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Motorhome Grand Prix


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Skottle, hope this helps, the European Granp Prix this year will be held in Valencia, on a street circuit (found most information about Valencia on Formula One Wikipedia) we were in Valencia last year for the Amercicas Cup and could not park any where near. Camp sites were pleniful on the outskirts of Valencia and for 1 euro easly got a bus in to the city.


As this is the firs time the European Grand Prix will be held in Valencia you would not find any help in the archives any way. Carol.

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This is only a guess, but I don't think there's any way that you'll be able to at the Valencia event.

It's a big, and very busy, city.


The race is going to be on a street circuit here, and thus there isn't any "trackside" at all. Also the whole city is going to be packed out for that weekend.


Whilst there are MH sites aound Valencia, my guess is that if you haven't booked (and double-checked as well) your pitch before you come over, you'll be very very lucky if you can get onto one for that weekend.



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Ooops! I seem to have touched you on a raw nerve.


Actually a forum is about exchanging information helpful to others - or so I thought. I did not know the answer to your question, but I suggested the search to get you going quickly, because I recall seeing the topic covered before.


In fact a search of 'Grand Prix' brings up several threads, though they may not be of use to you, of course. My only other suggestion is to try and find a F1 Fan site via Google - if you can bring yourself to use it!


Mel E


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skottle - 2008-02-03 9:09 AM



I have been told that you can attend certain European F1 Grand Prix in your motorhome and stay trackside for the racing weekend. Can anybody shed any light on this please?



Hi Skottle,


If you have access to the Grand Prix calender for this year it might be better if you contacted the host circuit direct with regard to campsites at the circuit.

The F1 circus tend to be a bit "girlie" and as such the security is high so any spectators on an overnight stay tend to be a long way away from the pit area. The Americans have a different attitude towards motorhomes or R.Vs. and you see them parked trackside on raceday but very rarely do you see this at European races.

Hope that helps a little.


John D.

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BGD - 2008-02-04 9:47 AM This is only a guess, but I don't think there's any way that you'll be able to at the Valencia event. It's a big, and very busy, city. The race is going to be on a street circuit here, and thus there isn't any "trackside" at all. Also the whole city is going to be packed out for that weekend. Whilst there are MH sites aound Valencia, my guess is that if you haven't booked (and double-checked as well) your pitch before you come over, you'll be very very lucky if you can get onto one for that weekend.

After the disgraceful scenes directed at Lewis Hamilton while testing at the Barcelona circuit this week, both this years races at Valencia and Barcelona should either be cancelled or moved to other venues.

Let's see if the FIA and Ecclestone have any morals.  

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