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Guest Jen's Grumpy Git

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Guest caraprof

I'm appalled by all this arguing! You'll never catch us men doing that. Take a breather ladies and get back to being ethereal wisps of fragrant feminine fecundity and fabulousness.

No, I don't know what I'm talking about either.

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Guest caraprof
Jen's Grumpy Git - 2007-09-11 11:17 PM If you aren't a shirt lifter you should be

I've said this before and I'll say it again: I am not gay, I just help them out when they're busy.

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Jen's Grumpy Git - 2007-09-11 10:24 PM


Er !! Excuse me .......Is that a motorhome as your picci or have you reversed an old van into the back of an old caravan?




You can give it but can you take it..NOT




and what have I done to deserve that? I wouldn't dream of commenting on your motorhome, and I would thankyou for not criticising mine.


Just because I can't afford anything fancy, doesn't mean I don't have feelings.

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Guest caraprof
the tortoise - 2007-09-12 8:04 AM I must say that, having read the contributions on this and other threads, I am amazed that Warners haven't stepped in. I personally do not find the apparent homophobia amusing.

Well you wouldn't would you?

But this is the crux of the real debate today. There is no doubt that some people find homosexuality unnatural and repulsive. But we are no longer allowed to have such thoughts or to voice our opinions.

There's been a wonderful example in the story of the two gay men who were jailed recently after they fostered a boy and then abused him. The council social workers were loathe to take any action because these two men were shining examples of the council's liberal attitude and were in fact lauded as proof of it.

Consequently a young boy endured years of abuse which may affect him for life. I wonder how many of the really guilty ones will lose their jobs? None I can guarantee as most local governments seem to have a 'no fault' ethos.

Finally, I state categorically that I am not homophobic myself. I'm of the 'live and let live' variety and as long as what others do does not impinge on me or on the general welfare of society, I couldn't care less what members of either sex do to or with each other.

What I do object to however, is a state that tries to make us accept, by force of legislation, attitudes that are obviously repulsive to a great many of its subjects, the result of which is a society where you can no longer make even a bit of a joke without being branded 'something phobic'!

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J9withdogs - 2007-09-12 8:27 AM


Jen's Grumpy Git - 2007-09-11 10:24 PM


Er !! Excuse me .......Is that a motorhome as your picci or have you reversed an old van into the back of an old caravan?




You can give it but can you take it..NOT




and what have I done to deserve that? I wouldn't dream of commenting on your motorhome, and I would thankyou for not criticising mine.


Just because I can't afford anything fancy, doesn't mean I don't have feelings.

:D :D Sore loser I dont think I done anything either but me and my cronies are in trouble ! Oh dear I,m sure we will survive. ;-)
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Excuse me, but why has this turned into a thread about gays ?


Our newest "I'm clever 'cos I fink I learned a few women jokes that have never been heard before " (YAWN) has found to his dismay that he will never win a popularity contest or indeed an intellegence prize at a school fete, that said, he should get along fine with one or two members here then.


And really, taking the mick out of J9's M/home, Tell me JGG is that a lickle sports car you are posing on, you know what they say about that dont you ?


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Today’s resistance to more enlightened attitude and tolerance is tomorrow’s cringe worthy reflection.

If someone like Frank were to address one of his society meetings with the opener of Ladies, Gentlemen and Niggers, what would the reaction be?

How did you just feel? 

I don’t in theory support the notion of the state intervening, but given the short-sightedness and idiocy of some of the views on here, doubt that there is an alternative. 

I never thought I’d say this; but people would do well in these circumstances to heed the tortoise.

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I think you have surpassed yourself this time, Frank.


It has nothing to do with freedom of speech - it has everything to do with civility.


I have many friends, some are gay, some are black, some have disabilities both mental and physical, some are rich and some are poor.


But they are my friends, and I love them for who they are, not what they are.


I will stick up for them if anyone should think that they are in any way less worthy of our respect.


Let's stick to jokes about the failings of men versus women - at least we can defend ourselves.

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Guest caraprof
J9withdogs - 2007-09-12 3:47 PM I think you have surpassed yourself this time, Frank. It has nothing to do with freedom of speech - it has everything to do with civility. I have many friends, some are gay, some are black, some have disabilities both mental and physical, some are rich and some are poor. But they are my friends, and I love them for who they are, not what they are. I will stick up for them if anyone should think that they are in any way less worthy of our respect. Let's stick to jokes about the failings of men versus women - at least we can defend ourselves.

I've surpassed myself! What have I done? This is the last bit of my post:

Finally, I state categorically that I am not homophobic myself. I'm of the 'live and let live' variety and as long as what others do does not impinge on me or on the general welfare of society, I couldn't care less what members of either sex do to or with each other.

What I do object to however, is a state that tries to make us accept, by force of legislation, attitudes that are obviously repulsive to a great many of its subjects, the result of which is a society where you can no longer make even a bit of a joke without being branded 'something phobic'!

And I stick by it. My point is that the state interferes too much in our lives. A lot of what I say is tongue in cheek but whilst I actually agree that legislation is sometimes necessary to change public attitudes there are some things that people will never agree on and the state should not force people to accept what to them is unacceptable.

Take homosexuality. To some people the male homosexual act is abhorrent. My attitude is that I couldn't care less if that's what such men wish to do, as long as it doesn't impinge on me or the good order of society.

But to force religious people for example to have to employ homosexuals in their faith schools, is disgraceful.

Homosexuality is nothing like race or disability. It is a subject on which there is no answer. Some will always think it an aberration and wrong and that should be their right. I don't think that gays should be persecuted for their orientation but neither do I think that everyone should be forced to love them.

I remember some years ago an organisation called P.I.E. It stands for Paedophile Information Exchange and was a group of men who lobbied to make sex with young people legal. They claimed that youngsters were just as capable as adults to enjoy physical relationships and if they'd had their way the state would now be forcing us to accept that view.

This of course was well before the current almost hysterical attitude to paedophiles that we have today.

Finally, I have never said anything derogatory about homosexuals, except an obviously jokish remark about helping them out while they're busy, a remark which I could have applied equally to sado-masochists or leather fetishists.

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