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Selling V Trading-in


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Back again for a tad more advice lads and lasses.


As some of you were aware, I was trading in my van for £28,500 against one or two "not-quite-right" vehicles that were although not quite right were pretty good deals.


I am still no further into identifying the ideal van, even having looked around even more.


My conundrum now, is that I have just been offered £25,000 cash for the van.


It cost me £30,500 22 months ago, if I accept the £25,000 and include money spent on an new awning, that probably equates to £6,000 for a few trips in the UK and 9 weeks in total, spent abroad.


Now, is that relatively good value or do I a) try to do more legwork to source the ideal van and the ideal price whilst trying to coerce a dealer into matching the £28,500 (fat chance?) I've been offered in part-ex.


Or do I b) take the money, accept my losses but drive a very hard bargain when offering cash to a UK dealer or private seller or even buy a LHD from abroad?


Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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Guest JudgeMental

Either a car or motorhome, if you sell within the year you are going to loose a considerable amount - as it depreciates as soon as you drive it of the dealers forecourt.


More worrying regards your posts is you seem no nearer a decision on what to get and may be lining yourself up for another expensive mistake...*-)


is cash offer from a dealer?


have you even tried to sell by advertising yourself?


Sell privately and buy abroad.

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Jeez! Give me some credit mate!


I took your advice and seem to have sold it privately via ebay.


I've even started looking on www.mobile.de as well!


My problem with all of that is whilst I speak four languages, Deutsch is not one of them, I haven't really got the time to be taking chances abroad and I remain to be convinced on the LHD issue both in terms of appeal to others and resaleability.


Like I have said at length it's not a question of me driving the thing (I'm half Spanish for Christ sakes) it's more shifting the bleeding thing when I resort back to long haul hols when the kids are old enough.


Sadly, I see a motorhome as enough of a problematic beast to sell, let alone when I'm faced with convincing Darby and Joan that not only are those bunk beds a good idea but that LHD is a zinch etc. etc.


You're right on one thing, I just can't make my mind up about layouts and classes.

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It was nine months old and I think they were about 35K new. Got it for £30,500 and have now decided to sell 18 months on at £25,000 just to enable me to go anywhere rather than being tied to one or two dealers.


As a rule of thumb a typical dealer generally knocks £2K off a £40K vehicle for cash but is only giving me £25-26K for mine. But that's without playing hard ball.


I may try getting one privately but at least now I can bide my time and only jump if I'm really going to recoup some of that lost £5.5K.


The problem is, the more I see the more the more confused I get about layouts. I do like Hymer A Classes like the B644 and B614, but I also like the new Transit cab. And then there's Merc Rapidos with GPR sides and Artos 69s that seem relatively cheap for what they are... Heavens above I even found a British rear lounge Lunar Roadstar 726 appealing at Campbells yesterday... and that is saying something for me!



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I'm hoping I have got it just about right. I have an Autosleeper Legend, monocoque fibreglass caravan part, good aerodinamics, no coachbuilt joints to leak, no wooden frames to rot, on a rear wheel drive Ford Transit automatic with L.S.D. traction controll. When the time comes I think it will sell easily in a private sale, or part-ex for a car. Well hope so anyway. There are often people looking for, but can't find a preloved automatic motorhome, except for masive Yank R.V.s, and you can't go far wrong with a Transit, there must be millions on the roads. Private sale makes more money as long as there is nothing wrong with the 'van, when you may have probems of the new owner giving a lot of hassle if some thing goes wrong with the 'van.
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To summarise.

1  You've have had your present van for 22 months, but now find it is not what you really want.  (However, you don't say what it is about the current van you don't like.)

2  You've now had an offer on your present van but don't much like it, and you don't yet know what to replace it with.

3  You think you may get more money by trading your present van instead of selling it for cash but, due to 2 above, you don't know what to trade it against.

A simple suggestion. 

For now, do the research, and work out exactly what it is you actually want.  When you know that, you'll know how much it will cost and, if it's a European as opposed to a UK manufactured van, you can find out how much it would cost in Europe, and so whether buying abroad would be wothhwhile. 

In the meantime, keep the van you have.  Then, when you've decided what will relace it, you can explore ways of selling. 

