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Fuel Prices

Keith T

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even before the budget this week, when no doubt the expected 2-3p per litre will be added, we saw in Bexhill, Sussex, yesterday petrol at 105.9p, but deisel at an incredible 115.9p, a premium of 10p per litre or 45p per gallon.....this is astronomical, and not only the highest price I have seen, but the biggest differential.

Have i missed something or is there a reason for this difference - most garages seem to be around 4-5p difference between the two, but this is unreasonable. I've not seen this reported in the media anywhere.

Anyone know the current price in Fance?

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It's because we're using so much more diesel than we used to, and so the refineries have to produce more, meaning they use valuable fractions for it rather than the by=products they used to use at minimal cost.


Add to thet 'what the market will bear' and you get your answer.


Mel E


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Guest Tracker

The gap may narrow a bit when the demand for heating oil subsides after the winter.


Global warming? Bring it on!

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Every thing that VAT is paid on is transported by diesel. The higher the price of diesel the higher the price of the goods, the higher the price of the goods the more VAT the government can collect, and so forth!!!!!! I always called our Motorhome Gordons piggy bank. I know it is not Gordon Brown now but he started it off. What we need is a motorhoming chanceller in charge of the "Governments Money bags"
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We have noticed a considerable difference when travelling around and it would appear that as you get further from a refinery the price of both petrol and diesel increases. It is 112.9 for diesel round here in Worcestershire and as many of the refineries are near the coast we could not be further away!

I understand the difference is due to transportation costs although 6p a litre does seem excessive.

Seriously considering going back to caravanning as it now costs over £70 to fill our MH which does 28 -30 mpg. The car does 39-42mpg so we can tour more cheaply in the car. The car does use more fuel when towing but still beats the MH and at least we can park it!

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Guest Tracker

In our experience the only place to offer sensible fuel prices (well comparatively!) is ASDA and the effect often rubs off on the other local supermarkets in the same town - not that I am suggesting that prices are rigged of course as it is all supply and demand.


In other words they all charge what they can get away with - except ASDA.


The icing on the cake is an ASDA credit card, of which use at the pumps gets you a 2p per litre (9p a gallon) discount (oh how I love that word - DISCOUNT!)


Don't expect any sympathy from Grasping Gordon and his sweet little Darling poodle Alastair in tomorrow's budget!

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Yes Tracker I get all my "GO JUICE" from ASDA on the card, very good, and in our ASDA you pay out of the cab window on the way out in the dry. Of course you are quite well off living out there in Dyfed near all the refineries.

Closer to Milford Sound the cheaper the fuel is.

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Guest Tracker
Ranger - 2008-03-11 11:28 AM


Yes Tracker I get all my "GO JUICE" from ASDA on the card, very good, and in our ASDA you pay out of the cab window on the way out in the dry. Of course you are quite well off living out there in Dyfed near all the refineries.

Closer to Milford Sound the cheaper the fuel is.


Fuel never used to be cheaper here until ASDA came to Pembroke four years ago - indeed it was always a bone of contention that Pembrokshire folk paid more for their fuel as a bonus of being so close to the refineries!

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If anyone wants to start a blockade or other meaningfull and potentially effective protest - count me and the Mrs in.


It cannot be justied. Just look at the wide range of prices world wide for diesel plus the fact that everyone gets it so there cannot be a shortage.

More customers should mean the economies of scale come in to play even more, especially in a world market.


If you think I am livid about this abuse by governments of us then you are right.




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Yep - I always said that once prices broke through the psychological barrier of £1 per litre there would be no stopping 'em!


I reckon it will only slow down when the next 'barrier' hoves into view - maybe £1.50 or even £2. Sound far fetched? Well so did £1 per litre not so long ago - and just wait till the profits are announced again - another record year I bet!



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Its about time the haulage companies withdrew their services for a few days so all the shops and supermarkets would run empty people would panic buy food and essentials producers would not need labour because they would not be able to move their goods the government would soon have to look at fuel prices as an all out mayhem persued. Still someone has to pay for this crazy war in the middle east as usual the poor bl**dy motorists.

Thats got that off my chest anyone going to Newark Show this weekend ?

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I can't help finding this funny. I see people in supermarkets paying £1.40 for a litre of H2O, which has no special extra tax on it unlike fuel. A comparison in one of the Sunday papers shows that in real terms fuel has risen at a slower rate than many other commodities, so why all the fuss?






Over £5.00 for a packet of fags, £12 to £15 for a litre of spirits! Hmmm some folk have strange priority's to me!

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Basil - 2008-03-11 3:45 PM I Over £5.00 for a packet of fags, £12 to £15 for a litre of spirits! Hmmm some folk have strange priority's to me!

Don't smoke-Don't drink and I use tap water. How does that help me?????

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Guest Tracker

I too find it funny Basil as I don't buy poncey water because mark 1 tapolene is fine for us - and we pay enough for that too!


I have never ever smoked - not even at school and I never buy spirits in the UK!

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Clive - 2008-03-11 2:02 PM


If anyone wants to start a blockade or other meaningfull and potentially effective protest - count me and the Mrs in.


It cannot be justied. Just look at the wide range of prices world wide for diesel plus the fact that everyone gets it so there cannot be a shortage.

More customers should mean the economies of scale come in to play even more, especially in a world market.


If you think I am livid about this abuse by governments of us then you are right.




Interesting reaction Clive - especially as it comes from someone who is normally so level headed. I've got no doubt that when the cabinet paper's are released for the last fuel blockade it will show that the government were very near to caving in - and hence the fact they've drafted some of the anti terrorism legislation to prevent this happening again.


Of course part of "Britishness" (as you know who is so fond of) is to take these things on the chin and just get on with it. As the French have no such inhibitions, and with their fuel prices gradually approaching ours, perhaps they will show us the way. And wouldn't it terrify the lot of em if we all joined forces and showed them what EU solidarity could achieve!?




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The really annoying thing for me is that 1p on a litre at the refinery gate is escalated three-fold by Darling's fuel taxes. This easy money will only encourage him to be ever more wasteful. If he had to winkle it directly out of a protesting taxpayer's wallet - as opposed to picking the back pocket by stealth - he might be a little for economical.


With oil hitting $110 per barrel today one can only dread what the price will be at the pumps next week.


Bob >:-(

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Usinmyknaus - 2008-03-11 4:55 PM


The really annoying thing for me is that 1p on a litre at the refinery gate is escalated three-fold by Darling's fuel taxes. This easy money will only encourage him to be ever more wasteful. If he had to winkle it directly out of a protesting taxpayer's wallet - as opposed to picking the back pocket by stealth - he might be a little for economical.


With oil hitting $110 per barrel today one can only dread what the price will be at the pumps next week.


Bob >:-(


I doubt that Darling or any of his cronies have an ideda of teh price anyway, or have ever put any fuel in their own vehicles.....of if they have they claim in back on some inflated expense which they seem to get away with, proper or otherwise.

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