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Water Ingress / Leaking Window


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My Autotrail Scout is back in the dealers once again !


The problem started last September when we were across in North Yorkshire. It was just after dark and we had a really heavy shower and it had rained most of the day, when water started dripping in really heavy at the rear side lounge window (nearside). It was still under extended warranty so booked it in.


They took the window out and fitted new seals, re done the mastic and tested with hose.


Back home and 2 weeks later, water was holding in the flyscreen, and appeared to be dripping from there onto the bottom of the window.


So took it back to the dealers, and they once again removed the window, re-sealed it and this time put silicon all the way round the frame - theoretically the window wouldn't rain in again !


Hmmm got it wrong cos after a week I washed the motorhome, by hand and absolutely no pressure from the hosepipe. On the day it looked OK and everything was dry. Next day though, pulled the flyscreen down to check and yes you got it !! Full of water again.


Its been in for 2 weeks now, as i told them i dont want it back until it is fixed. My main concern is that my extended warranty runs out in June and if this problem isn't sorted by then - what happens ??


Also has anyone got any theories on this water problem ? Why does the flyscreen always fill up first ??






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Hi Ken,


It sounds to me like the leak is actually further up than the window, possibly a roof seam or awning fixing?

The clue here is when you say that after you washed it by hand the water only appeared the following day, implying it had taken that long to track down to the window which was the first opening into the van.


Hope you find the leak soon,


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With my Arto, water would slip through a slight sealant gap in the top of the window. It would lay for days because there was a recess in the frame. Then, either when it started to overflow or we went up or down a hill, it would come out.


Mine was almost the whole length of the window top but not visible to the naked eye. Water would come down the side of the van, the exisitng sealant created a very small lip over the window. The water would find its way down the back of the lip.


Because of the way Artos were built, it was never going to be a leak from anywhere other than the window. I used gaffer tape to seal the top of the window and the leak stopped. Hymer UK took out the window, cleared all the old sealant out, before refitting. They said it was a time consuming job.


I wonder whether your dealer is doing the job properly or trying a short cut fix. Water can travel a long way. I don't know much about Auto Trails but if it is possible for water from leaking joints elsewhere to get to the window, then it's quite a job to find a leak. Sealing up the window with gaffer tape may help prove whether it is a window leak or not.



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Hi Keith, Yeah they are my thoughts too, although the dealer says he has checked the other seams.


I don't know the construction of the windows ? But just wonder if it is possible for water to get into the flyscreens from higher up the side wall ?


The window is also on the near side so could be the integrated awning ??

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butch - 2009-03-07 8:44 AM ...............Also has anyone got any theories on this water problem ? Why does the flyscreen always fill up first ?? Help Ken

Can you explain a bit more what you mean by the above?  I don't understand the concept of a flyscreen "filling up".  To me, the flyscreen is just the mesh that is pulled down (usually, though sometimes up) across the window to keep the blighters out.  However, being mesh, I don't see how it can fill up!  I therefore assume the leak must appear from the plastic housing into which the flyscreen rolls?

Does your van have blackout blinds that unwind from top down, or bottom up - to meet, and clip onto, said flyscreen forming a continuous fabric curtain, part mesh and part blackout, that can be "parked" anywhere between full blackout and full mesh screen?

Do you have a picture you could post, showing where the water emerges?  Then, we can all shoot at the same target!

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Unfortunately I haven't got any photos and the Van is 90 miles away at the dealers. But it is a 2006 model, has the blackout blind that pulls up from the bottom, and the flyscreen pulls down from the top.


What happens is that maybe 24 hours after its rained, there may be a few drops visible. But if you pull the flyscreen down, the mesh is soaking wet and if you leave it pulled down thats when the water starts to drip. And I need towels to hand to stop the wall boards and upholstery getting wet.


So it appears the water is collecting in the cassette area where the flyscreen stores when retracted and probably soaks up or stops it dripping straight away.



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Thanks for that, a guy we met at the dealers last time actually suggested we put a drip strip across the top of each window ! And now I know where to get it from ;-)


Has anyone else used this before ??

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Thanks Ken

So, water on outside comes out on inside approx 24 hrs later, in area of top window blind casing.

Assuming the window itself seals adequately onto its rubber seals all round, which is a reasonable assumption, but may be worth checking, as water tends to follow gravity downward, it must be entering somewhere above the window opening.

Three possible sources.  The aluminium bar that the window pivots on.  Awning bolts/fixings.  Roof to wall seals.

The first may be minus its sealant, but if the dealer has taken off the whole window and re-sealed it twice to date, this is unlikely.

Loose awning fixings, defective fixing seals, or damage to the side wall at the fixing point/s, seem to me the most probable source of the problem, especially in view of the time the water takes to track down.

As the dealer has reportedly checked the body seals, assuming he has done so carefully and is competent, would seem to eliminate that source of ingress.

So, summat around the awning would be my favourite.  Damp testing the internal wall above and around the window should give the dealer a good idea how far the wetting extends, and from that he should know if the water is getting in at the window head, or higher up the wall.  However, he may need to remove the awning to be able to see what is really happening if the moisture meter points to a wet wall above the window.

Hope this helps.

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I'd lay money that it is the awning that is the problem. If is hasn't been put on very well and/or sealed properly, it can allow water to enter and then work it's way down to the top of the window where it would then spread along it before dripping down through it. Get them to thoroughly check the awning before they remove the ruddy window again! If they won't, get them to totally seal up the window with waterproof tape and then try playing a hose against that side of the van above the awning but below the roof level seam - if water does appear then you've got your answer.
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Thanks Brian & Mel,


I'll be back in touch with the dealer tomorrow dor a progress report and discuss with him the possibility of it being the awning.


I will of course keep you posted.



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Got in touch with the dealers and he has now confirmed that the leak

is from the recessed awning !! so now waiting for the go ahead to do the

repair under the extended warranty, and hopefully we can get the Van back this weekend - it will have been away three weeks come this weekend.


So big thanks for your input it helped point them in the right direction !

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Definitely high fives for the diagnosis ! However, still haven't got the Van back as Dealer is still waiting for authorisation from the insurance company that deals with the extended warranty. My wife spoke to them earlier in the week and again yesterday - appears there has been some change in the administration of the Auto Trail scheme ??? And the new company is dragging its heels and is slow on giving authority to repair.


Anyone else come across this ??

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Great stuff ... I'll send you my bill!!!! :D


Ref the warranty - who did your wife speak to - the dealers or the insurance company? If the former then contact the insurance company direct. Regardsless, however, play merry hell (nicely!) with the insurance company - you have paid for the extended warranty so there shouldn't be any problem at all in getting the go-ahead for the work to be carried out as soon as possible. Do not sit waiting until they bother to get round to your 'case', make them look at it now.


When we had to make a claim last year on our normal insurance we had to kick the company involved up the bum on a couple of occasions, if we hadn't we would have had to miss a holiday - as it was we only got the van back the day before we were due to leave for 2.5 weeks!

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  • 1 month later...

We have just experienced what can happen when the seal goes on an Autotrail recessed awning too. The wallboard near the front of the awning moulding has turned to 'sponge' and a great water filled blister appeared in the vinyl covering of the board. This was on a 3 year old Cheyenne SE that had regular habitation & damp checks.


I gather from discussing this matter with our dealer that this is not the first Autotrail they have come across with this problem, he said they were becoming familiar with dealing with the problem now.


Fortunately for us the dealer has been absolutely brilliant in dealing with this problem at no additional cost to us.


Owners of vehicles with recessed awnings beware...

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