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Creative writing No2 not to be spoilt please


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...,Janine could do nothing as the dark shape approached.


"Think you could spoil it for me did ya?" Franks deep voice pierced the silence.


"But Frank, I wasn't going to tell really, I just said that to shut them up!"


Who was it that planted those dodgey mags in my van, was it you or one of the others?"


It was one of the others, but don't ask me to tell you, I've taken a sacred oath never to tell."


" We'll see about that. Suppose I tell you taht your friend Michele is in my clutches and unless you sqeal, she will!"


" OK Frank, you win". Janine sobbed


But as Frank moved in to hear the secret another shadow passed across the blinds.


Lit from behind by the awning light of a motorhome parked outside the well known shadow of Howie the Gogglemonster could be seen coming to the rescue.


"Unhand her you cad, or by Frankia I'll not be responsible for my actions!"


Frank moved away and......

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Dave Newell - 2007-10-17 3:17 PM


Right about this time Peter was coming round from the anaesthetic after his haemeroidectomy. The ward sister came over to check he was feeling allright to which he replied "not too bad thanks but who parked a truck up my arse?" Ah yes said the sister, when we do this operation we pack the anus with quite a lot of wadding to absorb the bleeding but don't worry it will work its way out in time". Oh boy thought Peter, I don't know which is the bigger pain in the arse, this or that ruddy Laughton pestering me.


Frank stood in the court room listening to the charges against him being read out . His black eye was evident as was his broken finger and his dirty clothes,yet know one mentioned them ,or indeed seemedto take any notice. He smiled grimly at his wife and shook his head in a gesture of denial .

He was being accused of proviing Motorhomes guns and plans of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice .

Franks solicitor Victor meldrew ,stood up and cleared his throat loudly .

Your Honour Judge ,Eddie this man has never been in trouble in his life :D He has never been in trouble with the law before. He is innocent of any crime and I would like to propose bail on his own recognisance........

Judge Eddie interrupted You will recall Mr Meldrew that a young man dies . That your client has been accused of conspiracy to murder because he allegedly told the perpetrators of the robbery to shoot to kill.

I take it you have read the statements only you dont seem to be offay with the case Mr Meldrew!.Victor meldrew opened his mouth an nodded .

You will realise then that I cannot be responsible for letting this man walk out of here on his own recognisance or anyone else's come to that. I assume you read the conspiracy to murder charge?.

Judge Eddie watched Vicotr Meldrew redden and then said smoothly .

The prisioner will be taken to Chelmsford Crown Court.

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You what shouted Frank this is a fit up By the judge I have heard better stories on Jackanory .

watchinh him Donna felt her heart sink in her boots.

b*****ks to you Laughton and the rest of em you just watch me . Call this british justice you take the word of a small time hood I,m a business man a stand up guy I own a camera business and have a finger in many pies . I never done this I have never killed imported shot drug dealt in my life.

I pay my taxes I'll see my Day with the lot of you :D Sounds like Frank good eh :D

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Dave Newell was well built and blunt featured . He looked what he was and he made a point of acting the part a small time villan with dreams of the big time.

As he stepped out of the bull pub in Hornchurch he pulled the keys to his Frankia out of his pocket.

The six pints of beer he had consumed where laying Heavily on his belly and he belched loudly putting a large hand up to his mouth as if he was fastidious person which he wasn't . As he lumbered toward the Frankia he saw a large figure getting out of a dark blue Hymer .

Sighing loudley he stood and waited for the figure to approach him before saying loudly hello Mr laughton and what can I do for you.

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Mike laughton laughed gently, showing his brown stained teeth and yellow coated tounge . How are you these days said Laughton still taking it up the A**e for the big boys ,eh.

Laughton grinned at the look of shock on Daves face you know why you will never make it to the big time don't you you're to honest to open to trusting. Only you would park your van away from the entrance of the pub. A big villan would have a decent car not a french tarts motor .

And leave it where he could keep an eye on it . Se what I mean eh? you got no class Dave . Now put away your van keys and lets me and you go have alittle chat.

I aint going no where you got a warrant ?. Course not this is me Dave Laughton not f***ing Paul Condon you prat. Since when do I need a warrant or anything else come to that ?. Dave took a step backwards straight into the arms of two uniformed officers

B****cks Laughton I aint getting in no Motor with you .

Laughton spat noisely get in him the car lads i aint got all F****ing night.

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Dave Newell was sandwiched nicely between the two officers inside the unmarked car . Laughton sat back nonchantly he smiled into Daves frightned face. I want the score on Frank Wilkinson he said and before you say anything Dave,if push comes to shove I'll smash your face in without a thought for blood . Aids grissle or blood . Do you get my drift ?.