You may do better with a private sale (but remember, you have to actually get the money in your hands before the deal is secure), you may do better with a trade.  It will very much decide what you decide to get. 

You won't get realistic trade in prices from dealers unless you tell them exactly what you want, because they need to work out their margins before they can give you a firm trade in price.  Until you do that, all you'll get is Scotch mist.  Do the research!

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The thing we don't like about our current van is the fact that we have just had a baby and it is far too cramped. 3 weeks in Italy told us that in no uncertain terms. We could persevere but by holding on to it we will have to service it now and MOT it next March and then look forward to an equally cramped holiday in Corsica next year.


I thought I'd try and trade it in because traditionally the market is flatter at this time of year with plenty of 07 models available with discounts. To be honest I've never really been one for identifying the ideal van and going out and paying full whack for it because I know damn well, what was my ideal van 18 months ago can rapidly become a not so ideal one.


Trade in at £28500 was very acceptable but obviously this was restricted to vehicles which the dealer was more willing to shift and us less willing to buy.


Sadly as you probably know, we are also aware that families are moveable feasts and that 1 may become 2 and so on.


We've been offered £25,000 which obviously seems low compared to the £28500 trade in but on a par with what most dealers would have given us against certain vehicles that once again seem to suit without being totally ideal.


Believe me I've done a hell of a lot of research but finding a) the ideal van at b) the right price is proving difficult.


When there was just the two of us, it's seemed a lot easier, I must say, but trying to predict how things will develop constrains how you view certain vans.


I love A Class Hymers but the budget only stretches to ones that are more than 3 years old unless I go abroad. But the thing with that is that I really don't want to have to shift a LHD import in 5 years time.

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Guest JudgeMental

First of all, I am not a mind reader thats why I ask questions. most of us enjoy the process of research & buying, it doesn't sound like your enjoying much and seem somewhat dazed and confused :-D


The £28.500 PX figure you keep torturing yourself with is an Illusory figure as a dealer giggles around his figures to make them seem attractive to buyers. and like you say was based on getting rid of old stock.


what is your van worth? there are plenty of Hymers around should be straightforward identifying its value. if unhappy with offer try another couple of ebay adds. although not the best time to sell a van a great time to be striking a deal as dealers will be starting to do slow business


until you identify which new van you want its very hard to know what to do for the best. it really helps going to a decent show like Düsseldorf.


You will love Corsica (maybe not the roads) :-D


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hi jackal,

buying from germany is a breeze as most germans speak extremely good english. if your'e looking at a 644 look at the 680 as well, same layout but based on the sprinter chassis as here -http://www.motorhomefacts.com/advert-view-details-696.html -

biased i suppose as i'm selling it :-D :-D tell me what you've got and may swop


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I too endorse the view that your first, and by far your most important consideration, is to determine exactly what you need. Taking into account any further family planning, naturally.

The rewards of a good quality, reliable ‘van that is right for you, will perhaps relegate the issue of the simple economics to the back of your mind.

I’m staggered that anyone would shell out tens of thousands of pounds for something that isn’t exactly what they want.

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Thanks for all your kind words.


If anything though, I feel I do have to defend myself, just a little.


Given limited funds, I do feel that everything is a compromise and that is why I have asked for advice about the right thing to do and that is also why my posts may possibly give the impression that I am not enjoying shopping around.


For example, an older A Class is desirable but it is after all is said and done, older. More money will have to be spent on MOTs and so on. A LHD import sounds good but what happens if I buy the right one for me but the wrong one for everyone else, when I come to sell it. I wouldn't personally dream of a motorhome with an oven or a TV, and yet, try and sell a Brit a motorhome without one...


My original post asked for info regarding values. I really have no idea whether £6K depreciation is acceptable or not and that's why I asked the question. It seems high but I have nothing to compare it to. The value of something is only what someone is willing to pay for it. I tried to sell privately for £28K but had no takers. I started again for £25K and had 3 takers.


As far as other vans like mine are concerned, I have seen an 04 version of my own van selling for £32K in Brownhills but that doesn't really say that much now does it? i) We all know what Brownhills are like, ii) Will they ever actually sell it? iii) Is it exactly the same? iv) They're a dealer.


