) has overlooked is this,


our Hymer is probably worth £20k.

If we sold it and used the money purely for holidays and went away as much as we normally do, I reckon we would spend about £3-4k a year.

Divide the value by that and we could have 5 or 6 years worth of holidays, however, at the end of this period all we would have left is memories.


If we kept the Hymer and continued with tax,insurance etc etc, after 6 years, we would still have the vehicle. And have all the memories Now as it is already 8 years old, it has lost the vast depreciation value, so will hold it's current value with only a small reduction each year.


Besides that, you dont really get forums for travel lodge enthusiasts (I hope) and who would we talk to then ?


Thats my theory anyway, and in no way suggests it is the right or wrong answer to this question.

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:-D Hi olley. I currently have 2 Motorhomes. One semi-permanently parked on a Campsite in Spain and the other I use for commuting.


Cost of campsite = £3,600 per annum (depends)

Cost of Mini RV = £265 Insurance + £185 Tax + £1000 fuel & Ferries = £1450

Depreciations = Negligible.

Repairs = Cheap


Total outlay per year = £5,050 (Mas o Minus)


5* Hotel @ £100/night * 356 = £35,600


B-) That puts me at £30,050 in savings. (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest caraprof

I don't need to justify the cost. Your post assumes that hotel holidays are better. I've spend a lifetime staying in fancy hotels and I don't like the formality, having to dress up for dinner and having to plan and book them in advance.

I like to travel and if I'm going to Tibet or somewhere equally distant then hotels (of a sort) are often a necessity but, if I had to make a choice between my little adventures to remote parts, or my carefree wandering around the U.K and Europe in my motorhome, I'd choose the latter every time!

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caraprof - 2007-07-30 1:10 PM

I don't need to justify the cost. Your post assumes that hotel holidays are better. I've spend a lifetime staying in fancy hotels.and I don't like the formality, having to dress up for dinner and having to plan and book them in advance

I like to travel and if I'm going to Tibet or somewhere equally distant then hotels (of a sort) are often a necessity

Not really a very helpful answer there Frank, just another "Hang on whilst I brag about what I've got or what I've done " reply.Olley merely asked if we could justify the cost, not whether we had to, and I cant see where he suggests hotels are better.We still have to plan some campsite stays in advance, so again not really relevant.Now I may be open to correction here, but if any of us were going to Tibet, I hardly think many people would consider taking the motorhome for the weekend.
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Hi Donna

Not wishing to take anyone's side, but if you go through Frank's( Caraprof) entire post, he does actually states at the end of his posting that he prefers the option of touring around the UK & in Europe in his m/h.

Just trying to keep things on a even keel that's all, and if I've offended you with this response, then I apologise in advance as I did not mean to cause you any offence.


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I agree with Caraprof - hotels are often a means to an end rather than an enjoyable adventure.


Whereas my motorhome is just that - my home with wheels.


My bed, my cooker, my loo & shower, my private space or my party venue.


Not everything should be thought of in monetary terms! (lol)

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olley - 2007-07-30 12:30 PM  

Just looking at this from a strictly financial point of view, can anyone justify theirs? Olley

In a direct answer to the direct question, no!

The true question is whether the rewards of ownership are worthy of the financial commitment.

The answer to that, for the people on here, will almost always be yes!

Can I justify mine in financial terms? No.

Can I simply justify it? Absolutely.

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Thai Bry - 2007-07-30 1:52 PM

Hi Donna

Not wishing to take anyone's side, but if you go through Frank's( Caraprof) entire post, he does actually states at the end of his posting that he prefers the option of touring around the UK & in Europe in his m/h.

Just trying to keep things on a even keel that's all, and if I've offended you with this response, then I apologise in advance as I did not mean to cause you any offence.


No offence taken Thai, and therefore no apology neccessary. We may all prefer the option of touring, but I dont believe the thread was about that, and without wishing to put Franks back up (which is hard enough at the best of times) I dont believe that we need to be told time and time again about his financial position, or about his exploits in expensive hotels.The difference between, "yes I can justify the cost", and " I dont have to justify the cost" smacks of something I would rather not get into, if you know what I mean.So at the risk of the wrath of many, I stand by my statement, that Franks posting was not really helpful in the debate, And await the inevitable flak
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Before I retired we had often mused on buying a van some day but before we actually bought one we took other things into consideration.