Dave smiled sadly i don't know Frank I mean, I know of him but I don't know anything about him other than he visits a forum for motors .

Whats he supposed to have done?. Never mind what he's done I want you Dave Newll grass of the year to tell me what he's done .

Dave kept his eyes on the dashboard not trusting himself to look at Laughton . The smell of cigarettes was making him feel ill One of the uniformed had been eating garlic , and the combination of odurs was causing the beer to rise up in his stomach. He swallowed nervously .

Look Mr laughton if I knew anything . laughton sighed belt him one Clive the nights drawing on. The policeman to the left of him jabbed him in the mouth Dave felt the mans knuckles jar on his teeth . He could taste blood and he knew his lip was splitand probably swelling badly. Putting his hand to his mouth he mumbled F***ing leave it out! I tell you I know nothing

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Guest Tracker
and then Dave woke up and thought thank heavens it was only a bad dream as I know our coppers are decent men doing a hard job and would never stoop to such depths on a poor defenceless citizen.......................
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Guest Tracker
and in his confused state it was a good job that Dexter came in at that very moment and gave him a lovely good morning kiss - so it was a nightmare after all but it is over now - or is it - Michele is bringing her Bessacar in today for a service so perhaps the dream is not so bad after all................................perhaps I'll go back to sleep.........................
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Sleep wake up your worst nightmare has only just begun :D


Frank was sentenced and kicked off the forum that will teach him smuggling drugs and vans murder what a toe rag. (lol)

Donna could feel the tears 's pricking her eyes as the cell door slammed shut!

It was circumstantial evidence Frank had been in the Van pool much like a car lot on the day of the robbery. Three people had testified to that One a woman named Melany B had been looking at vans she had dropped into inspect a Autotrail sports . A woman in the wrong place at the wrong time

she had been reduced to a quivering wreck , finally unsure if she had not been on that day or the one before. Admitting that she often trapsed around M'home dealers looking at different models . It was kind of a hobby with her , rather like those woman that look at houses.

The prosecution brought forward a battery of men but no one would give evidence it was a farce atotal farce . One man a Dave something or other ,had mumbled under his breath his rehursed lines .Which Donna had a sneaking feeling they were rehearsed .l

Then out come the reliable Peter he told the court that he was a van man and had driven the hymer on the day of the robbery. Apparently he had taken the Hymer from the used section three months before the robbery

Peter was only telling the truth about Frank as he feared it was his duty .


Donna was brought back to reality with Janines mumbling of hale mary.

Judge said, Frank Wilkinson You have been found guilty of conspiracy to murder and to commit armed robbery . Judge paused to take off his glasses polish them it was a theatrical guesture and Donna knew this ,but the people in the gallery were leaning forward in their seats ,enjoying the spectical revelling inthe tension (Bit like this place )





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Donna I ,m quite willing to help you out in anyway . I have a business degree . Why dont you stick it in the hands of management ?.

Franks In business with Richard Owen . Richy will keep that sorted until you can get activley involved . He only has a twenty five percent stake in the company so you will have whats known as the conyrolling interest .


Jeysus Brian what did you have for breakfast a company report leave the girl alone theres plenty of time for that once the shock wears off.

Frank can run his business from prison through Donna.


Eighteen years ? the dirty Bas***ds ! twookies voice was low , shocked . I heard it on the warners hotline :D Hows his mum taken it ?.

Donna sipped her tea surprisingly well actually twooksie janines stronger than people realise Frank was her pride and joy . Want a drop more scotch in your tea love your looking awful white . Before I forget Richy owen rang he will be round on sunday morning .


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Mandy&Andy - 2007-10-17 10:39 PM


Its great Michelle, lost the plot a couple of times but picked it up later. I should watch the language a bit though, not to everyones taste, and those who think you are such a sweet little girl may be shocked to the core.


Night night for now



Awh Mandy thats a good gritty story if i take it out it will spoil it and lets face it its blanked out and not in every sentence is it .. :-|

awh well you can't please everyone all the time can ya :D

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Richy & Carol turned up Sunday morning . Donna was in the conservatory drinking coffee. when she heard Carol tones she closed her eyes wearily .

Donna loathed her and she loathed Donna. How you feeling Donna ? bag of s**t s**ts the lot of them !

Donna was surprised to see genuine concern in Carols eyes.

