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It really depends where in Italy you're heading,


we like the Dolomites and don't like tolls, so have done Calais, Dunkirk, Lille, Luxembourg, Metz, Nancy, Mulhouse, Zurich, Davos, Zernez, Bolzano. Nearly all dual carriageway until deep in Switzerland but need a vignette.


also done a southern route via Geneva and Vallee d'Aostafor Genoa and Pisa


Via Michelin routefinder very helpfull, options for missing tolls etc and several settings, fas, slow, sightseeing, recommended etc., and with speed camera locations


But we usually go now via Luxembourg, Germany, Austria (avoiding m'ways and vignette) ,



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Guest JudgeMental
yesmad - 2007-09-22 12:58 PM


We are new to this forum and are hoping to get our first M/H next month with a view to touring Europe. Could you tell us what a vignette is?




Welcome Steve!


there is a good search facility on here where you will find lots of old threads with specific advice on every motorhome topic under the sun. just remember to click on "date limit" and select "all posts"


A Vignette is a sticker that you get at swiss border, for I think about £22 ish (if twin wheel - over 3500kg it is more) it allows free use of motorways and tunnels and is valid for a year.




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Just for clarity. Vignettes are not applicable to vehicles over 3500kg, you need paperwork from the border custom office. The rates are also different, cheaper at first but then very expensive.


Use the forums 'search' facility (Swiss Road Toll Vignettes - All Posts) for fuller info.

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