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Interchange - George & Val Collinge

Mel B

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Just read in the mag that George and Val are retiring. I would like to be the first on here to say a great big thank you to them both for the many interesting and informative gems of information they have supplied over the years.


On a more personal note, I would especially like to thank George for the help he gave me when I was having problems with my Rapido's clutch a few years ago, he even rang me at home! What a lovely chap.


I hope they both have a wonderful retirment.


Mel B


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Well that will be a part of the mag that needs filling now then. Good luck to them both.

How about an article whereby they give me a MH to test, I then load it up with my two unruly kids, load me bikes on to the bike rack, thrash it accross the continant on holiday (including a long period in reverse) borrow a dog, have a few fags in it, then come back and write a report on why I wont part with me 50k for it. A real world test for the motorhoming minority. Not the usual real life test for the majority.

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