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fiat side indicator stock


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being a complete technical idiot I have a problem with my passenger side side indicator stock...noticed it had fallen off this morning...still attached via wiring. It looks like it was only held onto the bottom cradle part by glue and as I cannot get it to fix back on I wondered if any experts could give advice.....as a quick temp repair I have superglued it back on to the plastic bottom holder ...will this do or does it need proper fixing and if so in what way...help...dazed and confused as about to set off on a weekend away :$ :$ :$
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michele - 2007-09-14 12:43 PM


Oi you Clive watch it I'll get you at the show :D STALK up where I come from as well. And thats Newcastle Upon Tyne ;-)

Thought it was "stark" up in Newcastle - where they "arll tark proper lyke" :-D



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davenewell@home - 2007-09-14 6:21 PM


To try and bring this thread back on track, Champstar can you be a little more specific please?



Yes, apologies for my flippancy as well.


I've re-read the original post a couple of times and I'm not clear whether it is the indicator switch stalk or the side repeater (which could be described as a stalk) which is causing the problem.



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Hi Champstar

It looks like me and Michele ( if we where from plum country it would be Michele and I ) (lol) are the only ones on this site who can taalk proper I think the clue is Champstar stated the passenger side " Stock " which to me indicates that it is the side repeater on the wing and if I am reading this right I do not think super glue would be the best substance to fix it back as it is brittle and the slitest knock and it would be off, I think Silfax would be better.


Howay the Lads


Terry (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Hi Champstar and others.


Yes I am certain it is the side repeater being mentioned.

Superglue is fine and is what is used originally.

The base plate into the housing is designed to be a weak bonding deliberately so if you hit anyone with it then it will 'break away' and not cause serious injury, or indeed damage the wing panel. ( the mirror will damage that persistant jay walker instead!!)


It's quite coomon for the extended versions of these side repeaters (for wide bodied trucks and motorhomes) to 'fall apart' and a little super glue spread around the inside of joint and used sparingly is fine for rebonding.

Hope that helps,


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