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New Fiat X250 starting

Keith T

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Having had our new Burstner Fiat 2.3 for a couple of weeks, we suddenly found difficulty in starting - turn on ignition, wait for deisel glowlight to go out, turn to strting position - and....nothing! Turn again from that point, and still nothing Turn off, wait for ALL lights to go out etc, and sometimes would fire, or may take another couple of goes. We've just come back from living with this for over 5 weeeks in France, basically not knowing if it would start or not. Quite worrying, especially when you're on the ferry!

Battery is OK, as all other vehicle 12v working, and the reatour on the amp meter is we,, over 12.5v.

Anyone else had this expereince...and has it been resolved?

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Michelle - yes it does have an alarm, but there is no immobiser with the alarm, as there's one already on the Fiat engine. The alarm has no effect on starting, whether on or off, technically.

Yes, I thought deisel ignition glowlights went out with the ark too, as I haven't had one for a while, but there is one - albeit very brief - on the new engine.

I've heard word through the Fiat dealers it may be water ingress (already!) as there s apparently an area when this can get onto the starter motor and corrode it. Ther's no official 'fix' as yet!

It's booked in to the local agents next week, but I'd be interested to hear from any other contributors with the new Fiat engines, especially on the ater ingress possibility.

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Hi Keith,


There is a problem with water ingress into the engine bay on the new Fiat. There was a thread by icdsun called "Water Ingress in Engine Fiat X2/50" dated 3rd August. It was on the bottom of page 10, last time I looked.


Hope this helps.



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Hi John.....thanks for this. Have managed to find it by a 'search', and it's quite enlightening. I've printed it and I'll take a copy of the relevant bits to my local Fiat Service agent next monday, and from what I read, and their response when I called them, it could well be this which causes the poor starting.

I guess I'll have to be careful when Iw ash it, though, in the meantime. Also thinking about it, when we returned home form our first couple of weeks away, having picked up the van, we did return in torrential rain, and lots of standing water, so maybe it is all related.

Not good though for a new vehicle!

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If you can do the same fix as I have been able to it should help to keep the injectors dry also the fuse box on ours was getting a shower every now and then, the small plug/bung being reseated helped to stop that little leak


Hope it gets sorted for you



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I looked at several of the X250 cab chassis Peugeot and Fiat all different engine sizes, they all leaked water from the seal at the bottom of the windscreen, into the scuttle and over the engine, swomping the injectors and other electrical equipment.


They had just finish washing and hosing down the courtyard display of MH's - so a good time to spring the bonnet I thought.


The salesman didn't know anything about a water entry problem of any sort, his nose was getting longer and longer.....


Regards Terry

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Keith - have a look at the BSI reset procedure on this link, scroll the page down a little until you see the reset procedure - http://tinyurl.com/yqb8uz It might work for you.


Regards Terry


Hi Clive - was going to swop my MH for a new one this year, but have been put off by all these problems. I mean just because we have some miles under our greytops - Terry

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OH wise ones I think I will bow to your superior knowledge having not only been looking at the Frankia & Hymer but looking also at a few new Fiats.

I am definately going off them fast . What good would that be to anyone I would not fancy being stuck on our own let alone with the kids.


keith sorry for your troubles.


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the water ingress is from the scuttle,. it is in two parts and the seal is foam rubber, a smear of silicon should cure it, i know i know it shouldn't, happen on a new vehicle but if it cures the problem why keep wasting time taking it back to the dealer. your starting problems may be not related to this though as the new fiat is suffering various ecu problems, mine, the fuel injection warning light came on after 715 miles,essenjay of poole disconnected the battery for 20 mins, this is fiats advice, problem for gone for now only done today, plus points it is like driving a car and has a better tuning circle than my car it,s a huge step forward from the previous model if it keeps going
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It is a problem with the Fiat/Peugeot/Citreon chassis (Sevel) not with the motorhome, its the only problem that we have with our Burstner.


The temp fix I have used has stopped the problem until Fiat get a fix in place.


I have looked at a few of the above commercial vans and they all show the same results, but as they are doing a higher mileage it seems to not be an issue as the water is drying out with the heat from the engine



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There have been reports of problems wit the Peugeot as well as the Fiat.


And as I have said before on this subject "they never learn" - The same problem happened on the last Sevel face lift. It took 'em a while then to admit it but they eventually came up with a mod which directed the water down small pipes to below the engine.


Michele if you are looking at a Frankia or a Hymer "A" class - they don't have the problem as they have either the Frankia or Hymer front end. The problems only come up on 'vans with original Sevel cabs (C class or low profile).


So far due to NHS waits we haven't been able to do a lot of mileage in the new 'van (1st June) but what we have done has proved that the engine is great - far more responsive than the old 2.8. The stearing and gears are also a vast improvement and the seating position is more comfortable. So (so far) I would happily recommend the new 3 litre on an "A" class.

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colin - 2007-09-18 10:08 PM


Keith, can you confirm, when you say nothing do you mean just that, nothing at all happens or does the starter 'strain' to turn over engine but cannot manage to start engine?

Colin - yes I do mean 'nothing'......theres a quiet hum from somewhere down there underneath the bonnet, which continues anyway for a few seconds after you turn the ignition off, but nothing which indicates the starter is actually doing anything, which tome suggests its perhaps a problem on the starter.

When it does fire up on 2nd or 3rd go, it someitmes goes with the 'clonk' which it always did initially, but sometimes does sound very weak.

I had a look under the bonnet today, and since there's been no rain, and we haven't washed the van for some time, all looks fine under it. I can't actually work out where this water comes in, and indeed being totally unqualified in these matters, don't even know where or what the starter motor looks like!

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I'm not sure that its the water ingress problem, I'm not 100% sure but believe there is a sepperate problem with Sevel starter motors. At least you have put my mind to rest, for a moment I thought it might be a problem like the dreaded 'desiel designed by BMW'
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