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Peugeot Compass Drifter 360E LPG key replacement code

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8 hours ago, Martin Brown said:

Hi there,

The LPG key, which is not the original, has broken at the tip therefore I can't open the door.  Does anybody know the key code for this particular door so I can order a new one?  Thank you.

|f you look on the lock at the side of the key slot, you may find the key code in small characters.  There is something on my locker doors in that location, and I have seen an advertisement on eBay offering to cut simialar keys given such information.

You will need magnifying glass or phone camera to read the code.


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19 hours ago, Martin Brown said:

Hi there,

The LPG key, which is not the original, has broken at the tip therefore I can't open the door.  Does anybody know the key code for this particular door so I can order a new one?  Thank you.

You haven't said when your Compass Drifter 360E was built, but that model was marketed as early as 1995.

It's normal practice for motorhomes to start life with the same lock barrel-and-key combination on all exterior lockers (gas-locker, toilet cassette locker, etc.) but these locks are not wonderfully sturdy and, if the barrel or key becomes damaged, it's commonplace for the damaged lock barrel to be replaced with a different barrel/key combination. 

A JMA YU-1D key blank is widely available (example advert here)


but this would then need to be cut to match the barrel of your Drifter's gas-locker. 

This 2022 MHFun forum thread discussed broken locker-door keys

https://www.motorhomefun.co.uk/forum/threads/broken-key.272120/#:~:text=Any decent locksmith (As opposed,in the blank specially though.

A decent locksmith should have little difficulty opening your gas-locker door and (as you have the broken key) might be able to provide a replacement.

If there's a Timpson branch convenient to you 


and you take the key to them, they might also be able to help.

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