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New Fiat X250 speedo

Keith T

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Having just spent 5 week or so in France, and trying to keep to KM speed limitts, I have found the speedometer readings in KM are impossible to see in daylight. The only way I have been able to cope with this has been to keep a conversion chart of the main limits on the clipboard, and read the mile per hour on the speedo, then try to keep to the conversion form the KMs.Not good when you need to keep your eyes on the road itself!

Even by putting the lights on in daytime, it does not improve the situation. At night the illumination of both seems equal.

Bearing in mind this is essentially a continental manufactured vehicle, and I have not expereinced this problem with any of my previous Fiat/Peugeot motorhomes, it seems rather remiss - unless of course, being cynical, they just want your money if you drive above the limits!!!

Has anyone done much driving on the conintent in the new style cab, and found similar problems.

PS the vehcile is standard UK spec RH drive.

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Yes we found the same when we drove to Italy and back. I acted as "co-pilot" with conversion reminders already laminated from a previous trip. My husband agrees that the new Fiat is definitely harder to read kms. than the old model. (but the engine's good *-) )


The only one worse is a Fiat Punto we have on loan while our van is back in the dealership for warranty and recall work - the mph part of the speedo is shown in multiples of 20 mph !


That means it is difficult to see when you are at 30mph and 70 mph in particular - we also have to use the buzzer warning to set the warning. Seems to be a Fiat thing.....

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Convert the kilometer speedlimits to mph - if you divide by 10 and multiply by 6 it can be done quickly in your head


eg 100 kms speed limit = 100/10 = 10 x 6 = 60 mph


50kms sped limit - 50/10 = 5 x 6 =30 mph


whilst not 100% it is very close and better than trying to read KM markings on speedo - i have a ford and stand no chance of reading those markers.


Well it works for me!



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Thanks for all these comments......however....


my point was not the conversion which can be done by various means, but the necessity to do it in the first place. Whilst I appreaciate there is a 'bizzer' warning which can be set. it's not really practiable to have do to so when moving, nor as frequently as required for the varying speed limits.


Surely in this day and age it should still be possible to design and manufacture a speedo which is perfectly readable in all light conditions.


In fact I've been motor-caravanning and going to the Continent for more than 15 years, and this is the 5th motorhome I've owned, and never before have I had to resort to a 'heath robinson' printed conersion table!


I'm sure the sat-nav with built in speedo reading is the best, and something I shall have to investigate - does this also show what the speed limit on the current section of road is, as well as the actual speed of the vehicle??

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I just reset my Navman to show Kph instead of Mph and it sits on the dash cowl and works very well - as long as you allow for the time lag when changing speed and entering a speed limit zone.
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Keith T - 2007-10-24 2:12 PM


Thanks for all these comments......however....


my point was not the conversion which can be done by various means, but the necessity to do it in the first place. Whilst I appreaciate there is a 'bizzer' warning which can be set. it's not really practiable to have do to so when moving, nor as frequently as required for the varying speed limits.


Surely in this day and age it should still be possible to design and manufacture a speedo which is perfectly readable in all light conditions.


In fact I've been motor-caravanning and going to the Continent for more than 15 years, and this is the 5th motorhome I've owned, and never before have I had to resort to a 'heath robinson' printed conersion table!


I'm sure the sat-nav with built in speedo reading is the best, and something I shall have to investigate - does this also show what the speed limit on the current section of road is, as well as the actual speed of the vehicle??

yes i agree i find the speedo difficult to read if the light is not perfect, and yes everyone i have had my eyes tested, 8-) i tend to put the lights on which cures the problem, i also have never had this problem before
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Hi KeithT

I bought a Talax speed camera detector at the Peterborough show in April and as long as you keep receiving the updates you not only can tell the MPH you are doing you get warnings of schools, and also all types of speed cameras.


I know this will not help when abroad but you will always know what speed your doing.


You also realise how inaccurate your speedo is as the Talax can read as much as 4mph less than you are driving and is controled by satelite.



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