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MMM giveaways

Lucie Cranfield

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caraprof - 2007-08-18 4:03 PM


Brilliant idea! The newsagents would just love that! Having to send in a voucher, which they may get just once a year, to get their three quid.


What on earth is so difficult? All they'd have to do is log onto the MMM website, enter their voucher numbers, and within a few seconds the MMM computer would BACS the money into their account.


It wouldn't even cost them for a postage stamp.


If fraud turned out to be a problem (which I doubt) just use Modulus-11 CDV numbers.

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caraprof - 2007-08-17 11:20 PM
Champstar - 2007-08-17 11:23 AM Lucie I agree with John...the point is that should all not be treated the same. The worth of the gift is irrelevant in my eyes it is the principle

So what you are saying is that you don't want a discount for being a subscriber and having the magazine delivered every month, and that you should pay the same price as the person buying over the counter?

That's treating everyone the same isn't it?

If that is what you are suggesting then of course, you too should get the freebies!

Somehow though, I don't think that you actually want everyone to be treated exactly the same.

What I think that you really want is to have the cheaper price for your magazine, free delivery to your home but still get the silly little freebies that anyone with half a brain understands are purely for non-subscribers to persuade them to be subscribers.

Im sorry you think I have half a brain..but maybe my half brain with the highest academic qualifications you can get is better than your full one!!!!I do take exception to your manner against what was a point I was trying to make...do you not watch the tv adverts for nationwide BS where the banker..(yes banker!!) comes out with the sort of drivel you are spouting.I do take your point aboard..yes the mag is cheaper and is delivered but we do pay upfront..or I did as a yearly sub so they have my money and are getting interest on it!The point is and you either agree or not..we all cant agree....is that we are all customers and should be afforded the same rights as other whether they be cheap gimmicks or not does not matter. we are offered a discount yes..goodsometimes the mag is in shops before I get it..wronggimmicks and giveaways are part of the mag and should be given to all who purchase the mag ..including subscribers..end of..that is the point..not about some token or not!!!I dont want to offend anyone and appologise for any if taken but we are supposed to be adults and have an adult discussion about things..are we not.... (?)
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Guest caraprof

Yes, we are adults, but the salient points have been made about three times in this debate but still you bang on about everyone being  treated the same. I and others have pointed out that we're not the same!

Subscribers and casual buyers are on different terms, and I repeat, why should Warners send out a freebie, the sole purpose of which is to recruit subscribers, to people who are already subscribers?

What annoys me about this whole thing is the current attitude amongst many people, which is to shout 'unfair', 'rip-off' when there's something that isn't going entirely their way. Most of these assumptions are made without proper consideration or real thought and usually by those who only consider how they're being disadvantaged and who never consider the positive side of their position, which in this case is the discounts, delivery etc.

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I guess that we will never agree on this issue..and why should we...you have your opinion and I have mine..the world would be boring and mindless if we were all had the same mindset.


Think on this.....if you did not get any supplements, site guides etc..would you still feel the same about subscriptions?


If so and you are happy then fine....these are all marketing ploys..if not then why not printed in the mag.


Of course the mag wants to attract new customers..but once hooked..just throw them in the "keep net"...some may well just decide to jump and just pick up the odd edition now and again.


Me I look forward to my copy arriving and how useful a particular giveway is to me is debatable but if I do buy a mag..or subscribe all of its features should be available to me just as if I was buying a single copy at a shop.....this is the point and seems to be the problem with todays society....only attract new customers but once you are hooked..forget about you as really you are only a number.


I dont mean this in particular to MMM just to the way the corporate society works..remember BT when it lost a whack of customers...had to start looking after the one it had......

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But that is Frank's point, and I agree with him, we as existing customers are looked after by way of discounted costs and delivery to the door etc. You want everybody to be equal in this, existing subscribers and potential new customers alike but you don't want to pay the full cover price that potential new customers have to? Doesn't sound very equitable to me.



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There seems to be an inordinate amount of fuss about this.


Seems to me that, in the end, it ain't for anyone except the company themselves to decide on their magazine sales strategy, nor upon tactical business decisions about what to give-away, to which parts of their existing or potential customer base. (Unless any of you are actually shareholders in the company)


I guess we all need to remind ourselves that, like any other private sector business, they ain't a social service.

They are in business to maximise profit and return-on-capital for their shareholders (the people who have risked and continue to risk their own capital by investing in the company).


Just a couple of reminders about the realities of running a private-sector business:


1. The concept of "fair" simply does not exist in the real world of business.

Neither does the concept of "equitable".

On occasions it might suit companies to allow their customers to believe otherwise - but that is simply a marketing ploy to alter perceptions.


2. In the competitive world of profit-maximising business, you kill or be killed.

If you try a marketing tactic (freebies/discounts/add-ons, etc) and over time it adds to your trading profits without damaging your balance sheet (and thus reducing return-on-capital) to a greater degree, then you stick with it as a success. If not, then you try something else.


3. The only constant in the business world is change.

If you don't regularly review all the things you are doing, and analyse exactly which activities are generating the best/worst returns, sooner or later you're gonna fall behind and die.


I have absolutely no doubt that the company has been, is, and will continue to be driven be these imperatives, rather than by comments (whether well-thought-through, or ill-judged and demonstrating a lack of understanding of real-world business management) from any of us contributors on this forum.


I for one am enjoying the fact that the company provides and manages this forum at their own cost (ie FREE to you and me as users).


Throughout life, as a consumer, it is always for YOU make the decisions about how you respond to all business offers available to you from all and any companies seeking to make profits.


In this case, if, after weighing up all the pros and cons, you don't like the deal the company is offering you at the moment, then change it: if, on balance you'd now rather subscribe than take pot luck at the newsagent then do so. If vice-versa, then do so.


Now they've been in the publishing business for many years, and I reckon they probably know a whole lot more about how to run that business succcessfully than any of us lot.

And well done to them for offering a choice of what I believe (at present) to be value-for money packages, whichever option I decide to pick now, or in the future.








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The definitive response Bruce, well done that man - although I bet somebody will find a few nits to pick.


Let's hope this is the end of this thread. I really don't understand how something so trivial can generate so much heat. Maybe we have discovered a new renewable energy resource!!

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Old Git - 2007-08-20 4:19 PM


The definitive response Bruce, well done that man - although I bet somebody will find a few nits to pick.


Let's hope this is the end of this thread. I really don't understand how something so trivial can generate so much heat. Maybe we have discovered a new renewable energy resource!!

I think we have Old Git. It's called Frank! Just stoke him up and all the hot air will keep your computor running for days. :D
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Guest caraprof
And then, when the fire's more or less burnt out, some member of the awkward squad will come along and stoke the embers!
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Good retort Frank. Glad to see you took it in the manner it was intended. I'm the sort of bloke that would poke a sleeping crocodile with a stick. :D
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