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MMM giveaways

Lucie Cranfield

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I work on the marketing of MMM for Warners Group Publications and would like to point out all the benefits that MMM subscribers get over other readers who buy their copy from the newsagents:


* Savings on the cover price - if you choose to pay by DD - you pay £8 every 3 months, which saves you over £5 a year


* Save on admission to all five Warners outdoor leisure shows, including shows at Peterborough and York


* Get early access to the MMM classifieds before other readers


* Free delivery direct to your door


* Free membership to the MMM Moneysavers Touring Club, which offers exclusive savings for members on a wide range of products, services and days out


* Benefit from half-price subscription offers to Which Motorcaravan and Out & About


Plus, a new benefit that will be announced with the September issue of MMM, which will offer all MMM members savings on 48 Best of British five star privately owned Touring and Holiday Parks.


Ofcourse, all MMM subscribers are issued with a membership card that enables them to take advantage of all of these benefits.



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Thanks Lucie. You have convinced me that I can manage to live without a genuine MMM simulated pound coin, euro or whatever it was that Caraprof so eloquently called it.


What a relief after the previous long drawn out post. I was beginning to feel quite seriously disadvantaged and was about to throw my teddy out of the pram and cancel my subscription to MMM. After all - I have been denied a gift worth at least a tenth of a penny!

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Thanks for clarifying what most of us were already aware of. One question though-as mine was the original post that started the recent thread-why do we also not benefit from the same giveaways as the rest of the buying public-particularly, as has been pointed out, they only cost "pennies" ?

I would add that the provision or not of a trolley coin is not really that important to me, but I am just interested in the principle from a MMM / marketing point of view.

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Its quite simple surely. Magazine cover gifts, whether it be a trolley token with MMM or a free CD on a computer mag are there to entice new customers to buy the mag not to retain existing subscribers who get a lot of other benefits not available to the casual purchaser.



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Quite frankly I consider the reply from Lucie to be 'barking'.


The £5 'saved' per year is less than Warners save on distribution and prior knowledge of numbers (i.e. less loss).


Minimal saving on show entry, you get the same if you are the member of one of the major clubs.


You only get early access to adds if you recieve the mag before it is in the shops, that does not always happen.


Already commented on regarding the savings that Warners make.


The MMM Moneysavers Touring Club offers are generally overpriced rubbish.


The half price subscription is only a benefit if you are interested in either of the other, in one case pretty useless, magazines.


Sorry but the new 'benefit' coming up in the September issue sounds decidedly underwhelming as well!!

Actually once again I am starting to wonder why I subscribe!




P.S. I have no comment on the 'freebies' it would certainly not tempt me into buying a mag, however all purchasers of the mag should be treated the same IMO.

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Not often said but, I would like to thank Lucie and her collegues for hosting this site.


Its not cheap running and moderating a site like this, especially with some of the mails and implications for fraud, misconduct and other unpleasent things that not only can offend, but can be the cause of sites like this having to offer apologies and close down. ( Been there , done that).


Many thanks ( and that does not cover half of it )




Tony Ish UK



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Sorry, but who is slagging off the company/forum? If you re-read my posts, you will find that I was merely asking a legitemate question. I cannot be held accountable for other's responses, and I resent the implication that I am "slagging off " anyone. I am also interested to note that Lucie has not responded again to this thread.

Anyhow, what do I care-I'm off to France for two weeks tomorrow.

Au revoir !


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handyman - 2007-08-17 7:32 PM


yes, i did find it odd slagging off the company that hosts the forum 8-)

Very rude and a slap in the face to our hosts. IMO. Really who gives a toss about whether or not someone got a round piece of cheap metal or not. Pretty pathetic really. I think there are rather more important things in life to worry about. Like how to remove encrusted birds sh1t off your nice shiny paintwork. (lol)
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Guest caraprof
Champstar - 2007-08-17 11:23 AM Lucie I agree with John...the point is that should all not be treated the same. The worth of the gift is irrelevant in my eyes it is the principle

So what you are saying is that you don't want a discount for being a subscriber and having the magazine delivered every month, and that you should pay the same price as the person buying over the counter?

That's treating everyone the same isn't it?

If that is what you are suggesting then of course, you too should get the freebies!

Somehow though, I don't think that you actually want everyone to be treated exactly the same.

