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dates on tyres


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Hi Knaus,


I have just looked on the Continental website and they say that all tyres manufactured after 1999 will have a date code in the form Week Year, ie 2207 is week 22 of 2007.

This will be the same for any make of tyre so will be easy to read.



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Hi Knaus

All tyres show the year of manufacture. If you go to:




you will find a shematic showing what all the markings on a tyre mean, and where they are. I think the date of manufacture is shown in 3 figures, the first 2 being week number, the lst being year.


little jack

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little-jack - 2009-03-25 5:38 PM


Hi Knaus

All tyres show the year of manufacture. If you go to:




you will find a shematic showing what all the markings on a tyre mean, and where they are. I think the date of manufacture is shown in 3 figures, the first 2 being week number, the lst being year.


little jack


I think the date code (mandatory for all tyres sold in the EU from 1999 on) is actually a four digit code (it's inside a little sort of lozenge shaped thingy stamped on the tyre sidewall).

First two digits are week number, and second two are year.

Eg. "4507" means the tyre was manufactured in week 47 of year 2007.



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This is something I wrote a while ago about tyre dating - I think it is still broadly correct...


"A tyre's date of manufacture can usually be discerned from a short data-section on the tyre's side-wall that begins with the 3 letters "DOT". The DOT indicator will be followed by 8 to 13 characters ending in a 3-figure or 4-figure group. 3-figure groups relate to tyres made before year 2000, with the first 2 figures showing the week (1 to 52) when the tyre was manufactured and the 3rd figure the year. A small, inconspicuous 'left-pointing' triangle after the 3rd figure indicates manufacture in the 1990s (so 149 + triangle = 14th week of 1999). No triangle means the tyre was made in the 1980s. 4-figure groups normally relate to Year-2000-onwards tyres and are read similarly, with the final 2 figures relating to the year (so 2302 = 23rd week of 2002)."


I don't know if it's due to a conspiracy on the part of tyre manufacturers, but the tyre date-code normally seems to be on one tyre-wall only and that's usually the one on the 'invisible' side of the tyre when it has been fitted to the wheel. So, if you can't spot date-codes on your motorhome's tyres, it's because you are looking on the 'wrong' side.

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Thanks for the info. It looks like it is standard on all makes. I know my Michelin Camping tyres are 3803. Time for a change as the rims next to the wheel are showing little cracks. Going for Continental Vanco Camping tyres this time. Will insist on tyres no older than 6 months.

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I stand corrected - 4 digits it is, weekweek yearyear, even though the towsure diagram still only shows 3 digits.

Incidentally, just entered 'tyre markings' on google search - loads of sites show, including most tyre manufacturers, and although they all explain in great detail load index numbers, speed ratings etc I didnt find one that explained the date code, in fact most that showed a diagram left the date code off altogether! (Gave up after about 20 sites). Perhaps the manufacturers nd suppliers would like to keep this info. to themselves.


little jack

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