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Southern Ireland

P5B Rover

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There is lots of info on here about Ireland and sites and you could try doing some searches using the search facility with titles like 'Ireland' Sites in Ireland' , 'driving in Ireland' etc.


You may have to search on just one area of the forum at a time as otherwise it seems to overload and crash.


You will also find a lot of info by Googling for similar topics.


Happy hunting.

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We toured the Irish Republic in 2006. Apart from the extreme southwest corner there is a dearth of sites, partly because many sites are being converted to mobile homes which involve much less work for the income. Also many sites - especially in the peak period - pack you in like sardines. It's not unusual to be within 3 feet of rigs on either side of you - you just have to hope that there is no fire.


In the extreme SW corner there are several good sites. There is a guide to all the Irish sites available from the Irish tourist board and this should be your starting point.


Mel E


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There are many good roads but few motorways. The most unusual feature is that many ordinary roads are single carriageways with hard shoulders. It is common courtesy for slower vehicles to drive along the hard shoulders to allow faster vehicles to overtake, but look ahead first to spot donkeys and carts on the hard shoulder. It is also common to find direction signs for several directions but all bearing the same road number. Main routes tend to dissappear up side streets, without notice, in rural towns. It's all part of the adventure.
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Hi Jim,

Hope you have a good time when you come over to Ireland. In the south I am afraid we dont use miles anymore its Klm now, Be very carefull of your speed esp' in and approach to towns.

We have a few little things like pulling in on the hard shoulder to let faster traffic by. they will in turn give you a indicator flash. This in turn will also be done for you.

If you get broken down you will always get help. In Eire we have Phone No we pass around so if in trouble you always have back-up.

In the summer it does get very busy, so you will have to book a site in advance. The sites are not that cramped they all know about the 20 ft' rule.

Wild camping is ok in some towns, but not neer the citys. You will not be able to wild canp in Kerry. If you need any more info' I will be glad to help you can PM me if you like. Again I hope you have a good holiday and that6 the weather stays fine, Oh yes we all do the wave over here.



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I take it you are coming across from Scotland to N Ireland first. Your boat timing is very important to avoid heavy traffic around Belfast. (Rush hour)

Be very careful if coming across via Dublin you can be at a standstill for hours if you get the 17.30 boat.

If you come down through the centre of Ireland ie down the river shannon

you can wild camp at will with safety. You can branch off east or west any day you like and still go back towards the shannon at rest time.

The camp sites are good and you will have no problem with one nights stay.

If you send on your planned trip I will help you with your trip as much as possible.



"Ce'ad mille fa'ilte"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, we did 1600 miles round Ireland last year. Some good sites but many are bolt on afterthoughts to trailer residential sites but still want top dollar.

Best in North were the wee CL on Magee Island just North of Belfast and handy for ferry, Bushmill (500 yards south of Distillery). Leave your camper there and take the bus to Giants Causway and all other local features (cheaper than the car park). We loved Conemarra - Dogs Bay site - sign says it's residential but Dennis will take tourers (not great on facilities but fantastic situation.

Best (smartest site) in the South is Killarny (White Bridge) but there were a few others of note: Adrigole (Beara Peninsula) and another right on the west coast of the Ring of Kerry. Note: there is an unwritten law to drive North to South round the ring so all the big vehicles don't meet each other. We didn't know that at the time and went the wrong way (doh!!).

Found a super free site on the Dingle peniesula at Wine Strand and stayed 3 days. Dingle is a bit scruffy but the market on a Friday is super.

I can send you a map and a useful map book with annotations as we're heading for the Highlands this year.

Awra best from Bute www.butejazz.com

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So much to tell you - what a great place to tour.

The roads can be tight but it's worth it and the people so friendly. We even have a couple of aires. Immediately I recommend camping at Tollymore if you like mountains - we go there very regularly - cheap taxi journey into Newcastle town.

You have to see Donegal which has a couple of stop overs but avoid Casey's in Downings. If you can get camping at Port Noo (v basic) but they have the most beautiful beach although one of the pubs is getting refurbished. The people at Donagheys Motorhomes are great if you have any problems.

You mustn't miss out on Wicklow - camp at Redcross and see Glendalough.


I'll try to think of other things and get back to you. You are bouond to enjoy it - I love living and touring here. Happy planning!

Phantom :-D

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Hi P5Brover if you are coming over by boat to Larne come west up the Antrim coast road you will not regret it there are lots of good camp sites up the coast, plenty to see & do. the rugged coast up as for as the giants causway & Carrickareed rope bridge levels out at Bushmills for miles & miles of sandy beaches.If i knew what dates you were coming i could help with things to do & see like the 10-17 May is the north west 200 road race the largist bike race in the world. if you need any help just email me and if i can i will Yours Edgar
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Something I forgot.

Everything in Eire is dearer except the diesel. If you like a dram take stacks as a bottle of average blend can be £20!!! Some good wines to be found in some of the supermarkets and some decent independent wine merchants but still dearer than here.


Awra best - Argyler

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