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Gaslow - am i missing something?


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Thanks for all tips and advice. I now see Waudby's are incredibly cheap for the Gaslow equipment. I am just not confident enough to take on the DIY job plus they are a long way from the west coast of Somerset where I live.

I am going for refillable bottles for pure ease. No lifting in and out of the lockers to replace them. OK I could do it now but in 5 years or so, who knows. I should never run out of gas again. When I fill up with diesel and I know I am getting down to about 25% gas I will fill the bottles up at the same time. We do use our van all the year round and we like to keep warm so the gas usage will be quite high over the winter months and we like to shower in the van, so loads of water to heat. (it's a fair size van to heat as well)

I will report back as I said on Monday re the questions asked in previous posts.

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sshortcircuit - 2007-10-26 8:02 PM




More efficient cylinder???????????. Sounds a good sales line and will be interesting to get the feedback


Probaly to do with the heat transfer to vaporise the gas in the bottle. Which makes me think how efficient the new plastic bottles are ? (warmer to the touch, not so good for low tempratures)


Just thinking out aloud !


. Also I now see that Calor gas have liteweight bottles now made of a thinner steel, due for sale in 2008.


http://www.calorlite.co.uk/ (added in edit)



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ChasB - 2007-10-27 8:58 AM ... Q Why did you fit two? You wouldn’t fit two diesel tanks! Why not retain a Calor bottle along side your Gaslow bottle and switch manually to the Calor as a back up, switching back when you have filled the Gaslow? This appears to make financial sense to me. ChasB


When touring, the last thing I personally want to be thinking about is procuring consumables. Which is why I’ve also built in extra fresh water capacity.

The idea of a third bottle is something I’m actually working on. I intend to supplement my twin Stako setup with a ‘new’ locker that I’m contemplating building into the garage that will hold a ‘local’ cylinder of whatever make.

Then, if in Spain, Norway, or one of the other less than easy-to-obtain (refillable) LPG countries, it looks like the Stako supply is dwindling, it will be relatively easy to obtain a local bottle as an emergency back-up until an LPG refill can be found. I concede it’s not the most cost efficient solution, but it does mean we won’t run out.

As always, the logic of choice with this conundrum depends on how you use your ‘van. We tend to stay out in the wilds. If, however, you frequently use campsites with EHU, your needs will be utterly different.

It’s stating the obvious maybe, but sometimes the fact that we are not a homogeneous user group is seemingly lost.

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ChasB - 2007-10-27 8:58 AM

A question for those of you that have had refillable gas cylinders fitted; of what ever make you chose. Q Why did you fit two? You wouldn’t fit two diesel tanks! Why not retain a Calor bottle along side your Gaslow bottle and switch manually to the Calor as a back up, switching back when you have filled the Gaslow?

This appears to make financial sense to me.




That is exactly what I did origionally with a view that when my backup of five Calor cylinders ran out I would fit a second one. In fact the Calor ones rarely got used as I tended to top up when I had used up the Gaslow and then switch back to the newly refilled cylinder. I then realised that I had no idea how much gas was in the Calor back up and could visualise a time when both could empty at the same time so bit the bullet, however your sugestion is the most economical way of doing it.

We have had ours three years now and they have already paid for themselves and we are in profit for the next 12 years. We did not get them to save money but only to not have to run out of gas when abroad as I could never be bothered with poncing about changing regulators or buying foreign cylinders and was not happy to possibly break rules carrying a third cylinder inappropriately. The shear freedom of concern about how much gas you use without thoughts of rationing it (that'll upset the tree huggers) makes it worthwhile for me without thinking about the other advantages, money can't buy peace of mind and you can't take it with you you can only let someone else take advantage of it whoever it may be!



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HI All,Have just this week got ONE bottle from MTH and yes its a Alugas so that i can fit it in my Hymer with a Calor one Plus a small Gaz 904/7, that way me think got it all covered!. The good thing is that with the Alugas top part comes of.Regards john
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I was interested to read about the powdery formation problem with the aluminium gas cylinders that used to be marketed by Calor. I recall asking about these containers at a Calor main depot a few years ago as I had spotted one languishing at my local recycling centre.


