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Just got back from Germany...


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... and would like to thank all those who recommended importing a LHD vehicle.


So far so good, just got to register it now.


Any questions regarding importing a new vehicle, please don't hesitate to ask, as I've kept a log of each move from my initial enquiry with a German dealer to getting it back to blighty last night.

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Guest JudgeMental


Well done!


Be aware that DVLA may well on inspection require a change of speedo, KPH to MPH. This is still something of a postcode lottery. but I believe to comply "construction & use" regs you should change it anyway.....


I have experience with Ford base (mine was £180 plus £90 labour) as I imported one this year. I believe Fiat are more expensive but you can just change the dials......


Come on what did you get! :-D

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Thanks for the advice on the speedo, I was labouring under the idea that you could get an overlay that would do the trick. But forewarned is forearmed.


I've just sent off all my documents so I will know shortly.


One thing that was a problem, was trying to work out the correct road tax that I should pay. As it hadn't had a CO2 test and there was nothing entered on the Certificate of Conformity. The DVLA hadn't got a clue but Hymer just said it would be £180, so I sent that off with my £50 first registration fee.


As a postscript to all my deliberations back in September, what I would say is that buying abroad has allowed us to get the same van for approximately £10000 cheaper, £32,000 rather than £42,000.


This fact, regardless of whether LHD or RHD will sell more easily, means that we haven't had to hock ourselves up to the eyeballs and have got a van that just like all other vans is a compromise but will hopefully provide us with at least a few good years touring and be able to accommodate any subsequent additions to the family.

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Hymer C 682CL from Durrwang-Morlein in Dortmund.




We dealt with Ulrich, the son of the original owner. Very professional and competent. We were in E-mail contact throughout and felt pleased with their service.


The van cost us 43,900 Euros reduced from 55,200 if I recall correctly. We paid 250 Euros for them to arrange the Export Plates, German documentation and 3rd Party Only insurance.


Flew out at 07:45 with Easyjet from Luton to Dortmund, £20 per person and drove back 450 Kms to Calais where we got a one way ferry at 21:15 for £46.


Did it all in one day!


Had a Thatcham 2-1 alarm fitted for £350 and tried unsuccessfully to fit a reversing camera, today!



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Well done! On speedos - most DVLA inspectors are quite happy to accept overlays provided they are done properly and are visible after dark. This means sticking the overlay onto the instrument face rather than the binnacle glass/perspex. I made mine up using Powerpoint and overhead projector foils.


Mel E


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Wow! Is this a record?


I sent off my docs to Shrewsbury at 17:45 on Wednesday and got the tax disc and Number Plate Authorisation Certificate (V948) by Saturday at 9:45.


Just got to sort out the gas connections and this blooming Reversing Monitor and we'll be mobile again!


Mel E,


Great minds think alike! I'd already started to have a go on Powerpoint and as a teacher have quite a few OHTs around just begging to be used for the purpose!


I was dreading having the van inspected and having to shell out once again for Ford to change over the speedo. Perhaps my doodling will come in handy in three years time for its first MOT.



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Guest JudgeMental


As I said its a post code lottery, the DVLA are a shambles. Still it was the inconvenience and delay in registering that annoyed me as had to wait 2 weeks for ford to get cluster. Money (£270) not an issue as I had saved well over 10k


I still have domne nothing regards lights, except fit headlight protectors, with the intention of sticking "beam benders" on. but havent a clue where to stick them.....

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This probably won't help, but all I did is buy the standard Continental - British beam benders off the ferry, as I would buy the standard British - Continental, if I'm going abroad! The pack even included an updated diagram for the new Tranny.


I don't see why there should be an issue and would argue the toss with anyone but I'm sure someone could put out a counter argument along the lines of "because the vehicle is registered in the UK it should be done permanently".


What DVLA Office did you use, Judge?

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Guest JudgeMental

Wimbledon in south London. will avoid next time as they are hopelessly inept. have used before and they where OK but should have gone to Sidcup as I have had better experiences there.


the speedo and lights are a "construction and use" issue and if something unfortunate happens you may be giving an insurance company a perfect excuse to prevaricate.


you will be forever buying beam benders. if you stick them onto headlight protectors all you have to do is take of the whole thing when traveling abroad. saves all that messy glue removal as well.


have you still got the instructions? as I wouldn't mind a photocopy if you have......:-D



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Yes, I can understand the "construction and use" argument and will bear this in mind.


I've still got the instructions and will scan them and e-mail you a copy of the relevant bit tonight.


Can't do it now as I'm just nipping out to get the registration plates made up.


It is the new Tranny we're on about, isn't it?

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Guest JudgeMental


Brilliant!, and thanks a bunch :-D


yes its the new one and no rush.


I will go clean them right now in readiness..... *-)

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Jackal - 2007-10-27 11:50 AM

I was dreading having the van inspected and having to shell out once again for Ford to change over the speedo. Perhaps my doodling will come in handy in three years time for its first MOT.



Checking whether your speedo reads in KPH or MPH is not part of an MOT test. So the van will not fail because of it.



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