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Fridge light


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Just returned from a trip around the country, as you do, noticed that the light in the fridge wasn't working.

Checked it out, found that the bulb had "blown".

Look on the www for a replacement, can only find one listed at a cost of £31 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surely this cannot be right ?

Anyone out there know different.

Would appreciate any assistance



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Thanks for that info George, but the part which espares lists is for mains fridges/freezers. I can find hundreds of listings for household fridges, but none for the type fitted in motorhomes.

The bulb itself is 12 volt 2 watt and is contained in a white plastic enclosure which is 10mm square. I have never seen anything like it in the way of bulbs before.

I did find a bulb of that spec listed on one of the websites I went into, but that was the one that was priced at £31.

Looks like I will have to wait until Monday and phone around some of the motorhome accessory people, like CAK and see whether they are able to help, or even get hold of Dometic UK



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Thanks for that info George, but the part which espares lists is for mains fridges/freezers. I can find hundreds of listings for household fridges, but none for the type fitted in motorhomes.

The bulb itself is 12 volt 2 watt and is contained in a white plastic enclosure which is 10mm square. I have never seen anything like it in the way of bulbs before.

I did find a bulb of that spec listed on one of the websites I went into, but that was the one that was priced at £31.

Looks like I will have to wait until Monday and phone around some of the motorhome accessory people, like CAK and see whether they are able to help, or even get hold of Dometic UK



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Hi Baz- go to a decent electical supplier who deals in lighting, and see what they can offer, you may not get an identical one with a fancy white plastic cover but if its the same voltage and wattage what does it matter, an adverage fridge bulb of 240v costs about £ 3.50 so expect to pay twice that amount for a 12v one. Good luck.
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Thanks to all who replied, I have now contacted my local Dometic service centre, who have put a bulb on order for me, at a cost of £5.50. They reckon they should have it in a day or so, don't keep them in stock as so little call for them. So by the end of the week I should be all lit up again.



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