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Gaslow - am i missing something?


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I am seriuosly considering having gaslow refillables fitted so i am trying to get quotes.


I live in Bucks but no one local seems to fit (according to the web site Roy Woods transits are supposed to be fitters - but they are not)

I rang Brownhills for a quote (i bought the van from them) and told £704 for fitting 2 X 11 kg bottles

I rang Essandjay and quote not exact but less than £500


i am tempted by Essandjay but haven'y heard of them - do you think they are quotong fot the same thing given the £200 difference + can anybody recommend them.


My Hobby is still in warranty and i don't want to invalidate that.


Advice appreciated.


Also - is it worth going for the two smaller bottles - not on cost but on weight saved - views anybody?


I am only considerrling this to make life easier with less worry when i'm abroad - i don't expect to save money!



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On the concurrent thread 'LPG adaptors for Europe' Don Madge has very kindly supplied pictures of adaptors with the name 'Tinley Tech' superimposed on the pictures.


If you type 'Tinley Tech' into Google you might find the result useful?

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Hi Peter,


Essenjays are very good, can recommend them, they are normally quite fair and reasonable and their work is good, but don't forget Dave Newell of this forum.

However you are paying a very large premium to have anyone fit them. If you can change a cylinder you can fit them yourself as with the exception of installing the filling point it is the same job.

If you cost two cylinders @ £90 = £180 plus a filling kit @ £60 plus second cylinder hose @ £29.95 means material costs are £270 less any discounts you are entitled to, the place I got these prices from give 5% for Caravan Club members for instance, means that for just over £250 buys your material. So how long to swop two cylinders and drill a hole and connect a flexible hose? Thats what you are paying the extra for and it is quite apparent that some have had installations done that apear less than proffesional.



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Hi Peter,

I completely agree with Basil. The job is a piece of cake and there really is no need to pay a premium for someone else to do it. As he also mentions, there have neen cases of 'professional' installation that have turned out less than well.

I personally would go for the biggest cylinders I could fit, the extra autonomy, to me, is well worth the few kilos of extra weight. Horses for courses though: it depends how you use your 'van.

There is also an option open to you in the form of Stako cylinders. These have many advantages over Gaslow and a search on the forum for threads on refillable cylinders will give you an idea of what is out there. If you want more info on Stako, just ask.

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peterjl - 2007-10-26 3:33 PM

(according to the web site Roy Woods transits are supposed to be fitters - but they are not)


I've ordered my new van from RWT, with Gaslow fitted, but I don't know whether it's being fitted by them or the actual converters, Horizons Unlimited. Either way, maybe they only do it when they supply the van.


The Cavarno's locker will only hold one fuill-size bottle, but there's room alongside it for my little Camping Gaz 901, so I'll carry that as emergency backup in case I ever run out and can't find anywhere to refill. It lasts us about 24hrs!



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I don't want to complicate things, but do consider MTH Autogas. They fit Stako cylinders which have a built-in float gauge providing a completely accurate readout of what is left in the cylinder. You can even get a fitting to link the gauge to an LCD readout in the van if you're feeling really lazy.


I have nothing against Gaslow (except that horrible yellow colour!), but they do not have such gauges. The best they can do is a pressure gauge which doesn't tell you a thing about what's left in the cylinder - see this month's MMM for why.


Mel E


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We are having MTH bottles fitted on Monday. LOTS cheaper than G****w.

They now have NEW Super Lightweight Aluminium cylinders with 80% auto cut out valves Only 6.5kilo tare weight per cylinder. detachable carry handle for Hymer owners (anyone seen Gaslow fitter using an angle grinder on their bottles?) 5 times more efficient than steel bottles.

I have no connection with them. I will report back after they are fitted on Monday. :-)

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Pardon me for asking but how does a gas bottle become 'efficient'?


How exactly does an aluminium bottle 'out perform' a steel bottle please - apart from the obvious weight saving?


Isn't a gas bottle simply a storage medium and gas will be gas whether it comes out of a steel, aluminium or composite plastic container?

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Tracker - 2007-10-26 7:29 PM


Pardon me for asking but how does a gas bottle become 'efficient'?


How exactly does an aluminium bottle 'out perform' a steel bottle please - apart from the obvious weight saving?


Isn't a gas bottle simply a storage medium and gas will be gas whether it comes out of a steel, aluminium or composite plastic container?

I will ask them on Monday to explain in full. They say 5 times more efficient than steel (CALORIFIC VALUE), if that helps? I was just quoting from their sales literature.

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peterjl - 2007-10-26 3:33 PM




I am seriuosly considering having gaslow refillables fitted so i am trying to get quotes.


