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rbs six nations


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Bit harsh lads!


Remember Italy thrashed Scotland their first match ever in the 6 nations.


Relatively new team for England


Italy getting better every year.


Wales TOTALY back on form!


Enjoy the rugby! Plenty more matches to come and lots of opportunity for upset.


Forget the bitchy comments about brains etc.


Not worthy of anyone who knows and understands the game.




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I could hardly watch the world cup after England’s appalling performance against Australia.


Then we reached the final!


The great thing about the 6 nations this year is that all teams are more equal than aver before. We need to bring on some new talent, Wales has just done that.


And Italy is getting better and better.


But the best thing about Rugby? - the good behaviour of the fans and the obvious respect shown by the teams at the end of the match.


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Interesting to see that the England football manager (Capello) not only enjoys his rugby but is also a director with one of the Italian rugby teams as well.

The reasons he gave were that even he, along with many others in Italy, had long been disillusioned with the cheating, play-acting and lack of respect for officials during football games, and that the complete opposite shown re. rugby union came as a breath of fresh air that restored faith in way that all sports can and should be played.

Having played both union and league, I believe that both on and off the field the game (in terms of conduct and behaviour) regulates itself to a great extent.

Supporters are usually made up of ex. players and yobbish behaviour is simply not allowed, with those looking to cause trouble quickly made aware of the consequenses of their actions.

The same applies on the field, with those who feel entitled to use the odd boot or fist soon learning that such misdemeanours always come back, with interest, and that the very nature of the game demands discipline of the highest order to for it to be successfully played and enjoyed. (Yes, I know skulldudgery goes on, but as i,ve said this is usually sorted out amongs,t the players themselves).


Only a lack of believe stops Italy from more success.

England are unable to think on their feet and adapt to way the game goes.

Scotland have the spirit but short on players.

Wales rely on short periods of great play but need to put in a full 80 minutes if they are to win the title.

Ireland are doing everything right but failing to win games.

France are brilliant, but as usual fall apart if things don,t go their way.


The beauty of this tournament is that there are never any favourites, and that on the day any team can beat any of the other teams, and this year it will come down to the final game in Cardiff between Wales and France with home advantage deciding the title.


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as england play france in paris i think france will win at a canter


ireland play wales at home i think ireland will overcome welsh

pressure and win narerly


it will be a tossup between scotland and italy for the wooden spoon

with italy having home advantage i think italy will win and scotland

will have the wooden spoon again

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