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renewing tyres


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You'll probably get a range of opinions on this one.

Personally, I tend to buy my tyres one at a time when they're needed, and as long as they're not from Trotter's Independent Tyre Co I take whatever's available at a sensible price. I've always felt that as long as all the numbers match it doesn't much matter what make they are - even across the same axle.


Now I'll log off until Sunday while everyone else has a go at me for this dangerous practice :-D !




(PS There isn't REALLY a Trotter's ITC - or at least I hope there isn't. If there is, my apols :D !)

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Yes, it's fine.


Use the same spec (size/speed rating) but apart from that, just make sure they really ARE new (check the manufacture date stamp on each before they fit them, and my suggestion would be to reject any that were pressed more than say 6 months previously)

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And always have the new tyres fitted to the rear (even on a front wheel drive!). This subject has been posted recently or try looking on YouTube for a video of what happens if you do it the other way around.

Also try and get steel valves fitted if possible as rubber 'car' valves do not last long at pressures over 50psi. I have found out the hard way!



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Thanks for the info. Now I will only have to buy 2 new tyres instead of 4. The tyres on my 'van are 5 years old but look fine on the front. The rear ones have tiny cracks around the edge which joins the wheel. Michilen say that they are more than likely to be the wax drying out of the tyres, but I am not sure about that. Has anyone else had this.

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You will find the following in www.tyresafe.org -

"look particularly for any sign of age deterioration such as sidewall cracking and carcass deformation" and "tyres should be replaced preferably when they reach 5 years old but never use tyres which are more than 7 years old". You will also find info on mixing "tyre constructions" as distinct from "tyre manufacturers".

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I am almost sure that in France you have to have the same make/spec etc on the same axle. This came about when my Daughter wanted a new tyre on her Peugeot 207, she went to our local Peugot dealer here and this is what was advised. So, not being sure, she went to a tyre dealer and was told the same.




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I'm also with Tony on this, ie decent tyres of the same spec. However we both have panel van conversions. Things may be different for coachbuilds.

Thank you for the You Tube info Keithl. - I was not aware of this advice and have now passed it on to my son and friends.

Regards Cattwg :-D

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Knaus - 2009-02-27 2:53 PM



I need to renew 2 of my tyres. Is it ok to use a different make on the front than the back?


The only time I'm aware that you need to use same front and rear would be with permanent 4x4, in this case you need to use same tyres with (hopefully) same wear to prevent premature wear to transfer box.

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