Should we just go back to using tents - No because although Jill continued to use them for ECWS events I got sick of tent camping nearly 20 years ago and nothing on the market attracted me back.


Should we use hotels/B&B - No because they aren't available for everything (ECWS events for instance) and (as mentioned in other posts) the cost would soon rack up to the cost of a van anyway.


Should we buy a caravan/trailer tent - No because neither of us fancies the idea of towing.


Should we invest the money somewhere and stay at home - No because we want to enjoy our retirement by being able to travel to places and events which interest us.


The only answer was to buy a van. Whether that's justification or not I dunno - but it works for us :-D



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Again not wishing to ruffle feathers I'm kinda with Frank on this one. The thread title is after all "can you justify the cost" and part of that justification has to be based on the perceived benefits I'd have thought.


As motorhome prices continue to increase without apparently depressing sales one can only assume that many people are choosing this way to holiday in preference to hotels or other alternatives. It's certainly not a cheap option when all the costs are factored in. But as Frank's post implies when you've been exposed to holidaying with the herds, motorhoming is, at present at least, worth every penny.



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Guest caraprof
donna miller - 2007-07-30 1:24 PM
caraprof - 2007-07-30 1:10 PM

I don't need to justify the cost. Your post assumes that hotel holidays are better. I've spend a lifetime staying in fancy hotels.and I don't like the formality, having to dress up for dinner and having to plan and book them in advance

I like to travel and if I'm going to Tibet or somewhere equally distant then hotels (of a sort) are often a necessity

Not really a very helpful answer there Frank, just another "Hang on whilst I brag about what I've got or what I've done " reply. Olley merely asked if we could justify the cost, not whether we had to, and I cant see where he suggests hotels are better. We still have to plan some campsite stays in advance, so again not really relevant. Now I may be open to correction here, but if any of us were going to Tibet, I hardly think many people would consider taking the motorhome for the weekend.

Why are you being so offensive about what was an innocuous post? I've spent most of my life staying in fancy hotels because my business took me there! I was merely pointing out that I also really enjoy travelling and you don't need to be rich to go to Tibet or anywhere else these days.

But the main point of my response was to point out that I don't need to justify the expense of a motorhome because for me it beats the hell out of staying in hotels.

This is typical of some members of this forum who are the most partisan people you can imagine! You have a vigorous debate with them once and from then on they take delight in finding something personal to say about you, when no such comment is necessary.

Still, I've no doubt that Donna, whilst being incredibly ill-mannered here, actually waves to total strangers, which is what really matters I suppose.

And finally, the entire thrust of his post is that hotels are better than a motorhome holiday and I quote:

In my case this must be in the region of £10,000 per year icon_frown.gif Thats enough for some very good hotel holidays.


Just looking at this from a strictly financial point of view, can anyone justify theirs?

I enter threads like this in good faith and the entire point of my post was surely evident, which is, that for me, there is no point in justifying the expense of my motorhome because it's what I prefer to any other sort of holiday.

It's a pity that some people feel obliged to make nasty and unnecessary snipes!


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Hi Guys, crikey didn't mean to cause a row. And sorry Frank you have misunderstood, I didn't mean hotels were better. I was just comparing from a financial standpoint whether if you had a hotel holiday for a similar length of time that you use the van, whether you could then justify running the van.


Fulltimers like JSW can, but for me the answer is no, but as others have said thats not why they got one.


Personally I hate hotels.



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Guest caraprof
olley - 2007-07-30 4:43 PM Hi Guys, crikey didn't mean to cause a row. And sorry Frank you have misunderstood, I didn't mean hotels were better. I was just comparing from a financial standpoint whether if you had a hotel holiday for a similar length of time that you use the van, whether you could then justify running the van. Fulltimers like JSW can, but for me the answer is no, but as others have said thats not why they got one. Personally I hate hotels. Olley

You didn't cause the row Olley although there is no doubt that you gave me the impression that holidays in good hotels are preferable to motorhoming but I now accept that that is not what you meant to convey.

The person who caused the row is the one who personalised this debate. There was no intention to 'brag'. I love travelling and go to weird places. I do not go on expensive holidays in posh hotels. My trips to such places as Tibet and Mongolia probably cost less than two weeks in Barbados. I have however also spent thirty years travelling on business and stayed in hotels all over the globe - not bragging, just a fact of life!

