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SOG Toilets


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Can anybody who has got one of these please let me know whether or not they are as good as they say they are. We are thinking of getting one fitted as we are going to Germany later in the year and I know they don't like the chemicals there.


Just a thought, how do they know you are using chemicals, do they check as you empty your loo!


I have had some people say they are great and yet the people who I asked for a quote to fit it suggested they aren't that good at getting rid of the pong!

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There's no doubt that a correctly-fitted SOG system will prevent any toilet-based odours occurring within a motorhome's bathroom.


I fitted a SOG to my Hobby's Thetford C-200 toilet about 3 years ago and it's been 100% successful. In fact it's been so successful that I'd NEVER consider going back to using toilet chemicals. It's worth saying that the SOG system integrates best with the C-200 toilet and that ease of fitting may depend on the particular gas-locker design.


One possible caveat is that smells removed from the bathroom are transferred outside the motorhome. Normally this doesn't matter (unless your nose happens to be close to the SOG external filter-outlet when the toilet is being used!), but this factor may need to be borne in mind if the motorhome is fitted with a 'safari room' that encloses the SOG outlet.

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had one for 18 months and it's great.. no smells at all... and huge savings on chemicals/ with the added value that you can empty the cassette any time that an opportunity presents it'self. thus saving carrying a load of XXXX around.. .. also the cassette that I have in my 06 Adria is much smaller than the one in my previous Frankia. ( AND the Frankia carried a spare in a dedicated cupboard.. VERY usefull at times). Thus being able to empty the cassets without bothering about the cost of wasted chemicals, is comforting... I would say without hesitation 'GO FOR IT'
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Just agreeing with the rest, had ours a year and is one of the best things we have got, and as most people we have bought lots of add ons.


No smell in van at all, but remember to have the power on when you go. Had a couple of occasions when everyone has left the van and thought I had better go before I leave. Its not till too late for a lady when you realize the sog isn't on and the pong hits you :-|


Does save alot in the long run with chemical costs and messing with those bottles that never seem to work for us.


Go for it!!


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I fitted a sog myself a couple of months back. I put some pics on my blog. I asked questions like you did and generally the response was positive. They are dead easy to fit with evn a little DIY knowlege. one bit is a bit trick but on the whole straight forward.

My only critic would be that its a lot of money for such a simple peice of equipment.


Now as for usage?


Can i be crude? ok I will then.

At the Newark show this weekend early in the morning I visited our loo and no body woke up, when they did the family didn't notice, no need for air freshener or owt, so yes they do work. Although when I emptied I was somewhat surpriseed by the smell .

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The term "SOG toilet" is a shorthand reference to an add-on toilet-cassette ventilation system produced by a German company. Essentially, it involves a small fan operating automatically whenever the 'blade-valve' at the base of the toilet bowl is opened. The fan sucks air through the open blade-valve into the cassette (thus preventing odours escaping through the valve while the toilet is being used) and then exhausts this air outside the leisure vehicle, normally via a filter-unit attached to the toilet-cassette locker-door. The SOG system removes the requirement for odour-masking toilet chemicals and prevents any possibility of 'blow backs' through the blade-valve due to cassette pressurisation.


SOG kits are available for various models of Thetford toilets and the cost in the UK for a C-200-suitable kit is currently around £85. Fuller details on the maker's website:



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Marvellous piece of kit we have had used them for 8 years and as Derek has said would never go back to chemicals, there are many advantages least of all cost of chems. and pollution, Germany is going away from chems. and in some areas you cannot empty your loo if using chems.

We stoped at a very nice Stellplatz and were not allowed to empty if useing chems. I would like to add as a bonus we empty daily which you could do with chems. but think of the waste/cost, this way the loo is always clean and "sweet".

If you are going to Germany wait and buy it there as we did even now at the exchange rate they are approx. 1/3 cheaper.

Under the "old 20th century system" you either added to much or too little, causing grief with the better half.


Curly (lol)

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