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Lost to Moroccan Customs


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Our first few days in Morocco my Oyster Satellite system broke down "the LNB arm wouldn't come down fully and I was getting fault messages on the selector switch. I phoned the company that fitted the system and they contacted their supplier who told them " if I sent the pieces that weren't working to them in Yorkshire they would send me replacements" which they did. TNT Morocco called me " you have a parcel in Customs Casablanca and they will contact you " which they did. Customs told me to "find a Hotel with a fax and we will send you a form to sign and have it stamped officially and fax it back to us" the form was to say I'm willing to pay the duty. This took best part of a day but I did it. Next day Customs asked me to fax a copy of my passport which I did although I showed my passport at the Police station whilst signing the form. Then to top it off they wanted me to photo copy three pages of my passport and send by post along with the form but by this time we had no address as the people we were with wanted to move on and no way did we want to travel on our own in Morocco. I phoned the company who had fitted the system and told them no matter what I did Customs where making me jump through hoops, that I had no address now and could they make sure the parcel was returned to England. That was in January. We never received the equipment and the company that sent it to us do not accept responsibility for it not being recovered. Have I any redress against the company or am I fighting a lost cause?

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Transleisure Ltd is the company that supplied Premier Motors who fitted the system to our Motorhome. Transleisure is the sole supplier of all Oyster satellite systems, so I believe. To be fair they did send a replacement but they won't chase up TNT their Currier who were supposed to deliver to me once the duty was paid and I couldn't pay duty if Customs wouldn't tell me what they wanted. My wife sent a letter two weeks ago to Transleisure and enclosed a stamped addressed envelope asking what they would do about this situation but as yet we've had no reply. The thing is I did warn them that we were moving on and for them to retrieve it from Customs.
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Sounds to me like Transleisure and premier did all that was asked of them and the Morroccan customs are the problem. Transleisure supplied replacement parts as requested, Premier had them sent to Morrocco, TNT delivered them as requested. I don't quite understand why you expect any of these three businesses to sort this out, you chose to move on and not "jump through the hoops" set out by Morroccan customs.



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You're right Dave Customs are the villains in this saga. The jumping through hoops was my way of saying they were making it impossible for me to pay the duty. We didn't just shrug our shoulders and say to hell with this we're off. I paid £360 to send it back to England via DHL I paid for an interpreter for two days that got me nowhere. I had to much invested in this to give up lightly. The question is how difficult would it have been for Transleisure to retrieve it and bill me their costs. TNT did not deliver it to my address Camping International Taghzoute, next stop is the Dessert I couldn't just pop in at Customs Casablanca.
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So the moral probably is don,t buy an Oyster system then is it?.

Lots of other similar systems on display at Dusseldorf.


Which one is best?


We may specify some satellite TV system for our next camper as I miss the soaps when in southern France.


(Sad or what)



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I'm sorry but how on earth was the delivery of a part to Morroco ever going to go through smoothly?

It seems to me this was always going to be too ambitious which I could understand being attempted if the broken part was a vital mechanical item.

Asking a delivery Company to retrieve a parcel from customs would ring all sorts of alarm bells with them about drug importing.

Do you seriously think a delivery company could say to them"Sorry about that can we have our parcel back"


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The ease with which we buy over the internet in the UK can lead us to a false sense of security which may well evaporate if we try to do the same thing on travels overseas. Things are far simpler than they where even 20 years ago but that won't necessarily apply outside the EU.


If you are in one country and order goods from another you are, legally, the Importer. The transaction will be covered by the laws of the country you are in, internationally accepted conventions and the laws of the exporting country.


Generally, who is responsible for what elements of the total cost will depend on the terms of sale/delivery you agree with the exporter. This can range from ex-works, i.e. the factory/warehouse gate right through every possible permutation up to delivered to your door with all Duties paid.


Beware, though, that you may be held legally responsible for the shipment by the authorities of the importing country and even fairly innocuous items of technology or chemicals, etc may be subject to special rules such as import or export licencing. For example, what you might consider ordinary computing components may be deemed to have "dual use", which in practice means potential military application. Similarly, some seemingly harmless electronic items or household chemicals, if shipped by air, may be classed as "dangerous goods" requiring special packaging and legal declarations or even forbidden.


Many African and Asian countries rejoice in the fact that they took British 19th Century bureaucracy and perfected it, and you may face a lost cause if you try to go it alone. Multi-billion pound trading companies have highly skilled staff who gnaw their desks in frustration trying to get shipments of goods past Customs in countries not a million miles from Morocco so the independent motorhomer is unlikely to have a happy experience.


If I had to do it, i.e. the parts were fundamental to the continuance of my journey, I would first talk to the local British Embassy's/ Consulate's "Commercial Officer" and ask him/her to recommend a competent, English-speaking Customs Clearance and Handling Agent who could deal with the port or airport at which the goods will arrive. I would speak to that company, deal with a named individual throughout, if possible, face to face, obtain their advice regarding international carrier, ask how long it would take to clear customs and about whether there is a fast track option etc. (Being wary not to imply I am offering bribes, just payment of legitimate, express fees.) I would obtain, in writing, a quotation for their services which specified the goods (useful if the Port's Customs subsequently take a dislike to them) and all the duties and charges payable locally and at least an indication of timescale for Clearance.