I live in Bucks but no one local seems to fit (according to the web site Roy Woods transits are supposed to be fitters - but they are not)

I rang Brownhills for a quote (i bought the van from them) and told £704 for fitting 2 X 11 kg bottles

I rang Essandjay and quote not exact but less than £500


i am tempted by Essandjay but haven'y heard of them - do you think they are quotong fot the same thing given the £200 difference + can anybody recommend them.


My Hobby is still in warranty and i don't want to invalidate that.


Advice appreciated.


Also - is it worth going for the two smaller bottles - not on cost but on weight saved - views anybody?


I am only considerrling this to make life easier with less worry when i'm abroad - i don't expect to save money!





If you do as I did with my last van, look at the Gaslow website find out all there agents capable of fitting there system and ring around there agents.

I did that and found a dealer to fit mine with an auto change over for £350 and this includes the bottles filled with gas.

This is assuming that you do not feel confident in fitting yourself.



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My physics 'O' level was many a long year ago but I do seem to recall that 'calorific value' refers to the potential energy stored in a fuel rather than the properties of the container?


It would be very interesting for us all to hear what the vendors of these 'efficient' gas bottles have to say Dennis please!



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DJP - 2007-10-26 7:26 PM

They now have NEW Super Lightweight Aluminium cylinders with 80% auto cut out valves Only 6.5kilo tare weight per cylinder. detachable carry handle for Hymer owners (anyone seen Gaslow fitter using an angle grinder on their bottles?) 5 times more efficient than steel bottles.


Hmmm I would be extremely wary about aluminium Cylinders with LPG. Does anyone remember Calor marketing theirs? Brilliant for the caravan in terms of weight, they were sort of the caravan equivilent of the 'Holy Grail' for weight reduction however they were eventually withdrawn from use because it was found that the aluminium reacted with the gas making it neccessary to clean the inside of the cylinder at every refill and even then causing white powder to become deposited in the gas regulator and syste, in some cases needing complete replacement. The additional cleaning regime was the reason that the refills were much more costly than standard refills needing more operator time to cut open the cylinder clean then re-weld. With refillables when exactly are they going to get cleaned and tested?

With all the problems with the oily goo geting in the regulators I don't think I would want to have yet another possible problem in my gas system!

The CV (calorific value) is indeed a measure of the amount of heat contained in the gas and this would be totally unaffected by having an aluminium cylinder, interesting, you have wonder at the competence of the vendor!


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Had a quick look at the MTH site - £480.00 for 14 or 17 Kg cylinders, way above the price for the equivalent Gaslow.


Dont see the need for level indicators, unless you only have a single cylinder, or automatic changeover. When a cylinder is empty its quite apparent and its only a changeover and then top up when next at the pumps. With automatic, when there both empty its VERY apparent and you have no leaway.


More efficient cylinder???????????. Sounds a good sales line and will be interesting to get the feedback

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Yes now you come to mention it Bas I do recall Calor's flirtation with aluminium bottles and their sudden disappearance.


I wonder where all those thousands of aluminium bottles ended up?


I reckon that if it ain't broke don't fix it - so I will stick with steel gas containers I think!

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sshortcircuit - 2007-10-26 8:02 PM


Had a quick look at the MTH site - £480.00 for 14 or 17 Kg cylinders, way above the price for the equivalent Gaslow.


Dont see the need for level indicators, unless you only have a single cylinder, or automatic changeover. When a cylinder is empty its quite apparent and its only a changeover and then top up when next at the pumps. With automatic, when there both empty its VERY apparent and you have no leaway.


More efficient cylinder???????????. Sounds a good sales line and will be interesting to get the feedback


The new Super Lightweight Ali ones are not on the website yet. They are £165 each fitted and filled.


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Basil - 2007-10-26 7:59 PM


DJP - 2007-10-26 7:26 PM

They now have NEW Super Lightweight Aluminium cylinders with 80% auto cut out valves Only 6.5kilo tare weight per cylinder. detachable carry handle for Hymer owners (anyone seen Gaslow fitter using an angle grinder on their bottles?) 5 times more efficient than steel bottles.


Hmmm I would be extremely wary about aluminium Cylinders with LPG. Does anyone remember Calor marketing theirs? Brilliant for the caravan in terms of weight, they were sort of the caravan equivilent of the 'Holy Grail' for weight reduction however they were eventually withdrawn from use because it was found that the aluminium reacted with the gas making it neccessary to clean the inside of the cylinder at every refill and even then causing white powder to become deposited in the gas regulator and syste, in some cases needing complete replacement. The additional cleaning regime was the reason that the refills were much more costly than standard refills needing more operator time to cut open the cylinder clean then re-weld. With refillables when exactly are they going to get cleaned and tested?

