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Camos Sat Dome


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Guest JudgeMental


There has been a few posts recently on this subject. Try a "search" and have a look.


also have a look at Sat forum over on "motorhomefacts" as quite a lot of info on there as well.


It really depends where you travel as to how useful they are. It appears once in Spain not much use at all. I like the look of KVH dome but have not spoken or read any reviews on it other then a bit of info on motorhomefacts. But it claims*-) to have better coverage in southern Europe.....



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I have a Camos Dome which i purchased with a pace Mini Box (£200) when i got it home to Spain near Malaga could not get a thing.

Consulted a local brit Sat company who tried their box a Lemon (not joking) It is free to air only and has picked up hundreds of channels trouble few are in English just various news channels.

What I can say is the dome works a treat here in Southern Spain but Astra South and I need a box with decoder card to pick up the Astra South limited channels in English.

I purchased the Pace Mini Box because i read that is was the best one for fringe signals when I asked the Sat people why the Pace did not work they just said some boxes will some won't


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hello,sorry im late getting a reply to you, i changed my semi auto dish system to a Camos dome 2 years ago, the reason i changed was that my dish system was a pain to position even with a sat finder and any movement in the van could lose the signal, also in France it locked into the raised position and what ever i tried i could not get it to motorise down to the "SAFE" travel position. As i didnt fancy the prospect of driving back to caan with the dish swinging in the wind i did an emergency dishsectomy on site,

I will always have a fond memory of me in the sunset with junior hacksaw in hand hacking through a rather exspensive bit of kit,and dumping the dish and motor in to the nearest bin. I found the cap from a gallon container of fresh water fitted the aperture on the roof left vacant by the dishes refusal to work. With a few strips of gaffer tape to hold the cap on i returned to good old blighty.

It was then that after much consideration i opted to buy a Camos Dome, and since have not looked back. I bought it from road pro with a free "freeview" box. I run the dome thru my pace sky box and im still amazed how quickly it finds the sattelite that im looking for, the signal also stays locked on no matter how much the van is rocked, so ramantic evenings are not a problem, by that i mean doing a jigsaw or watching the better half knit. :-D T he thing i like about the Dome is that it is secured to the roof with 2 plastic strips which are bonded to the roof, the dome is then attatched to these strips with bolts, so if you change your motorhome you dont have to give away you sat system with it, just unscew it and fit it to your new motorhome. I have only tried mine in uk and France and all works ok, so germany etc should be fine. I hope this helps :-D

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