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Ban on taking meat and dairy products abroad


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Not sure whether this is the correct part of the forum to post this, but here goes: we are due to go to France next Wednesday and in view of the recent Foot and Mouth restrictions I rang Defra this morning. They said that the ban on taking all meat and dairy products is still in force. I rang them because on the news it said that restrictions on animal movement had been relaxed, and she said that, yes, that was so, but the ban on taking food abroad is still in force.


Not that we take loads of stuff, but there is always something left in the fridge, like milk, cheese etc which we then take with us. Not so this time then, unless it changes before Wednesday.





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'Daily Mail' Friday 24th August page 22. "The export ban on Britsh meat and dairy products imposed after the foot & mouth outbreak is to be lifted tomorrow............"


We went through Cherburg in 2001 with our normal quota of butter, milk, steaks ect. whilst the ban fron that outbreak was still in effect and no one bothered to check us as we came off the ferry. I tend to do what the French do with most regulation: ignore them!


Enjoy your holiday, Mike.

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Just come back from a weekend away, weather so good didn't watch any tv. So, has anyone heard if the restriction on food has been lifted yet? We go to France on Thursday and the main thing I'm worried about is our dogs' food. And it would be good to at least be able to take some milk even if dried and spread for our morning toast.
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dogmad - 2007-08-27 12:55 PM


And it would be good to at least be able to take some milk even if dried and spread for our morning toast.


You dry milk and spread it on your morning toast? Can you recommend it?


(Sorry - know what you meant but couldn't resist being a smartass!)

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Export controls are being lifted - subject to additional vetinary supervision and certification - there is no mention about lifting ban on 'personal exports' ie your bacon butty.

There is a phone number quoted for enquiries

Public enquiries: 08459 335577

if you can find someone somewhere to answer it!!


if you're going to France you've probably had it - it'll take them several more weeks to lift the ban



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On one of the other forums somebody had received an email from Sea France this morning, saying.........


QUOTE: Latest from Sea France 10.00hrs 27/8/2007


Thank you for your e-mail.


I would like to advise you that the foot and mouth restrictions have now been lifted so you are able to take meat and dairy products with you.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Services Team on 0871 222 0711 and we will be happy to assist you.UNQUOTE


Must admit I find it a bit confusing, on the Defra website there is nothing specific about holidaymakers going abroad, or at least, I couldn't find it anywhere. That's why I rang them on Saturday, but as has been said, you do have to be VERY patient, the first time it rang for ages, then it sounded as though somebody answered, but the line then went dead, so had to start again.


From the above though, it would seem that the restrictions have been lifted.






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Found this http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroom/DG_069765


It supports the Sea France release quoted above, but still seems a bit confusing with "Updates" and "Please Notes" inserted at intervals. From a quick read it seems there are no longer any restrictions in force that would affect your fridge contents or dog food etc.


QUOTE "Please note: since 24 August 2007 the restrictions below no longer apply. Restrictions caused by the outbreak of foot and mouth disease have been eased." UNQUOTE.


"No longer apply" is not the same as "have been eased" (?) (?) (?) (?)

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Thanks for that.


Had a look at the link, I agree, it is confusing, as you say, "restrictions below no longer apply" means to me that you can take what you want. But "restrictions have been eased" means to me that there are still some restrictions in force, whatever they may be.


After reading it for the umpteenth time, it does say that "restrictions BELOW no longer apply" though, referring to an article underneath that, which stated that items like meat/meat products and milk/milk products WERE illegal to take at one point. So what I understand by that, is the food and drink which holidaymakers can take is no longer restricted.


The bit about "restrictions have been eased" I understand to refer to the surveillance zone in Surrey, as restrictions for cattle in that area are still in force, but have been eased.


Phew, you need to be a Philadelphia lawyer to try and make sense out of it, but that is how I interpret it. Why can't they make it more simple to read?


Not that we take a load of food with us, just the leftovers from the fridge, which always come in handy next morning, like milk and margarine/butter.



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If I were you I would take with me a printout of that website, and try to look as innocent as possible on the way out.


If you are unlucky enough to be stopped, offer the printout to the customs chappie and see if he can understand it any better than we can. Unless he is a total bar-steward he will sympathise with your grovelling protestations of innocence and do no more than swipe the contents of your fridge - and probably take them home for his supper!


Did I just say that :$

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Hi Dave


Yes, I will definitely print that page out and take it with me. We go on Wednesday and there are quite a few "dairy" products left in the fridge which we won't be able to get rid of before then. Yes, I know, there is always the bin, but being tightfisted and mean, that goes against the grain.


Wouldn't be surprised though at some jobworth going through everything and confiscating things to take home for his own benefit. Just on principle of course.


Won't print out and show your response though (lol)



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Clive - 2007-08-29 11:00 PM


Facts! Well thats booring. Opinion is far more contentious.


Nothing to keep the thread going now Clive, unless you can think of a suitable red herring.


Good to get it properly clarified though - thanks Pagey.

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And I thought it was only butter that you got 'clarified'? 8-)


Clive - you been at the same stuff that Michele and J9 have on the 'chatterbox' forum? You sound a bit silly my old chum .... I know, too many of those German frankfurters and beer!!! (lol)

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pagey - 2007-08-30 1:58 PM


course you can keep it going..ie the bacon has a label which says produced of denmark the milk says product of the eu and the anchor butter says made from new zealand butter i wonder if these would have been confiscated


:-D Of course they would. The Gendarmes like Bacon butties just as much as we do. (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Old Git - 2007-08-29 11:06 PM


Clive - 2007-08-29 11:00 PM


Facts! Well thats booring. Opinion is far more contentious.


Nothing to keep the thread going now Clive, unless you can think of a suitable red herring.


Good to get it properly clarified though - thanks Pagey.


is it ok to take red herrings ?

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Glad to hear the ban has been lifted and I can take a the essentials next week.


I would not have just taken a chance because for the last few years I have been stopped and searched each time I've used a large airport and also on the last two occasions travelling on the Dover ferries - my vehicle was pulled for checking by customs, going out and returning.


Exasperated, I complained and was informed it was because I conveniently fitted the profile for the half-dozen white, middle-aged, well-dressed males they had to (fruitessly) search in order to be able to search just one from the target group they are "not allowed to target". The lunatics have taken over the asylum..........







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