With all the problems with the oily goo geting in the regulators I don't think I would want to have yet another possible problem in my gas system!

The CV (calorific value) is indeed a measure of the amount of heat contained in the gas and this would be totally unaffected by having an aluminium cylinder, interesting, you have wonder at the competence of the vendor!


Another question for them then. BEFORE fitting.

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The original post said

"I am seriuosly considering having gaslow refillables fitted so i am trying to get quotes.


I live in Bucks but no one local seems to fit (according to the web site Roy Woods transits are supposed to be fitters - but they are not)

I rang Brownhills for a quote (i bought the van from them) and told £704 for fitting 2 X 11 kg bottles

I rang Essandjay and quote not exact but less than £500


i am tempted by Essandjay but haven'y heard of them - do you think they are quotong fot the same thing given the £200 difference + can anybody recommend them. "


So 2 x £165.00 = £330.00 Somewhat less then the prices quoted above I believe.


Plus, Gaslow quoted me at Shepton Show in September £540 fitted.

Not sure where you got your prices from (?) 8-)

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Hi everybody


My question seems to have started something here.


Many thanks for all the replies - its given me lots to think about - i'm going to consider your replies - do some more homework - and let you know how i get on.


re RWT - they only fit gaslow inti their own conversions - they were the first people i went to for a quote.


i'm off to bed - read all your replies in full tomorrow





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DJP - 2007-10-26 8:51 PM

So 2 x £165.00 = £330.00 Somewhat less then the prices quoted above I believe.


Plus, Gaslow quoted me at Shepton Show in September £540 fitted.

Not sure where you got your prices from (?) 8-)


Ok yes I accept that point for fitted against the quoted prices in the origional post. My prices for Gaslow materials came from the website of East Coast Leisure see




though Waudbys of South Cove still have them at the old prices of £84.95/ 11kg cylinder and £50 for filling kit on their website see





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I have thought about fitting refillable gas cylinders, but have yet not do so. My gas compartment holds 2 13kg Calor bottles and at the most I only buy 2 bottles a year at around £17 each, (£34 total). Based on the posts in the tread so far, that would take at least 10 years to pay for itself.

Yes I do tour central Europe but not at present for any extended periods; if I did then that would be a different consideration.

A question for those of you that have had refillable gas cylinders fitted; of what ever make you chose. Q Why did you fit two? You wouldn’t fit two diesel tanks! Why not retain a Calor bottle along side your Gaslow bottle and switch manually to the Calor as a back up, switching back when you have filled the Gaslow?

This appears to make financial sense to me.




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watsoa - 2007-10-27 9:06 AM

Could you not also have a standard cylinder linked to a gaslow cylinder and fill them both up at the same time.

Alan W

No because the Calor cylinder does not have the 80% fill safety cutoff valve.I have one 26 litre (holds just over 20 litres (about 10 KGs) of LPG) Stako cylinder fitted. We don't currently tour abroad and we don't tour the UK for extended periods either. Why did I fit a refillable? Well not for the cheaper gas particularly although every bit helps. I fitted it for convenience, no more lugging heavy bottles around and I gained half a locker of space (as I used to carry two cylinders) which I now use to carry my levelling ramps and steady winder handle. With the single Stako cylinder I check my gas level before a trip and if I feel there might not be enough to cover the planned trip I top it up.Its the same as my Sat nav and reversing camera really. I didn't really need them, I've navigated my way around this country and parts of the continent for years using paper maps and as for the camera, well at a touch over 5 metres and with two huge mirrors ours is an easy van to reverse but it didn't stop me paying out more than the cost of the cylinder for both sat nav and reversing camera. (lol) D.
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Basil - 2007-10-26 11:50 PM


DJP - 2007-10-26 8:51 PM

So 2 x £165.00 = £330.00 Somewhat less then the prices quoted above I believe.


Plus, Gaslow quoted me at Shepton Show in September £540 fitted.

Not sure where you got your prices from (?) 8-)


Ok yes I accept that point for fitted against the quoted prices in the origional post. My prices for Gaslow materials came from the website of East Coast Leisure see




though Waudbys of South Cove still have them at the old prices of £84.95/ 11kg cylinder and £50 for filling kit on their website see








I've just been talking to Waudby's and they confirmed the price is correct.


As Mel B has stated they will take some beating on price and if you find an item cheaper elsewhere they will match it.


I have no connection with Waudby's except for storing my van in their storage area and being friends with Don Waudby for the last 30 years. We live a ten minute walk from the show room.


Wandahome also have a motorhome sales outlet there as well and stock Adria and Compass and have a small stock of previously owned vans.



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