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With any luck then my free sim card should be here soon.

Problem is I then need a new phone as mine is too old to take the software.

And so it goes on!

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starspirit - 2007-09-26 9:50 PM


I doubt my 5 year old Nokia has such modernities so it looks like a new phone after all.


B-) Up until recently. We have been using our unlocked Nokia 5110 for the last 7 years (and counting) using a Data Cable and the Nokia Data Suite. While on this camp site we are using the Wifi. ;-)

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Ralph - 2007-10-20 4:50 PM Card(s) arrived! And there's a bonus. Free Internet for the first 10 days so once I get it going (not tried yet) I should be able to iron out the problems for free. :-D I'll let you know...

Well thank goodness for that Ralph . . . hopefully mine will be along soon.

I know a lot of companies say "allow 28 days for delivery but these guys actually meant it :-) )

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Hi all, we've been out and about again in our 'van. We went to the NEC on Friday and I had a look at the "PocketSurfer", a hand held gadget for internet browsing and email. Goodness but it was slow! Using my mobile phone as a modem for my laptop my own website's front page took 25 seconds to fully load with just two bars of signal strength on the phone. The Pocketsurfer hadn't completed the same page download after well over 1 minute and it has a pitifully small screen at just 640 pixels wide (about 5"X2") and the keyboard is horrible. At £180 I wasn't impressed. I did use my mobile with my laptop to look in this morning and it still works well. The AV software I use did an update download and I was getting an average download speed of 4.5KB/second which I felt was acceptable.



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  • 3 months later...

Yes I know this is a pretty old thread now but I've only just got a phone that seems to work with it as my old one(s) weren't compatible.


I can now get the Nokia PC suite to make a connection! BUT I don't get a lot further. I can check my e-mail with Outlook Express and it tells me how many messages I have, goes into download and then just hangs. The connection then seems to time out (?) and drops.

I get similar thing with web browsing. I'm connected but when I try to open a page nothing happens and then the connection drops.


Anybody else managed to get it going?



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Hello - If you can get on to the internet and see pages - then the connection is working properly. However, when it comes to e-mail, your laptop will have been set up to send and receive e-mails from your home connection. So, for example, if you are with Tiscali internet, your send and receive will be set up for Tiscali and since you will be connected to your Telephone Povider's internet, this will have different settings and will not work.


You can obtain and set up different settings to match the telephone setup, but the best way to get e-mail while you are out and about is to go on to the internet, go to the home page of your internet provider - for Tiscali it would be www.tiscali.co.uk - for BT it would be www.btopenworld.com etc etc. On that home page, there will be a link to their e-mail. Click on that, enter your user name and password and lo and behold, you will have your current e-mail and you will also be able to send from there. The nice thing about this way of getting your e-mail is that it doesn't download on to your computer so you save on connection time and when you get back home to your 'proper' internet provider, Outlook Express will then bring in all the e-mail that you have looked at using the phone/laptop.


Hope that lot makes sense. Cheers - Bill


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Thanks Bill but alas it's not so simple. THe laptop is set for using any network connection and one is provided via Bluetooth in this case.


Using the Nokia suite the phone connects to the Internet OK via GPRS. I know the connection is there because I can use my e-mail program (Outlook Express in this case) and it checks and tells me that I have 2 new messages. It then attempts to download those messages but fails.

In the case of web browsing it doesn't actually find any pages at all.


I would suspect that it won't ever work (as they expressly forbid it anyway) but Dave Newell has had it working in this way so it must be possible.


When connected to the Internet I get a Network 10 address and a DNS address so it seems that DHCP has worked OK but I apart from the mail check as described above I haven't managed any data transfer.





I just tried to connect to the T-Mobile homepage that the phone uses and it worked, but only once! When I tried again it failed. Grrrr.....


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