Nothing was said about powder, but I was told that the aluminium cylinders had been withdrawn because they had proved vulnerable to cracking when given the type of rough handling that exchangeable gas cylinders are regularly subjected to and that steel cylinders tolerate. This, of course, shouldn't be a problem with a refillable container.


(Incidentally, I had a vague feeling that aluminium gas cylinders are in regular use in Germany.)

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I absolutely accept that one bottle will see you through just about any journey in Western Europe/>, no matter which country you are in. Sometimes though, it can mean a bit of a trek off the intended route in the less well supported countries. The point I was (clumsily) trying to make was that my own preference is to go as long as possible between having to find supplies. If you tour a lot in winter away from EHUs it’s amazing how quickly an 11kg bottle can be depleted,

To illustrate, it would also be possible to travel with a fresh water tank of only 20 litres, but it would be a nuisance diverting constantly in the quest for refills.

At the end of the day we equip our ‘vans according to out own personal requirements given the constraints of space and payload etc. There is no ‘right’ way of doing things, just the best way for our own needs.



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Derek Uzzell - 2007-10-28 9:18 AM


I was interested to read about the powdery formation problem with the aluminium gas cylinders that used to be marketed by Calor. I recall asking about these containers at a Calor main depot a few years ago as I had spotted one languishing at my local recycling centre.


Nothing was said about powder, but I was told that the aluminium cylinders had been withdrawn because they had proved vulnerable to cracking when given the type of rough handling that exchangeable gas cylinders are regularly subjected to and that steel cylinders tolerate. This, of course, shouldn't be a problem with a refillable container.


(Incidentally, I had a vague feeling that aluminium gas cylinders are in regular use in Germany.)

I was quoting information obtained, at the time I was using the alumninum ones before they were withdrawn, from a collegue whose work at that time with Calor at their Corringham refilling plant was to split and clean these very cylinders. Whilst I don't know first hand I would totally trust any information from this friend who I have known for years and would have no reason to feed me duff information, unlike someone who was following the company line maybe.



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Mel E - 2007-10-27 10:47 AM


I am somewhat confused that ssshortcircuit is comparing the MTH price for 14 or 17Kg cylinders with the Gaslow price for 11Kg ones.


Surely apples and pears?


Mel E



Agreed, however if you had taken the time to look at both sites you will see they do not make the same sizes. I stated the sizes provide in order for you to use your noodle and make a judgement.

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2 X 14 0r 17 Kg Easyfill bottles = £480.00




1 X 11 Kg cylinder £84.50

! x 2nd 11 Kg cylinder £84.50

1 X filling kit £56.95

1 x connector hose £30.95

2 x connector hoses £16.00

1 X manual changeover guage £21.50

Existing regulator used


Total £294.40


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Sorry SS,


I must be missing something here. You stated earlier that you compared Gaslow 11KG with MTH 14/17KG because they don't both make the same sizes.


But there on the MTH web page you quote is their price for two 11KG bottles with fitting kit.


Please, what am I missing?


Mel E


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We had a Gaslow 11kg cylinder fitted at the Wester MH Show and then went to France for 6 weeks. We were probably unlucky in that we had a faulty cylinder which would not provide enough pressure to power one burner in the morning although it did keep the fridge going overnight! Having said that we are now using the replacement cylinder quite successfully although I have backed this up with a 6kg Calor from the off which did save us in France. I agree with several of the above posts in that one cylinder should be sufficient for even extended trips although I will continue to carry the back up Calor. We did find a couple of other problems when trying to obtain gas in France however. Firstly some supermarkets only supply gas on an automatic pump using a credit card, which of course don't work yet in French petrol stations. Secondly several Leclerc have the pump in an island situation where it is on our off side meaning the hose will not stretch around the van to our near side filler! The fitting was also very simple and I would suggest anyone with a suitable size spanner could do the job, but remember to complete a check for gas leaks before using the system.
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