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Remis Blinds on the new Tranny!


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Dear oh dear!


2 complete howlers on my new Hymer C Class.


One, the placing of the toilet roll holder behind the toilet so that you can't actually sit back and those awful Remis blinds.


Rattle, rattle, rattle, clunk, clunk, clunk, and not even light proof to boot!


Have resorted to 4 tightened cycle rack ties on the side pillar to keep 'em from driving me to distraction.


Surely, someone at Hymer noticed the din the first time they drove the vehicle. We certainly did!

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Same base vehicle, same blinds, different conversion, no noise!  They rattled a bit at first, but I discovered this ceases if the "quarter light" blind especially is fully clipped back.  It seems to be the telescopic stay that rattles, until the retracted blind is given a little extra sqeeze, to tuck it right back into the frame.  Silence ensues, at least it has so far on ours!
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I shall investigate this weekend but both side blinds seem well clipped in, as they are supposed to be.


The problem seems to be the "pillar" that they clip on to has far too much play in it, wobbles when driving and shakes both of the blinds.


As I said, I've squeezed them tight by fastening two ties all the way around the pillar and tightening it as tight as possible.

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The shape of the 'quarter-light' (QL) cab windows on Year 2000-onwards Transits complicates the design of Remis concertina screens. The QL screens on my 2005-model Hobby lack the scissors-type stays fitted to the latest versions and, as a result, need considerable care to avoid damage when being deployed and retracted.


My experience is that the side blinds can sometimes produce noise while driving but, as Brian advises, an extra squeeze normally stops it. Can't say the (inevitable) light ingress worries us, but it would be nice if they provided more effective cold weather insulation.

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2007 Hobby Siesta on Tranny:


I have had no problems with the Remis blinds providing you are careful when closing them - previous van was an AS Symbol and you could hardly hear yourself speak for rattles. Check to see if there are any fixing screws near to the ‘pillar’.


My thoughts about the blinds are:


I wouldn't have chosen them as a retro-fit (Van came with them as standard equipment). I find they are very flimsy, hard to retract, do nothing towards insulation, are a nuisance when you swivel the seats and severely reduce visibility. This is one area where the Symbol was superior – what is wrong with a good set of long thick curtains. In fact I would go so far as to say that I would remove them were it not for the fact that I would then be left with numerous holes where they are screwed to the van.


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Jackal - 2007-11-21 8:36 PM I shall investigate this weekend but both side blinds seem well clipped in, as they are supposed to be. The problem seems to be the "pillar" that they clip on to has far too much play in it, wobbles when driving and shakes both of the blinds. As I said, I've squeezed them tight by fastening two ties all the way around the pillar and tightening it as tight as possible.

Have a close look at the "inside" of the frame, where the blinds retract.  There are additional plastic angle or channel sections that fix to the normally visible surround via double sided tape.  I forgot to mention that I did find one of ours was not fully stuck in place at first, and did rattle a bit.  A little gentle pressure allowed the tape to get to work, since when they have generally been quiet, unless not quite fully retracted.

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Sorted mine for the time being. First I made sure everything was fixed properly in the channels.


I tried just squeezing the central column that both blinds retract into and whilst this worked it was only temporary.


I have now made up some velcro straps and wrap around central column, this seems to be working at the moment.



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