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Tony's new van

Mel B

Tony's new van  

27 members have voted

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Okay, just a bit of fun, seeing as our lovely Tony is due to get his van shortly, I thought it might be fun to guess if it will be on time, early (!) or late.


I've started you off, now put down your vote, or add another timescale if you want, please only vote once!!! :-D

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Maybe Clive M.G. could arrange a photoshoot and indepth interview when Tony picks up his van, with Tony,s consent of course.

The van apart, it would be nice to see Tony,s reaction on the big day, with all the expectations, anticipation and excitement there to be shared with us all in some future MMM article.


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It's good to see that the majority share my faith - at least in my dealer, if not the other kind.

No point in anyone adding an "earlier" option, because it's going to have an '08 reg so we can't collect it until 1 March.




PS And yes, Howie, I'm always up for a bit of fame if Clive's interested!

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howie - 2008-01-24 1:52 AM


Maybe Clive M.G. could arrange a photoshoot and indepth interview when Tony picks up his van, with Tony,s consent of course.

The van apart, it would be nice to see Tony,s reaction on the big day, with all the expectations, anticipation and excitement there to be shared with us all in some future MMM article.


Do you think he'll stay with him during the first trip to trouble shoot?? Does that mean we get to meet him out here?? Are we your first trip Tony??

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I have to say that Howie's idea is fantastic - is there any way Clive that you or someone could do that for the mag?


Tony has gamely put up with a load of (hopefully good-natured) stick and banter from all us lot for months now; it'd be good for him to bask in a little glory when the new van does finally arrive..........in mid-June. :D



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Tony Jones - 2008-01-24 8:56 AM




PS And yes, Howie, I'm always up for a bit of fame if Clive's interested!

Heady days these Tony, but let me offer a word of caution. Lovely fellow that you are I do feel you need someone who can handle and promote your undoubted talent as a upcoming celebrity, and someone who can leave you free to concentrate on your new career without worrying about the rather sordid financial side of things.

It just so happens that I have some experience on such matters, and with our close family ties would be more than willing to help you out in this respect, and given your impeccable pedigree, will ensure that any future engagements will always be in the best possible taste.

Your caring Bro. Howie.


P.S. It would be remiss of me, as your agent, to not mention that getting your kit off will more than double your fees, and something I feel you should consider.




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I can just see the headline now - splashed across the front of a specially shrink-wrapped July edition of MMM:


"Topless Tony our God Squad Guerrilla strips to pose with Hannibal 2 in this men's magazine"


Circulation figures will go through the roof!!




C'mon Clive GTB, this'll be a real scoop!




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I'm sorry if my raw masculinity (as demonstrated by hairy chest etc) causes jealousy in Peter, and raises emotions in Mel that she has trouble dealing with, but that has to be their problem. I'm not going to change just to make life easier for them.


By the way, this is the second time Mel has resurrected that picture. She must keep it handy - maybe it's her "scream-saver" :D :D ???



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Tony Jones - 2008-01-25 9:06 AM


By the way, this is the second time Mel has resurrected that picture. She must keep it handy - maybe it's her "scream-saver" :D :D ???





She keeps it on the mantlepiece to keep the kids away from the fire

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I notice that the piccie names the two of them together as "Tony" and "Hannibal".


Must be that the old van was called "Tony", 'cos I can see him there cooking up something that could very easily be human liver..........probably to be eaten with a nice glass of chianti :-(






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Tony Jones - 2008-01-25 9:06 AM


By the way, this is the second time Mel has resurrected that picture. She must keep it handy - maybe it's her "scream-saver" :D :D ???




No, don't fret Tony, I'm not secretyly 'drooling' over the picture - I forgot I still had it on the PC and found it accidentally the other day when looking at some old photos so I knew it was there and the temptation to show it again was just toooooooo great!!!! ;-)


I don't want to worry you though chuck, but you're slipping in the polls ... 9 votes saying it'll be 1 months late ... better have a word with the 'boss' just to be safe ... :D

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Tomo3090 - 2008-01-26 5:22 PM


Tony, will your new van be from the 21st century and have an inside kitchen?


And now I'm stuck with the image of what the shower is like in my head!!




We have an inside kitchen but like Tony we choose to cook outside under the awning, less heat and smells.



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Tomo3090 - 2008-01-26 5:22 PM


Tony, will your new van be from the 21st century and have an inside kitchen?

There was a perfectly good kitchen inside Hannibal, but we carried an extra stove for outdoor use when it was too warm to cook inside. Won't need to do that with H2, as it'll have a lifting tailgate next to the kitchen.


And now I'm stuck with the image of what the shower is like in my head!!



That's easy Tomo. I fitted a clip to the outside, and when we'd been to the beach we'd run one of those little shower-spray things (you can buy them for a fiver) out of the window and clipped it up there for a cooling outdoor shower (in swimsuits OF COURSE!).

H2 will have full shower facilties on board.



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