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Roof boxes


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Hi to all. Just joined as of now! Question, we have a Rapido 924F, and have purchased an Omnistor Top Box (approx 4'x3'). Has anyone any feedback as to how this will affect stability/mpg or any other comments. Also, is there a particular best place to mount, ie middle/back, to one side. The 'van has the usual factory fitted rack. Thanks in advance.
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Hi Campervanman, I always think that if anyone needs a top box, or a back box, they bought the wrong 'van for the job. But I hasten to add that what I think is often not right. I would avoid adding extra weight to a 'van outside the wheel base, specially behind the rear axle. Unless the box is very streamlined there will obviously be some drag, plus could catch trees, etc. Think of your 'van as delicately balanced and you will not go far wrong, weight added behind the back axle also lifts 'some' weight off the front wheels, so also think traction. Welcome to the Forum, you don't have to be mad but it does help!
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Yes Michele aerodynamics is most important on a motorhome. My last 'van was an Autotrail coach built, very square, big luton roof, VW Turbo. I now have an Autosleeper Legend on a non turbo Transit, very smooth and curvey, one piece GRP construction, really 'streamlined' and it out performs the old lighter square Autotrail in every way, including catching 'bow-waves' from fast coaches, cross winds etc. I put it all down to good aerodynamics, no extras like roof boxes etc. even the door mirrors have curved leading edges and the roof skylights have GRP built in deflecters.


And 'camperman' you can get a moulded GRP wind deflector to go in front of your roof box called a "Wind-slammer" I bought one so many years ago (perhaps 30 odd years back) I don't remember where it came from, but I expect someone on here knows where you could get one. Big artic: trucks have them on their cab roof to deflect the air around their big square trailer.

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Guess that'll be to put your chairs in? Stick in mid ships and it'll be no problem. You will of course increase the drag and increase fuel consumption but it's no big deal on average mileage and in terms of increased cost against what your van costs why worry if it's what you need to do. I've got the same van and don't use a top box but I've often considered it.

Bill Ord

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We put a top box on our ex-Rapido 709F, but soon removed it though, it caught the wind, made a noise and also caused a weird effect where it made the rear roof light 'lift' up and chatter as we went along, something to do with the way it deflected the wind as we travelled I suspect. It was a pain in the bum and even though it was good for storage it was also a nuisance having to go up top for bits and pieces. We had a shuffle of bits in our van and managed to do without it.
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We had one circa same size on our first M'home. (Elddis Envoy Wanderer). She was only 1.9T.D. (1997 model on 'Pug' base) It was fitted from date of purchase to the right (offside) rear corner running fore & aft so I had room to open it whilst standing (squatting) on near side of roof. It was home to numerous bits & pieces which we only used on the odd occassion so we have not bothered to have one fitted onto the new M'home. I recorded all miles, fuel used, costs ect and over the 56.700miles she travelled over the 9yrs 6mths we averaged 26.9m.p.g. As I always had it on I cannot comment on m.p.g. or handling without it!!


Regards, Mike.

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well I have a roof box and contary to RANGERs suggestion did not buy the wrong van. We are a family of four with loads of storage space on our garaged modell CI.

Our roof box is a fiama, quite a large model and for extra security I have drilled a new lock on to it.

As for aerodynamics I sort of see where people are coming from but mine is shaped, and further more only add an extra 30cm over the overall height.

It does inrease fuel use but only minor and certainly not to the extent of 67miles to the tank. My motorhome uses a lto of fuel anyway so you aint going to notice to much. fuel consumption is more dependant on the way you drive. I have just recorded 26 mpg to france, yet on the way home 22mpg due to speeding.


if you need the extra storage, use it. I often take mine off only using it for long periods away. As others have said getting stuff ot can be apain but I have two adventures young boys whom love climbing on the roof to get things out.

hope this helps.

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