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That's it, I'm going

Dave Newell

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On holiday for a week, yippeeeee!!!!


We leave this pm for destinations unknown other than we will be arriving at York on Friday. Other than that we will follow the road less travelled.


I'm hoping to use my mobile as a modem so I can log in of an evening for my daily fix of all you nutters :D


See you all at York next Saturday, D.



Byyyyyeeeeeeee :-D

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Dave Newell - 2007-09-17 9:28 AM On holiday for a week, yippeeeee!!!! We leave this pm for destinations unknown other than we will be arriving at York on Friday. Other than that we will follow the road less travelled. I'm hoping to use my mobile as a modem so I can log in of an evening for my daily fix of all you nutters :D See you all at York next Saturday, D. Byyyyyeeeeeeee :-D

Thank God for that! When I saw this thread's heading I thought that you'd taken umbrage and were off but fortunately for us it's only on hols!

Have a nice break. I only hope that the weather is OK.

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Due to a prolapsed disc in my back I won't be going anywhere!


So with the greatest of respect I don't want to read about how good a time you have all had at York, how good the weather was, how good/smart the latest gadgets and gizmos are on sale at York or how much money you saved on your new van!


I'm not bitter you understand just bloody fed up and don't see why the rest of you can't be the same!


Bon voyage though and have a safe trip.

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Tomo3090 - 2007-09-17 2:04 PM


Due to a prolapsed disc in my back I won't be going anywhere!


So with the greatest of respect I don't want to read about how good a time you have all had at York, how good the weather was, how good/smart the latest gadgets and gizmos are on sale at York or how much money you saved on your new van!


I'm not bitter you understand just bloody fed up and don't see why the rest of you can't be the same!


Bon voyage though and have a safe trip.


At least you haven't lost your sense of humour, Stephen (lol)

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Thanks for all the supportive messages folks. We've arrived for this evening on a CC site in Cromwell just North of Newark. We tried Clumber Park first but even though they claim to "welcome" non members they wanted £16.10 per night plus £6 non member surcharge, I declined and we moved on to this one which is also CC but at £15 per night plus £2 non member surcharge we felt was a more acceptable cost.


Frank, that was exactly the response I was after >:-) (ain't I naughty :D ).


I'm sitting here with my laptop on my laptop 8-) while Catering Manager rustles up something good to eat, we've just watched "take on the takeaway on Beeb 2 with the digital tuner on the lappy connected to my Smarty aerial and it was faultless. At 8pm its Nigella followed at 9 by Hell's Kitchen so I'm grabbing a few minutes on the net now.


Tomorrow we plan to move up to somewhere near the North Yorks Moors Railway and if we can find a site close enough we plan to spend Wednesday on the rails.


For those who are interested I'm using a Nokia 6300 mobile phone as a modem on Tmobile PAYG with their "web 'n' walk" service and its reporting 480 Kbs connection speed. In practical performance it would seem to be about 1/3rd as fast as my office broadband which is 1Mbs and its capped at £1 per day, gotta be good.


I'll try and log in for a further update tomorrow.


By the way the weather's not that good, cold windy and intermittent rain but who cares, we're away in the 'van :-D :-D :-D :-D



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Have a good time Dave I am very envious, I hope to see some of you on Saturday, but it depends if we find another van of our dreams we will be franticly looking from arriving on Friday but alas not camping this year even though we have paid for 4 days but no vehicle, so its just one night in the Travelodge.


We will be looking for a new amphibious model ready for our next visit to Evesham



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davenewell@home - 2007-09-17 7:22 PM

Tomorrow we plan to move up to somewhere near the North Yorks Moors Railway and if we can find a site close enough we plan to spend Wednesday on the rails.

Careful Dave, that's dangerously near to us in Middlesbrough :-D


We can always fit you on our drive if you get desperate :-D


The NYMR is a great day out so hope the weather is kind to you.



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Well I've had a lovely refreshing shower this morning and just been for a 45 minute walk with Dex. Its cold this morning but a beautiful calm day with barely a cloud in the sky. I'm not overly bothered about using CLs or CSs Tomo as we only need another two nights then we're booked in at York racecourse for the weekend, I just draw the line at £22 a night. One advantage of using CC sites (or C&CC for that matter) even as a non member is you are assured of a good quality site with good clean facilities. Truth be known we only came here because we decided it was time to find a site so switched the sat nav on and called up nearby camping sites, I suspect the ones listed in my sat nav might all be CC sites.