I tell you something Donna if ever you need a shoulder to cry on mines there for the taking . Donna was grateful for this for months now gradually she had been dropped by all her mates Mandy & Andy robertson had looked right through her only a week previously when she had met them at the Sales room . Even Donnas neighbours had stopped waving (must be that Frank )

:D if they drove past and she was on the driveway. Thanks carol i appreciate it . The truth of the statement came over in her voice and Carol smiled. ;-)

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As the van drove into the prison yard Frank looked out of the frosted glass to get the first look at his surroundings. A high brick wall, several screws, two with dogs and a heavy metal gate just sliding the last few inches into the locks.


"Come on Frank, leet's get you sorted and booked in, reception closes at 6!" The security guard laughed.


"Funny man". Said Frank as he stepped down.


The walk to the reception centre allowed him to gaze up at the windows in the wall of the main building. Suddenly a package landed at his feet. He checked to see if the guard had noticed but he hadn't.


He bent down to retrieve it and he opened the crumpled paper to read the words scrawled on it in crayon




Frank stopped in shock, and his mouth opened but no words came out.


"Oh my god, it's........

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Guest Tracker
.....................I had better get inside and hope the LFM (local female mafia) aka the five deadly sins (Michele, Mel, Janine, Jackie and Carol) will come and help me escape before crinkley and his mates who shall remain un-named for fear of reprisals get their hands on my assets.......................................
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Guest JudgeMental

His Judgyness cranked up the volume on the ipod hidden away under his high court wig. He was listening to the velvet underground “Venus in furs” as Lou reed’s plaintive refrain


Kiss the Shiny, shiny boots of leather

Whip lash girl child in the dark

Kiss the boot, the shiny boot of leather

Strike dear mistress and cure his heart


Down below in the dock where crammed all the renegade members of the MMM forum . the police and crown prosecution had done a good job of gathering all the ring leaders up in country wide dawn raids. There they all were, still at this final stage of the proceedings arguing and jockeying for position amongst themselves. Shakespeare was right all is indeed vanity.... the judge mused.


It was reminiscent of a surreal episode of the muppets, a microcosm of the human condition. A typical, of what happens when human kind go unregulated. And he yearned for the coming weekend in Brugge where the responsibility and weight for what he was about to do could be lifted from him for he took no pleasure in this whatsoever!.........Well.............


His Judgyness cranked the volume higher as the song neared the climax as he reached over for his black cap...


Up in the Public gallery “lucky” Frank W watched in amazement. As his former associates awaited sentencing. He had been booted out on his ear only days previously, so escaping the round up. “Lucky” Frank W decided to get out quick as the judge was infamous for passing the ultimate deterrent. So Frank decided to make a run for it before the crowds.


“Lucky” Frank W pushed open the heavy doors and walked out to a cold and crisp but delightfully sunny October day, he skipped lightly down the steps wondering what the future held in store for him, as he was at last completely free!


Good luck Frank!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Frank skipped down the broad marble steps leading from Court number One to the bustling High Street.


His spirit soared as the early afternoon sunshine doppled the scenery through the beach trees along the wide avenue of Warnershire…..he could smell the heady perfume of freedom, a sensation for so long denied to him as he had languished in that dark and mouldering remand cell, yearning for this moment.


He knew without doubt what his mission must now be…indeed he had considered every twist and turn in the events of the past few weeks and had constructed his plans carefully whilst incarcerated.

His mission was to deliver revenge, in the most devious and painful way, upon those who had framed him so ruthlessly, who had so callously delivered him up, like a human sacrifice, to the great power of Mod.


On all the evidence that had emerged during the court case, it was now clear to Frank that someone or some people within the ranks of that clandestine MMM Crew gang, of which he had been an erstwhile member, had ratted on him! They had sold him out!

But for what purpose?


Frank was now convinced that he had become the victim of a vicious power struggle within the MMM Crew.

He knew that as the gang had admitted more and more new members, the balance had altered…….many had become more and more vocal during their secret meetings at motorhome rallies and exhibitions, criticising the “old guard” leadership increasingly brazenly.

Several of the new gang members had urged more direct actions to increase the MMM Crews power and authority in the land of Mod.


Frank had always opposed such tactics – he remained convinced that drive-by-shootings by MMM Crew hatchetmen in Hymers of high-ranking political figurers would not endear the public to their cause.


Similarly, he had used his status within the MMM Crew to veto the idea, suggested at the recent Newark mafiosa-like gathering of the gang, to use the undoubted allures of J9 and Mel B as “femmes fatale”, as bait.