I mean it's not like there's a Parkers guide for these things now, is there?


As far as buying something you don't want for a lot of money is concerned, I'm actually staggered that anyone can say, hand on heart, that there isn't anything that they would change about their current motorhome, house, wife, kids etc. etc.



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I think you have a great deal more research to do, both on the vehicle you think you want and also the social side of your life.


We've lived in the same house for 50 years and have been married for 53, with children.


I've no desire to change anything. The M/home I intend to keep till I die or cannot manage it.


Changing your hobbies and personal life style is seriously expensive, with some dedicated planning you should be able to reap many benefits.



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Looking then purely at the economics, I'd hazard that £6K loss over 22 months is not extreme. Especially given that with the introduction of all the new base vehicles this year. All 'older' base vehicle models are bound to be affected by this. Bear in mind that some folk buy brand new, realise they've made a mistake, and within a year lose way more than the figures you are talking about.

As to the new purchase, it seems to me that you are setting too much store by its resale before you've bought it. Fashions change in a surprisingly short time and today's must-have is tomorrow's lemon.

It seems that you already have an idea of the fundamentals that might appeal most to the resale market in the UK, so I don't think anyone can really add much here for you.

I personally think though, as I said before, that if you take your time and get exactly what you want; rather than a 'near-enough', you will feel far less concerned about moving it on.

We aren't motor traders, we buy the things to use and enjoy. It's an expensive hobby - hard fact!

Mine is losing money every day, I'll struggle to sell it - and I'll lose a mint. I don't give a rat's *** though because it does everything I want it to and I'm not in the slightest bit concerned about fad or fashion.

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Having sold two vans within the last eight months, this is my findings.

1) forget about px prices and asking prices. It's what its going to cost you to change that counts.


2) The first sale was a B694 LHD 2000 import model, went within a couple of weeks, sold through a dealer. We had the M/H for just over two years and got what we paid for it. The couple who bought it intended to spend a lot of time abroad, so LHD was preferred.


3) The second van we sold, bought in a rush thinking we could make do, after one night realised we had made a mistake. Again sold on commision through a dealer. This was a B664 RHD Brownhills supplied. Again got our money back, but took several months to sell.


Conclusion if you are looking at german vans then I dont think the LHD is an issue. Both the M/.H's where A Class and I think the larger ones are easier to sell, due to alot of people having ideas of spending months away in the sun, so require more space. The RHD B664 11 months old with loads of extras and uprated chassis,even though it was the bargain of a life time took a long time to sell, I am convinced it was more to do with size at 6mtrs than price. We sold through dealers on a commision basis, while we may have acheived more money selling it ourselves, for me the lack of aggro by selling this way was worth it. We got a good discount off our purchase then let them sell the B664 for more to us than the px price. However you do have to be in a position to be able to finance this, but you could let a dealer sell yours first. I also found dealers where more responsive if you knew what you was looking for, or at least what you don't wont.

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Jackal - 2007-09-06 12:28 AM


I mean it's not like there's a Parkers guide for these things now, is there?






hi jackal,

well actually there is :-D but it is a glass's guide rather than parkers. if you go to the glass's site and give them a phone and ask whether they do such a thing then they will send you a copy of the car book and one for caravans/motorhomes, but don't tell them you are a private individual but perhaps thinking of selling m/homes as a business!



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What a top reply, thanks very much! Has to be the best bit of advice on here. It's true it's a costly business and I suppose that is what makes any decision so scary. The experiences we've had far outweigh the cost, mind but you're right to point out that if the van is correct for us five years down the line we won't care so much about the resale value.




Thanks for the advice on the dealers. You breaking even puts my loss into perspective though!




I'd obviously heard of Glass' but didn't realise they did a motorhome version. Very interesting. If that is the case and the many dealers I've been to have used it I'm quite happy that the price I've just got for the vehicle is not a million miles away from what they were offering me, albeit in part-ex.




I'm not sure I know how to take your reply, so won't bother replying just in case I'm misreading its patronising tone. Not quite sure what you know about the social side of my life but let's leave it there, hey?

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