What I think that you really want is to have the cheaper price for your magazine, free delivery to your home but still get the silly little freebies that anyone with half a brain understands are purely for non-subscribers to persuade them to be subscribers.

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Lucie Cranfield - 2007-08-17 9:33 AM



* Savings on the cover price - if you choose to pay by DD - you pay £8 every 3 months, which saves you over £5 a year



No doubt there are a few poseurs who buy motorhomes just to impress the neighbours; the rest of us use ours for travelling.


I don't want MMM delivered to my door, I want it available to me wherever I am. That means buying from the local newsagent at wherever my whim has taken me. Paying by DD means the mag is delivered to my home address, which I don't want.


You need to think up something better. Maybe sell a book of discounted vouchers, one for each month of the year, which can be used to buy MMM from any newsagent

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I ended my subscription a year ago. Happy enough with an occasional copy. Having it delivered was an advantage as no where locally stocks the magazine. Unlike France where most newsagents carry it.


Forget the little bit of metal for trolleys I'm still waiting for the tool kit offered with the repeat subscription payment of a couple of years ago...


No, sorry Lucie, I'm in no hurry to return.

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Guest caraprof
Bill - 2007-08-18 2:11 PM
Lucie Cranfield - 2007-08-17 9:33 AM * Savings on the cover price - if you choose to pay by DD - you pay £8 every 3 months, which saves you over £5 a year
No doubt there are a few poseurs who buy motorhomes just to impress the neighbours; the rest of us use ours for travelling. I don't want MMM delivered to my door, I want it available to me wherever I am. That means buying from the local newsagent at wherever my whim has taken me. Paying by DD means the mag is delivered to my home address, which I don't want. You need to think up something better. Maybe sell a book of discounted vouchers, one for each month of the year, which can be used to buy MMM from any newsagent

Brilliant idea! The newsagents would just love that! Having to send in a voucher, which they may get just once a year, to get their three quid. And then of course you'd have to hit the newsagent at exactly the right time when the magazine was delivered and before he sells out. All this of course is assuming that a newsagent in Little Plonking on the Wold even stocks MMM in the first place.

What is it with people today? If you are happy to have MMM each month, even if it does mean that it will be delivered whilst you're travelling and you catch up when you get home, then subscribe and save a few quid and guarantee actually getting one each month.

If this doesn't suit you then don't subscribe and buy it whenever you feel the urge.

And for Lucie, forget any of these crackpot, badly thought-out schemes such as discount vouchers and carry on just as you are! Whatever you do there will always be a few members of the awkward squad for whom it isn't good enough. Learn to ignore them!

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Norma - 2007-08-18 3:16 PM


I ended my subscription a year ago. Happy enough with an occasional copy. Having it delivered was an advantage as no where locally stocks the magazine. Unlike France where most newsagents carry it.


Forget the little bit of metal for trolleys I'm still waiting for the tool kit offered with the repeat subscription payment of a couple of years ago...


No, sorry Lucie, I'm in no hurry to return.


hey I'd forgotten about that - I never did get mine either!!

no longer subscribe to mag - and buy it infrequently - but do think this new site is excellent - much easier to use than the old MMM one - so thanks for that. (lol) (lol)



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Lucie Cranfield - 2007-08-17 9:33 AM




I work on the marketing of MMM for Warners Group Publications and would like to point out all the benefits that MMM subscribers get over other readers who buy their copy from the newsagents:


* Savings on the cover price - if you choose to pay by DD - you pay £8 every 3 months, which saves you over £5 a year


* Save on admission to all five Warners outdoor leisure shows, including shows at Peterborough and York


* Get early access to the MMM classifieds before other readers


* Free delivery direct to your door


* Free membership to the MMM Moneysavers Touring Club, which offers exclusive savings for members on a wide range of products, services and days out


* Benefit from half-price subscription offers to Which Motorcaravan and Out & About


Plus, a new benefit that will be announced with the September issue of MMM, which will offer all MMM members savings on 48 Best of British five star privately owned Touring and Holiday Parks.


Ofcourse, all MMM subscribers are issued with a membership card that enables them to take advantage of all of these benefits.



Thankyou Lucie but we are fulltime and so like to pickup our MMM where we are rather than wait until we pickup our post from our post address as I cant wait to read it. Thanks agan for great mag and site.Polly H
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