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Hi All

I've decided to treat my self to a sat nav to go with my new motorhome, so far the Garmin C510 comes out favorite as it apparently has the ability to guide you round traffic jams, Has anybody got one or any thoughts on any alternatives


Cheers Dave :-)

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Hi Dave,


I have the MIO 269plus for the last 2 years and found it very good, to update the maps is going to cost around £100 and MIO support is not very good when compared with TomTom.


So will purchase the TomTom One Europe XL for around £200, it seems a good buy with very good on line support.


Have a good look at what TomTom can do that Garmin cannot do, before you buy.


Regards Terry

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Guest JudgeMental

I like garmin for two reasons, customer support and with some units you can plan trips on computer before downloading to GPS.

most GPS ar e simple A to B affairs....


thought of upgrading too new TT 720 but the number of problems reported on GPS forums has put me of.

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Small detail, but quite important. Look at the physical size of the brute. Garmin Nuvi for example is not much bigger than a packet of 20 fags, so very convenient for setting the position of your car or van in foreign parts. Then if you are a daft as me and have such poor directional sense you will never have to worry about where you left the vehicle. The Tom Tom (not the "One") is about the size of a small bungalow, so not so convenient for the above - or for wearing on your belt when you leave the vehicle.


Just a thought

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us needs one as big as a cinema screen old git - as us cant see it. apart from the occasional large havannah us dont smoke neither, so directions writ on the back of a fag packet aint no use either. dont matter what you buys today me ansums, theres always a better one out tommorrow.


fred? hes still using an 1962 AA handbook and he never got lost yet. is us loosing our brains to think i wonder. whatever does our kids think about us oldies scared to leave the ouse without sum electronic gizmo.


anyway my biddies, freds van knows its own way out of cornwall. pretty darn quick sumtimes!!!!!!!



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