The whole point of my response was to emphasise that despite a life-long love of travelling to obscure destinations, if I had  to make a choice, I would ditch my 'little adventures' as my wife calls them in favour of wandering around Europe in my modest motorhome. Hence I do not wish to justify the cost, it's irrelevent.

People on this forum tell us about their fabulous trips to Morocco and Greece etc. and I don't think that they're bragging. I'm very envious as I cannot go away for more than three or four weeks at a time but I love to read about them.

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johnsandywhite - 2007-07-30 12:56 PM :-D Hi olley. I currently have 2 Motorhomes. One semi-permanently parked on a Campsite in Spain and the other I use for commuting. Cost of campsite = £3,600 per annum (depends) Cost of Mini RV = £265 Insurance + £185 Tax + £1000 fuel & Ferries = £1450 Depreciations = Negligible. Repairs = Cheap Total outlay per year = £5,050 (Mas o Minus) 5* Hotel @ £100/night * 356 = £35,600 B-) That puts me at £30,050 in savings. (lol) (lol) (lol)

Hi John,

What you should also include in your annual cost calculations is the initial capital expenditure when you purchased the 2 motorhomes, depreciated over X number of years.

This would then give you a more accurate annual cost.

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If cost was the deciding factor, everybody would stay at home.


But if you want to go away, it would make sense to go the way you enjoy most. If you can't afford it this week, you don't go this week. There must be millions of people who would shudder at the thought of sleeping in a vehicle.


One advantage that I find advantageous about camper vans is that I carry my sanitory facilities with me. I've reached the age where I like to know where/when the next available pit stop is. Surely I'm not alone in this? The disadvantage is that camper vans are a little too big for shopping.


Did anyone see the toilet facilities on Clarkson's polar expedition Toyota 4x4? I wonder if my wife would hold a blanket up?



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What you should also include in your annual cost calculations is the initial capital expenditure when you purchased the 2 motorhomes, depreciated over X number of years.

This would then give you a more accurate annual cost.

B-) Cost of RV? Cheap. Cost of Mini RV? Cheaper. Depreciation? Not a lot.Minus the Income from 2 houses and appreciation in value over 10 years? Lot's. (lol) (lol) (lol)
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Guest caraprof
johnsandywhite - 2007-07-30 5:46 PM
What you should also include in your annual cost calculations is the initial capital expenditure when you purchased the 2 motorhomes, depreciated over X number of years.

This would then give you a more accurate annual cost.

B-) Cost of RV? Cheap. Cost of Mini RV? Cheaper. Depreciation? Not a lot. Minus the Income from 2 houses and appreciation in value over 10 years? Lot's. (lol) (lol) (lol)

Good God John (or Sandy)! Please do not mention that you've got two houses. You may get told off for boasting.

I on the other hand think that you've made a superb point. What does it matter if your 'vans depreciate, most of you have homes which are going in the opposite direction.

I say 'you' and 'yours' of course to emphasise that I do not own a home - far be it from me to boast of such things. I live in a council hostel in Bolton.

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like the rest of us i love the motorhome and can afford it. but do i think it value for money probually not compared to the price of a caravan. the dealers must make an absolute fortune. you can buy a 4/5 year old used merc sprinter for maybe £5,000. but a mh anywhere from £25,000 upwards. but i cant justify the price of a pint of stella either but still drink plenty. love is blind.
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Hmm this thread is a bit like asking if caviar is better than an apple. They are both edible but not really comparable. The comparisons being drawn seem to be between MHs and hotels but surely since we are all motorhomers the true financial comparison should be between owning an MH and hiring one, since that's what you would need to do if you wanted to carry on the same lifestyle. In that case it costs in I think.




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trooper - 2007-07-30 7:47 PM


wy should we justify the cost? its our hobby. if we took up flying what would that cost? :->


A good point but the analogy with this thread would then be to work out whether it wouldn't have been cheaper to buy a car and drive there instead :-D



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Slightly puzzled by this thread, first I assumed it was cost comparison hotel v van, then someone has a unjustified pop at frank (imho) then it seems not to be hotels v van.

Well here's my take on it, can I justify owning a van, well yes because it gives me pleasure to use it, can I justify it over hotel, once again yes because the best holidays in van have been better than best holidays in hotels.

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