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Guest tc102

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I've just been having a chat with Michele who asked me how my wife was enjoying her painting holiday in France and it reminded me of something that happened a few days ago.

I suppose that my marriage is fairly typical of my generation. I do certain jobs, washing the cars etc. whilst my wife does some, such as washing and ironing and some we happily share.

Every year she goes off on a painting holiday where she improves her watercolours and has a bit of a break.

This year she's away for a fortnight so last week, determined not to be sexist and leave a pile of laundry for her to do on he return, I sorted out the coloureds and whites and proceeded to the utility room.

I opened the round window and stuffed in all the whites, dug out the soap powder, but could find nowhere to put it. I found every instruction book for the last six washing machines we've had over many years, but none for the latest.

In desperation I phoned my daughter who was out.

"Where the hell do I put the soap powder?" says I. "Pull out the tray at the top left hand side of the washing machine" says my girl.

"I've done that" says I "but it's just a long plastic container which is half full of water, do I take out this little plug and mix the powder with the water?"

"No daddy", says Alexandra, "you open the door, remove all of the washing, then you open the door next to you and behind it is the washing machine, you put all the clothes in that, pull out a tray, put the powder in and switch on."

"Then you close the door of the tumble drier, which you won't need until you've done the first load".

With that, she then cannot resist phoning my wife in France just to tell her how thick daddy is and they both have a huge laugh.

Women eh! We're not perfect you know!

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See you men same as my old man you understand all these gadgets what goods a gadget to a girl . You need to pay more attention and you need to multi task .

I went out to speak with my hubby the other day he was in the camper before we went away last weekend. I stepped in the camper asked a question and boy my head got chewed off .It was funny at the time because I ended up saying it's not my fault that you can not multi task and then I run for cover.


But you know whats best dont ya atleast you admit that you miss us Ah :$

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michele - 2007-10-11 10:04 PM


See you men same as my old man you understand all these gadgets what goods a gadget to a girl . You need to pay more attention and you need to multi task .

I went out to speak with my hubby the other day he was in the camper before we went away last weekend. I stepped in the camper asked a question and boy my head got chewed off .It was funny at the time because I ended up saying it's not my fault that you can not multi task and then I run for cover.


But you know whats best dont ya atleast you admit that you miss us Ah :$





Said it before, say it again. The only reason women multitask is so they have an excuse for getting it wrong. (IF I DIDNT HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO DO.)



Mick H.

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Women may be able to multi task - but only in simple things like putting make up on whilst feeding a baby whilst driving at 70 mph on the motorway.


If you want a complicated thing done like making a TV, video recorder, sky box, freeview box and DVD player all work when connected it together just has to be a MAN!


Any observations girls?

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My boss is a man, so far he's stuffed a new XDA on several occasions, and has someone managed to get the sim card 'dirty' on his replacement one so that refused to work today as well! 8-) He's also riden to work on his bicycle several times and forgotten his bike lock key, office keys, gone to the wrong place for seminars that he's giving even though I've told him where they were just five minutes before, oh and the other day he thought his computer had gone caput ... he'd put his USB memory stick into it before turning the machine on and it was trying to 'boot up' from that instead of the hard drive. If he tries to get onto official websites to put data into them he fails miserably, I get in first time! Now don't even get me started on the how 'confused' he makes the photocopier and everyone else around him ... but all in all he's a really nice chap and we work very well together ... at least he accepts that he'd be lost without me so I have a safe job!!! (lol)
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No, he's not dumb Rich, he's just very laid back in a nice sort of way and a real giggle at times, he's also a bit of a technophobe. We really do have a good rapport and he's certainly up to being ribbed a bit which is a welcome relief from his predecesor who was a miserable old git. He really knows me well ... he soon sussed that I have a weird sense of humour! (lol)
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Mel B - 2007-10-12 8:08 PM


My boss is a man, so far he's stuffed a new XDA on several occasions, and has someone managed to get the sim card 'dirty' on his replacement one so that refused to work today as well! 8-) He's also riden to work on his bicycle several times and forgotten his bike lock key, office keys, gone to the wrong place for seminars that he's giving even though I've told him where they were just five minutes before, oh and the other day he thought his computer had gone caput ... he'd put his USB memory stick into it before turning the machine on and it was trying to 'boot up' from that instead of the hard drive. If he tries to get onto official websites to put data into them he fails miserably, I get in first time! Now don't even get me started on the how 'confused' he makes the photocopier and everyone else around him ... but all in all he's a really nice chap and we work very well together ... at least he accepts that he'd be lost without me so I have a safe job!!! (lol)





See you in my office in the morning, Miss B.

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Mel B - 2007-10-13 7:17 PM


Hey, Graham, you want one of those steamer irons that were on sale at York, the Light and Easy Home-Tek ones for £30 quid! Did you see them? You can get them on ebay a bit cheaper. Thought you might like to treat yourself. (lol)

Funny you should say that - Jill mentioned it the other day when I was doing the ironing :-) Our next door neighbour has one - a bit bigger than the ones at York I think.





My mistake, I thought you meant those steam press things. Jill bought one of those lightweight irons last year - used it in the van once or twice when on hook-up and it does work without an ironing board.



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bjphillips - 2007-10-13 8:21 PM


Just to stir things up again !!!!There's an old saying, "A women's work is never done">>>Probably because its never started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That's quite true bj ... its because, of course, the work a woman wants doing should always be done by a man and we all know they never ever get off their bums and do it... :-S ;-)

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Mel B - 2007-10-13 9:44 PM

That's quite true bj ... its because, of course, the work a woman wants doing should always be done by a man and we all know they never ever get off their bums and do it... :-S ;-)

Probably because they never get to sit down in order to be able to get up :D



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