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Motorhome Stopovers.

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A very nice man, a publican, Kevin Bird of The Drift Inn, Seaton Burn, is endeavouring to start a network of UK pubs etc that will allow overnight parking on their land or car parks, and his letter is published on pages 23/24 of this month's MMM (April 08).


I know that for many people the whole idea of non site camping is not attractive and this posting is not designed to seek their support or their criticism.


However many amongst us are attracted to the freedom of a wider network of legal overnight stopovers and if you are amongst our select group of independent campers then please do consider visiting Kevin's fledgling website and registering your interest.


The more interest he has the more likely the idea is to get off the ground.


I have no connection with Kevin and have never met him but I do think his idea is worthy of our support.




Typing motorhomestopovers into Google will lead you straight there.





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Well why not I say :Dperhaps we should all join this lobbying game .






STOPOVERS UK: Frustrated when you see the facilities for motorhomes overseas and compare them to what we’re offered over here? Want the real freedom to jump into the motorhome and hit the open road, without necessarily knowing where you’ll end up for the night? Not that easy though is it, just where can you stop over like this? Many of us know that there are very few places indeed. Worse still we are often barred from over-nighting where others aren't - the tourist town of Stratford upon Avon for instance tolerates over-nighting in trucks but not in motorhomes!! Why???


So what’s the solution? In other European countries with large motorhome communities - including France, Germany and Italy - towns and villages provide areas for motorhome overnight stays, sometimes with facilities, and sometimes even free of charge!


Stopovers UK is your lobbying group to achieve the same over here. Local authorities have car park areas that are unused at night, some of which would be suitable for short-term stays by a limited number of motor caravans. And yet, with very few exceptions, local authorities refuse to allow motorhomes permission to stay overnight, thus criminalising the few ‘wild campers’ who do. If all this strikes a chord, please do join the campaign at www.motorcaravanmagazine.co.uk. If you want it there's a newsletter too for regular updates on how the campaign is going - so please do use this new window link to go to the Motor Caravan Online Campaign.


Together we can make a difference - so don't just read about - join in and get a result!!






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DENBOY - 2008-03-24 7:57 PM


Try motorhomesstopover(no 's')


Thanks for your post but unfortunately you have put one "S" too many in the middle of the address. I managed to sort out the right address though and have sent them an email in support.


Just had a very quick look at the links on the site and they look very interesting too. I have put them in my favourites to study when I have more time. Had no tea yet and it's time for bed!!

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Great idea Rich. We have a similiar network of pubs in Ireland who allow the same where local councils allow. It is like the height barriers, slow but those who are contributing are rewarded with custom.



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Hi Liam,

If you join some of the motorhome clubs they may give you a list. A lot of pubs are mad to get involved but I think the Co.Co. Councils are not making things easy. They are not allowed hook-ups. They just provide safe parking overnight 24 hrs only. It works very well for example, travelling to a boat or for club rallying. Don't forget to leave them some custom.



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One thing that has baffled me is with a few exceptions there are not many motorhome dealers that offer overnight stops. Why when surely its got to be to their benefit, even if you changed your gas bottle whilst stopped its all money in their coffers. Or have I missed something??
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