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Forums,Writers, and Manufacturers


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With the advent of internet forums I had thought that 'we' the contributurs where giving the writers of MMM etc. an easy ride, as they would have access to concerns etc. of a wide range of people 24/7 and they would use this as part of researching a story/report, but it would appear from Andy's posting that this is not the case, in fact he admits to having no idea how they work, what a waste of a resource! I now wonder now many others actualy view it to see what the 'hot' topics are?

As for manufactururs and dealers, I have seen a few threads slagging them off, yet not one appears to defend themselves. As I have stated before, if you go on a IT forum complaining about Mesh computers, then a rep will soon be online offering to sort it out.

Any thoughts? do the writers have any idea whats going on? Do the manufacturers and dealers give a damn about whats posted about them?


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Well as some of you know i write a regular monthly column for a national motorhome mag. In answer to your question, yes I do use this and several other forums to attempt to keep my finger on the pulse. Its a bit unfair to use Andy as an example in this case as his normal subject matter is travel, road testing motorhomes and scenery, with very much emphasis on the scenery!


Andy is a bit of an enigma in some respects. He is actually a very genial and friendly chap although he does tend to put on a "grumpy old man" persona. In some respects he is an old fashioned chap, he likes film cameras and hanging around on mountain sides.


Given the facts about Andy and his writing style/usual subject matter it comes as no surprise to me that he hasn't yet mastered the art of forum usage. Yourself, it would appear have a significant amount of IT and web experience and good for you but please don't condemn others who don't have the experience, or desire to play on here like we do.



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O.K. maybe I've been unfair quoting Andy as I don't know him personnaly, and you Dave are a regular contributor, I'm just interested as to whether the mags take any notice of the forums, apart from the recent reply from Comfort (which is good to see) it seems no one in the industry looks to see whats being said, or maybe they don't want to get embroiled in an online arguement.
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Geof, I never said there was anything wrong with film cameras, I've rather fond memories of using them myself. I was attempting to outline the fact that not all writers are into the digital age in a big way, and good for them if that's what they want. Personally I'm into the digital era in a big way, I do almost everything I can via PC, Laptop, digital camera, digital video, the internet etc.


Vive la difference!




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Colin - how true.... I post on another forum, a slimming one, which is frequented by followers of a very popular UK diet, and sure enough, we mention we're looking for a recipe and it appears in the magazine a few weeks later... or someone else related to things we have been discussing.


IMO they turn a blind eye to us swapping information, as they use the board for research as to how we are thinking about the diet, and the classes etc....

I'm amazed not more do it.

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