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Beware if you use Ebay...


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I've posted this on Chatterbox too, but I know there are some who don't venture there...


I clicked on an item to view it and an Ebay login page came up.


Luckily I thought it was odd and checked the address for the page. It wasn't Ebay - it was a 'phishing' overlay.


This is how they get hold of your password and hijack you account, so be very careful.



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Just something to add if you are an Ebay user (and any other internet site which enables sales/purchases). Such sites are being used by Criminals to 'Launder Money'. They basically contact you and state that they will purchase your item provided you take it off the site from other prosepective purchasers. A few days later you receive a large cheque which is way over the agreed price. When you contact the purchaser about the error they give you a story about making a mistake and that an amount should have gone to a third party who was facilitating or arranging the collection of the item. They ask that you keep the amount owing to you for the item and that you forward the remainder to the third party. So the scam is that you pay 'their checque' into your bank account and then write 'your own cheque' and send this to the third party as requested. What you have just done is aided and abetted a money laundering operation and whilst you may be an innocent victim you are an accessory to a crime ! Beware >:-(
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Big Momma - 2009-03-28 1:46 PM

Just something to add if you are an Ebay user (and any other internet site which enables sales/purchases). Such sites are being used by Criminals to 'Launder Money'. They basically contact you and state that they will purchase your item provided you take it off the site from other prosepective purchasers. A few days later you receive a large cheque which is way over the agreed price. When you contact the purchaser about the error they give you a story about making a mistake and that an amount should have gone to a third party who was facilitating or arranging the collection of the item. They ask that you keep the amount owing to you for the item and that you forward the remainder to the third party. So the scam is that you pay 'their checque' into your bank account and then write 'your own cheque' and send this to the third party as requested. What you have just done is aided and abetted a money laundering operation and whilst you may be an innocent victim you are an accessory to a crime ! Beware >:-(


Hello Big Momma,


Certainly worth bringing this to our attention despite this scam having been around for quite a while. Amongst other names it is often referred to as the Nigerian Scam.


There are several versions of it including someone actually turning up to "Buy" your Car/Van/Motor Caravan. You hand over the vehicle and their cheque or Money Order is then either bounced or cancelled. This version is particularly cruel because you having handed over the vehicle, documents and keys the insurance company will not then meet a claim for theft.


Always make sure the finance is Cleared Funds and cannot be cancelled before handing over the vehicle. Remember that the banks allow 8 working days for cheque cancellation and that can be on top of the 3 days for fund clearance.







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Guest JudgeMental

I think you have to be aware of what constitutes "cleared funds" as well. I have seen talk of monies being cleared and later being withdrawn. Doesn’t seem possible but it happens, and the banks couldn’t care less


The rule is if it is too good to be true it probably is, and don’t trust anyone unless they are from here, are genuine and have ID. Nigerian scammers have set up bogus addresses in Sweden etc......


You may think I certainly wouldn’t fall for this, but there is a main road in Lagos full of high-rise buildings which are run as businesses dedicated to international scams.......People are falling for them all the time! Its big business.....




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