I would take my agent's advice on terms of sale because it may be best, depending on country, to specify that the supplier includes delivery up to the port/airport but then contract my local agent to arrange clearance and either collection in person from his premises or delivery to my local address.





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Agree totally with AW - All Mid East states are an absolute nightmare when it comes to customs and general bureaucracy.


East African States are in my experience almost as bad. My wife and I visited my brother in Kenya some years ago - she was on a passport in her maiden name so on an internal flight from Nairobi to Mombassa all was OK until we flew back - despite our being able to see her name on the list - the check in clerk insisted that we paid a 100 Kshillings as her name was different to the rest of us.


I would have paid but my brother, who knew this "trick", just blocked the check in queue and would not move. After 10 minutes of truly amazing eye to eye glaring between the two of them, suddenly the check in clerk said "Ah" I have found her! - no problem now - you go through - have a nice flight!!!!"


If you are going to North Africa in your MH (or caravan) - go light and do not expect the same level of bureaucratic efficiency that we enjoy in the UK.


If you are going to travel extensively in Africa then leave the expensive kit behind - it will just make you a target.


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Clive - 2007-09-03 10:27 PM So the moral probably is don,t buy an Oyster system then is it?. Lots of other similar systems on display at Dusseldorf. Which one is best? We may specify some satellite TV system for our next camper as I miss the soaps when in southern France. (Sad or what)


Agree with you re sat TV. We've had a Oyster Vision 2 fitted to our new van & after 3 weeks touring deepest Bavaria, no probs at all.

Even trees in line of view presented no probs.Piccies to show as well.


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I phoned Premier to tell them I had a problem, they phoned back to say if I send the part to transleisure they would send a replacement to me in Morocco . I honestly thought the company sending it knew what they were doing, after all it was their suggestion "which I was happy with" I didn't see any problem. A friend we were traveling with was speaking to Bill of Transleisure on a personal matter using Skype and mentioned me, saying "would there not be problems this end" , Bill answered "no I deal with Arabs all the time". We are not seasoned travelers, we only bought the MH July 06 and had the satellite fitted Oct 06 and never used the MH till we left for Morocco on Boxing day. Dave I used DHL to send it, they used TNT to send it back. Premier have done all that they can. Transleisure reluctantly asked TNT to claim it as lost. TNT said "no he refused to pay the duty". I tried every which way to pay the duty and have sworn affidavits to back me up .
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Clive - 2007-09-03 10:27 PM So the moral probably is don,t buy an Oyster system then is it?.

Hi Clive,

I agree with Thai Bry, i've had an Oyster system fitted by Transleisure for a couple of years and it works extremely well.

My only slight concern is that the instructions supplied were in German. I had a chat with one of their senior guys at the Peterborough show about this and he said, "no problem, e-mail the Company and they will send out the UK version". After three e-mails without even the courtesy of a reply I have come to the conclusion that the product is very good, but their after sales customer service requires a little more time and energy.

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I would have found it more amazing if you had managed to get your delivery sorted out, wonderful country to travel through so much to see and do, but very very different and think it would be very unfair to blame the the company who did what you asked and dispatched it to you, but would certainly not be put off Morocco, with a different experience around every corner. Carol. *-)
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Hymer C 9. - 2007-09-04 8:00 PM


I would have found it more amazing if you had managed to get your delivery sorted out, wonderful country to travel through so much to see and do, but very very different and think it would be very unfair to blame the the company who did what you asked and dispatched it to you, but would certainly not be put off Morocco, with a different experience around every corner. Carol. *-)


"Unfair on the company" I had never actually used the system. It worked when they fitted it and was talked through the programmes. That was Oct, it went into storage till we loaded up at Xmas for our first trip abroad. While I was loading it worked. In Morocco it wouldn't. I phoned to say I had a problem not knowing what anyone could do considering where we were. The two companies decided if I send my piece back they would send a replacement. When we asked if there would be problems because we are in Morocco, the company assured us that they had extensive experience in dealing with Arab States and were confident that there would not be a problem.

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A W - 2007-09-04 7:09 AM


I'm sorry but how on earth was the delivery of a part to Morroco ever going to go through smoothly?

It seems to me this was always going to be too ambitious which I could understand being attempted if the broken part was a vital mechanical item.

Asking a delivery Company to retrieve a parcel from customs would ring all sorts of alarm bells with them about drug importing.

Do you seriously think a delivery company could say to them"Sorry about that can we have our parcel back"


I agree, is there a prize for the most naive post of the week? People should be more astute if they are going to visit Morroco or they will be hung out to dry.

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sorry joinging this discussion so late, can you tell me why you want a sat dish when Africa is just outside your front door? Why do people drive so far to watch sat tv? is there a uk motorhome record out there to be broken? i always go away to get away, the only thing i would want to see are the footie results and corrie. That can be recorderd on SKy+ or your PC with the right software.

You state you didn't feel safe traveiling on your own and having to leave your mate if you moved on hence why you couldnt sort it out. But you dont think you look a bit of target with a giant sat dish stunk out side or on top of yourr van.

Each to themselves and good luck with sorting out what ever your sorting now. But as I sit here arfter an nice pre bed JD and coke, I cant help wandering.

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