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Wind Turbines


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Until someone with no financial or political interests or bias whatsoever convinces me otherwise, I will continue to see wind turbines as in the same ilk as catalytic converters - flawed technology being foisted on us by naive and/or greedy politicians and/or greedy or biased or misguided scientists and greedy multi national companies.


On an island surrounded by strong tidal waters, where the guaranteed and predictable tidal streams and currents, and the tidal rise and fall, continuously ebb and flow without ever stopping, why on earth are we messing about with unpredictable wind turbines that fail to turn at all when winter high atmospheric pressure dictates very cold weather with little or no wind necessitating the firing up of gas powered generators to make up the shortfall?

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onecal vw - 2008-01-31 4:42 PM


If we close all the Power Stations what about all the people that will loose there Jobs and all the Jobs lost to those who supply the stations.

We all Care,

Look at the bigger picture,




You can't keep uneconomic power stations open on social grounds, any more than you can keep any other uneconomic business entity open - that was called communism and is a sure fire way to bankrupt a country.


Better to close them and create new more viable enterprises in which to gainfully employ people.

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crinklystarfish - 2008-01-31 4:49 PM


My God Rich, I can't think of anything to disagree with. Don't tell anyone though!


Sorry mate - didn't mean to agree with you - honest!

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I dont think anyone wants to keep uneconomic Power stations open but replace them with ones that are. Times have changed since the old coal milled fired Power Stations. New one's are economic and clean.

Wave power is a great idea but still quite expensive yet,

How about a mix of them all for safety and security of supplies.




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a report lasr year stated that the largest wind farm in britain was only running at one third capacity due to lack of wind,the wind in this country is either on or off.also this week another report said that massive profits were being made by investors in windfarms due to the huge subsides, until sombody from the "green lobby" puts a detailed map on the table of the location and generation capacity of renewables i remain unconvinced that they are the answer to our energy needs
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That's a bit of a let down!


Isn't anyone going to get upset by my rants and start throwing some poor unsuspecting teddies out of their prams?


Ah well - c'est la vie - but please throw them out humanely when their time comes!

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Tracker - 2008-01-31 8:38 PM


That's a bit of a let down!


Isn't anyone going to get upset by my rants and start throwing some poor unsuspecting teddies out of their prams?


Ah well - c'est la vie - but please throw them out humanely when their time comes!


Crikey I am impressed *-) *-)

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Tracker - 2008-01-31 8:38 PM


That's a bit of a let down!


Isn't anyone going to get upset by my rants and start throwing some poor unsuspecting teddies out of their prams?


Ah well - c'est la vie - but please throw them out humanely when their time comes!

Can hardly be bothered, but just to please you I will make this one half hearted post.

Extracting energy from wind is well proven and has been used for centuries. Biggest tidal project in UK is going pear shaped.

Teddy hardly distuberd

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CliveH - 2008-01-30 10:43 PM


Totally agree with you Clive


On a trip to Wales I was mightily impressed with the grace of these huge windmills.


Over lunch the locals in the pub were unanimous - they said they were better than flooding the valleys which is what has happened before in the pursuit of hydro electricity.


The great thing about these new "windmills" is that they are relatively easy to put up, make little impact on the land use around them and if they are no longer needed - easy to take down and recycle.


My only critiscm is that I believe we should be moving towards low energy hardware in our homes with small local wind generators and solar panels rather than trying to get wind power and solar power to produce power to the national grid and pipe it into our homes at 240v and 13 amp.


With modern low energy use hardware - we should all be looking towards self sufficiency.



Works pretty well in motorhomes.



Mick H.

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Tracker - 2008-01-31 4:46 PM


Until someone with no financial or political interests or bias whatsoever convinces me otherwise, I will continue to see wind turbines as in the same ilk as catalytic converters - flawed technology being foisted on us by naive and/or greedy politicians and/or greedy or biased or misguided scientists and greedy multi national companies.


On an island surrounded by strong tidal waters, where the guaranteed and predictable tidal streams and currents, and the tidal rise and fall, continuously ebb and flow without ever stopping, why on earth are we messing about with unpredictable wind turbines that fail to turn at all when winter high atmospheric pressure dictates very cold weather with little or no wind necessitating the firing up of gas powered generators to make up the shortfall?





Havn't noticed much high atmospheric pressure this month.




Mick H.




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Mick H. - 2008-01-31 10:37 PM


Tracker - 2008-01-31 4:46 PM









Havn't noticed much high atmospheric pressure this month.




Mick H.



last weekend!

apart from a few isolated blows there has been very little wind this winter.

i walk my dog on the beach every morning and the sea has been pretty calm for january

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Well lets go nuclear for all our energy needs then. Might have the odd mishap now and then, but seeing as most of our problems can be put down to over population, and demand about to exceed our natural resources, then this would help balance things out.
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Some is better than none.


I don't think eben the most ardent fans (fans - geddit?) of wind power ever suggest that it's a panacea for all electricty generation needs.


But not to take advantage of this green power source to provide as much "free" generation as possible seems just plain dumb.


Same is true of wave and tidal power.

The Severn Barrage idea has been around for decades - I'd love to see it become a reality. Seems it's increasingly possible now at long last.

We seem to be in the "too little too late" camp with regard to all such green power generation sources, mainly because of the NIMBY brigade.








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In the round wind turbines of course have less environmental impact than fossil fuel burning generators. But they are inefficient at supplying the national grid and there is absolutely no doubt that they have a direct and ruinous impact on birds – the jury is still out on impacts on bats. There is no meaningful comparison with such macro scale requirements and a little generator charging your own discreet 12v leisure battery.

There are vastly more efficient and environmentally friendly ways powering the nation. All that lacks is the will of the government and multi-national petrochemical conglomerates to invest in such technology.

While fat-cats grow fatter on the quick profits from wind farm schemes, it isn’t going to happen.

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Mick H. - 2008-01-31 10:37 PM


Havn't noticed much high atmospheric pressure this month.

Mick H.


That's because it has not been very cold, for January that is!


But it has been very windy!

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