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Councel Tax


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We already do in many countries in Europe in the form of a Tourist tax which is included with their camp site fees.

So nothing new there then just Britain coming in line with the EU?


I'll bet it is a rise in campsite fees here in Britain!


Even though we are paying far more here that we do when in most other EU countries.

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This was raised on another forum about a month ago by a resident of Dave's home town who said "I have been chatting with a mate, who has heard that they are considering charging council tax on motorhomes, something along the lines of it being considered an holiday home."


Having got sick of a lot if silly speculation I contacted the Communities and Local Government Department and VOSA asking if there are any proposals (draft, consultative or otherwise) for introducing council tax charges on motorhomes. Someone else contacted the Valuation Office Agency with a similar query.


All three bodies denied any knowledge of proposals for changing the current rules.


The VOA did point out, however, that under existing rules, a motor home can be liable for council tax as a caravan under existing legislation "If such a caravan is used as a permanent sole or main residence, and is located on a recognised pitch, and the vehicle always returns to that pitch, then the pitch will fall to be treated as a dwelling for Council Tax purposes. Similarly, if such a vehicle became permanently located on such a site, the pitch together with the caravan would be treated as the dwelling."


So, Don, any rumour of taxing the vast majority of our vans is just a bad dream :-D



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GJH - 2007-10-13 8:12 AM


This was raised on another forum about a month ago by a resident of Dave's home town who said "I have been chatting with a mate, who has heard that they are considering charging council tax on motorhomes, something along the lines of it being considered an holiday home."


Having got sick of a lot if silly speculation I contacted the Communities and Local Government Department and VOSA asking if there are any proposals (draft, consultative or otherwise) for introducing council tax charges on motorhomes. Someone else contacted the Valuation Office Agency with a similar query.


All three bodies denied any knowledge of proposals for changing the current rules.


The VOA did point out, however, that under existing rules, a motor home can be liable for council tax as a caravan under existing legislation "If such a caravan is used as a permanent sole or main residence, and is located on a recognised pitch, and the vehicle always returns to that pitch, then the pitch will fall to be treated as a dwelling for Council Tax purposes. Similarly, if such a vehicle became permanently located on such a site, the pitch together with the caravan would be treated as the dwelling."


So, Don, any rumour of taxing the vast majority of our vans is just a bad dream :-D





(All Three bodies denied any knowledge of proposals for changing the current rules.)

If the board of a football club say similar about their manager (he has our full support) you can be sure he's gonna get the sack. No smoke without fire.


Mick H.

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Mick H. - 2007-10-13 10:04 AM


(All Three bodies denied any knowledge of proposals for changing the current rules.)

If the board of a football club say similar about their manager (he has our full support) you can be sure he's gonna get the sack. No smoke without fire.


Mick H.

I deliberately mentioned the Freedom of Information Act when posing the questions Mick. If the answers do turn out to be untrue I shall be straight onto my contacts in the Information Commissioner's Office.


To be fair, though, given the way in which the complete answers were phrased I think it's just a stupid rumour started by a WOTFO (Wazzock Of The First Order) :D



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Though there is no tourist tax at UK caravan sites, I think you'll find that they pay full Business Rates. In some areas, businesses that 'Limited by Guarantee' can get large discounts from the standard Business Rate, but they are not allowed to distribute profits. If wound up, they have to have provisions for the disposal of their assets as gifts to a suitable giftee - for example an individual caravan site might wish to nominate, say, the Caravan Club as such.


Incidentally, Business rates have gone up alarmingly, partly as a result od the revaluation that occurred about 10 years ago. And, of course, this is incorporated into camp site charges.


Mel E


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Mel B - 2007-10-13 6:58 PM


BUTTTTTTTTTTT ..... now that Graham's gone and rung 'em and told 'em, do you think that it might give them the idea that they could do it? 8-)

They wouldn't dare Mel - I told 'em I'd set you on 'em if they did >:-)



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The business rate revaluation was two years ago , but everyone should appeal their valuations, it is always worth a try . There are agents that will do this for a 'share' of the winnings. I know this as Local Councils also appeal the valuations of their properties. Business rates is a TAX = just like Council TAX. It is not a charge for use of the services.

As for full tmers avoiding it, well they are probaly paying a lot more in Fuel Excise Duty - another tax.

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