The notion had been that by them enticing in and then sleeping-with-the-enemy at Newark whilst their vans were electronically bugged, the gang would gather compromising evidence from leading Mod ministers, who could then be blackmailed into providing the gang with otherwise-impossible-to-obtain valuable items such as MMM subscriptions, stickers and even the much-sought-after keyfobs, which could then be sold on within their well developed black market at enormous profit to other sad motorhome addicts, who would pay high prices to obtain such potent fixes for their terrible addiction.


But the identities of the stool-pigeons had been meticulously disguised during the case – evidence submitted by live video-link from reversing-aid web-cams installed in their motorhomes at undisclosed locations, their voices heavily distorted.

How clever the Mod-Police had been to get those turncoats to lie behind their vans whilst giving videolink evidence – they knew that the pictures from those reversing cameras would always be so poor that no other gang members would recognise their faces.


They had clearly turned “Mods evidence” – ratting out Frank as the much-feared and most-wanted MMM Crew ringleader, in exchange for lighter sentences. The Mod-Police had clearly had a tip-off as to where Frank’s van was holed up, and they had raided it early in the morning when he’d been so hung-over from imbibing the MMM Crew’s illicit stash of illegally still-fermented “Theford Pink” the night before that he’d had no chance to remove his silver screens and fire up his mighty Wilkinsondieselturbocharged 15 litre big-block Chevvy-based motor and accelerate away from the trap with screaming rear wheels, leaving the Mod-Police standing in a zig-zag trail of evil-smelling grey water as he thundered off into the dawn.


He didn’t doubt that even now, those who had betrayed the solemn oath of their gang membership in such a despicable way would be serving out their sentences as rule 43 prisoners in Mod-lands open motorhome prison complex in Warnershire – just light external polishing of their masters Mod-vans (no black marks to have to scrub off with toothbrushes for them!) and a little internal dusting; not a black-water tank to suck dry, nor a German language wiring and heating installation and maintenance manual to have to decipher in 5 minutes in the dark at sub-zero temperatures under pain of flagellation by that most feared Mod-prison warder: She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed!


Frank knew that he had had a close shave this time.

Had it not been for the fact that loyal members of the secret MMM Crew had intimidated several of the jurors by threatening to park their 30 foot RV’s right outside their houses every day for the next 6 months; and for the fact that gang member Fast-Eddie had a supposedly unimpeachable Mod-friendly career as a judge and had managed to bribe the male court staff to allow him to preside over Frank’s case with promises of deviant nights away with him in his dungeon-equipped Bessicarr, Frank had no doubt that he’d now be languishing in Warnershires infamous high-security Fiamma-lock equipped caravan prison, endlessly practicing reverse parking manouvres and pointless hitching/unhitching routines in the darkness, and water-gathering duties whilst trudging through sodden muddy fields whilst battered by endless rainstorms………ughhh, the very thought even made him shiver in the afternoon sunlight.


Frank had devised a cunning and devious plan to unmask those within his MMM Crew who had challenged his authority within the gang and had clearly turned him in to the Mod-Police.

For his plan to work, he would need to call on the various, yet prodigious talents of other loyal members of the MMM Crew.


Stealth, secrecy, and impeccable timing would be the keys to success………


But who could he still trust?


Crinkly had been with him almost from the Beginning (of God’s creation week, or of the emergence of the human species from primeval sludge?...Frank was never quite sure), but his ability to metamorphose into a very convincing starfish had been of great use to the gang on several occasions – he could be stuck to the outside of Mod-vans with saliva, and could record their conversations, so long as you didn’t leave him out in the sun for too long of course as he’d dry out, slide off, and then wouldn’t remember anything.


Dave Newell could always be counted upon when things got tricky, although that dog of his could perhaps be a Mod-double-agent with his arms and legs cut off and sewn into a collie-suit.


Howie was a bit of a firebrand but was a proven MMM Crew stalwart.

Frank grinned as he remembered the incident when Howie had single-handedly buzzed the Mod-Headquarters in his flying Sopwith-Pilote overcab, dropping 7 full Thetford cassettes onto the building, having meticulously prepared them by selflessly devouring dozens of “boil in a bag” vindaloo curries in has van over the week previous to the attack.

The Mod-Ploice had attempted to shoot him down with hand-held Politically Correct damp-detecting lasers, but he’d cleverly evaded them by dropping bundles of chaff made from dampened toilet paper rolls to confuse their beams.

Of course Howie’s alimentary canal had never fully recovered, as anyone who’d stayed in his van in the months following this dive-bombing could testify….it was now a case of windows-fully-open-day-or-night, and for-God’s-sake don’t-light-that-cigarette….but Howie had been honoured by the gang with a new flying hat and three dentists visits in honour of his guerrilla attack bravery.






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