Last night CM excelled in the galley producing lightly poached salmon fillets with lemon and herb butter (low fat spread really but I won't hold that against her), boiled new potatoes and a tomato (out of my greenhouse) spring onion and hot green chilli (out of our daughter's greenhouse) salsa, absolutely delicious and totally healthy :-D


I would advise caution to anyone else thinking of using this site though as it is right alongside the A1 and about half a mile from a main railway line and they run all night at about ten minute intervals I think 8-) . to be honest it didn't bother us at all in the night but anyone more sensitive to background noise probably wouldn't like it.


I'll pop in later with more updates, if you're interested.



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davenewell@home - 2007-09-18 8:42 AM


I would advise caution to anyone else thinking of using this site though as it is right alongside the A1 and about half a mile from a main railway line and they run all night at about ten minute intervals I think 8-) . to be honest it didn't bother us at all in the night but anyone more sensitive to background noise probably wouldn't like it.

We stayed at Cromwell last December and we weren't bothered by the noise either. Have to watch out for the ducks following you about for summat to eat though :-D



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Hi, Dave


I don't know if its of any interest but Haven have a couple of special offers on at there site near Filey I have put a link to there web below




I hope it works, have a great time



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Thanks Brian but we've settled on a site called Upper Carr about a mile and a bit south of Pickering. its a private site and its very pleasant and quiet although I have to say when you compare it to a CC site the toilet and shower facilities aren't quite up to scratch. They charge £15.90 per night too so its only a tiny bit cheaper than Cromwell but it is convenient for NYMR so it'll do nicely for now.


Ducks weren't a problem Graham as I had Dex with me >:-) .


I forgot to tell you all about the pudding we had the other night, greek yoghurt with fresh strawberries sliced into it and chopped Toblerone chunks on top, delish!!!


Today we're heading up to Pickering to travel the North Yorks Moors Railway, we might even go as far as Whitby.


Tomo, you'll be pleased to hear it rained in the night and although its dry at the moment the sky is very overcast so I think we might get some more before the day is done.


We used the sat nav to guide us here from Cromwell and I selected shortest route and no motorways, it only tried to take us down one dirt track which we decided to avoid and apart from that it brought us up a lovely A and B road route that was a real pleasure with minimal traffic. Our sat nav is the AytoBee unit from Maplin and I'm certainly pleased with it.


Now a confession, last night we were terribly naughty and watched TV all night on the lappy! I know we should have done something more highbrow like reading Shakespear or playing backgammon but the TV was very entertaining :D


See you all later, D.

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Hi all, its me again with another update on our holiday (are ya bored yet? Well are Ya??? :-D )


Today we went on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway all the way to Whitby and what a great day we had. We walked 1.5 miles to Pickering then took the steam hauled train to Whitby arriving at 1.30 PM. We walked around Whitby (well some of it :D ) before having dome very fine fish and chips. then we took a boat trip around the bay, very enjoyable although Dex wasn't too sure, in fact he didn't really take too well to the train (I think he got bored *-) )). then we took a trip around Whitby by steam bus, yes a steam powered bus!! iIt was a 1931 vintage Sentinel 3 axle steam lorry converted two years ago to a bus (apparently they had to get changes made to the road traffic act because the exhaust is, by necessity, at the front!). What a ride :-D :-D .


We finished off with a steam hauled train ride back to Pickering and then a bus ride back to camp followed with a lovely meal at the Black Bull pub across the road, two Barnsley chops with minted gravy, boiled new potatoes and veg. At a tenner a head it wasn't a cheap meal but it was worth every penny!


See you all tomorrow, D.

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davenewell@home - 2007-09-19 10:09 PM


GJH - 2007-09-19 9:28 AM


Does that mean you'll be providing roast duck snacks on Saturday afternoon Dave? :-D




No it doesn't Graham and I'm not prividing beer either!



I'll forgive you Dave - I'll be driving so I won't be able to drink.


Glad you had a good time at the NYMR and Whitby. That bus is really something isn't it :-)



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