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good traveller - or would you get lost ;-))


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Good game for showing just how wildly out you can be on some of them.




I knobbed up Pearl Harbour by a LONG way.....I'd make a rubbish Kamikazi Pilot........


Also Eastern Europe seems to have got a lot more complicated.......





I got to level 5, total points 136,607, travel IQ 88

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davenewell@home - 2008-01-31 9:23 PM




Do I come here often?







don't know Dave - can you find it ??? :-> :-> :->








ps - will try n drop you a line from Christchurch - in a few weeks - fate permitting





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Exustrek - 2008-01-31 8:23 PM


Thanks Twooks.............. good fun




Bloody hell, that's a helluva score Bryan!


You are hereby appointed Mass Breakout Navigator.........everyone follow Bryan; he's your best chance of actually finding anywhere outside the Secure Wing.



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