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urgent petrol in fresh water tank


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Please don't laugh.I will see the funny side to this but not right now. Day dreaming and put petrol in fresh water tank. Haven't switched any taps on! Have drained, washed and rinsed tank. Still some smell.Anything I can do or will itmean a new water tank.We are suposed to be going to France soon.
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Hi Poppy, you have done a nasty there. Having just put the dish washer on with all sunday dinner pots and pans, a thought passed my way:- How about making a enough of a mixture of machine dish washing powder with hot water to almost fill the tank. Go for a drive to slosh it around, machine dish washing powder is quite strong and removes smell and grease etc from dishes without scrubbing so hopefully it will do the same with petrol? Then give it a good long flush, lucky it was not diesel I think. Best of luck.
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Me? I'd be thinking about a new tank.


Following an experience in the middle of Arabian desert, where a jerry can of water was poured into a truck's petrol tank. 8-) I now know that petrol and water don't mix, and petrol floats on water. I presume diesel is the same. This means that any smidgen left in a tank after you drain it, will float to the top of fresh water put in the tank. Detergent will allow the liquids to mix. Drive around to give swill effect.


Fuel tank repairers fill the tanks with a caustic soda mix, and let it stand for 24 hours. Empty the tank then sniff. If they can still smell petrol, they do it again. At least diesel is not explosive.


Try dumping a complete tube of denture cleaning tablets (30p from ASDA - own brand) into the tank, leave for 24 hours. Hot water might be better.


Good luck.



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Just a thought but with plastic food containers if you soak in hot water when they have had a high smelling contents it tends to seal in the smell, however if you soak in cold water it seems to release the smell. This was advice that Tupperware use to give to it's reps for removal of strong smells and for me has worked in the past. So perhaps the advice above re: dish washer tablets would be good but with cold water (disolve tabs in hot water first) and then let it slosh around before emptying.


Fingers crossed this works to save you an expense and the hassle - Keep us updated.

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Hi Poppy,

Chemical Express make a product called FAD (food area degreaser) which quite happily removes baked on vegetable oil in the kitchen. I used this on a friend's tank when she did the same trick and it worked a treat. Lots of rinsing required though to get rid of the froth!

Best of luck

Mike P




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Hi again Poppy, Does diesel make a difference? Petrol is spirit which evapourates, diesel is oil which does not, so it will need more of a powerful wash. You may save time by getting an 'aquaroll' or a good big plastic can, so you can roll off on your holiday, with something clean to keep your water in for now until your get your tank sorted.
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Due to the change in how Google makes it's searches, it's now possible to practically ask the thing what you want and get some very accurate results.


Perhaps you have already, but simply googling diesel in water tank produces bags of hits, some of which appear on the face of it to meet your needs.


Good luck whatever you do though.



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Poppy - 2009-05-26 7:27 AM


Thanks. Will ring Brownhills I think. It takes them months though to get a light bulb. Lets see.


Any cure that most dealers would offer will be EXPENSIVE and will probably mean a new tank, pump and pipewor - plus labour - plus vat!


Why should they worry - they ain't paying - so they won't be looking for a sensible cost solution?


What van is it? Maybe the makers will help? Maybe someone like CAK Tanks can advise as they are water tank supply specialists?


Alternatively maybe if cleaning does not work fitting a water filter might be an answer - I've never used one so I don't know?


I'm not laughing Poppy - it's easily done!

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Thanks to all for their suport and help and not laughing!Rang Brownhills. I need new tank and pump they say BUT guess what? They don't have a tank in stock and don't know when they can get one.Another guy who does Hymers says get pump changed and temporary tank. Any caravan dealer can do it. Rang Brownhills .This is very difficult they said!We haven't any tanks anyway. Rang caravan man.Who also does motorhomes. Thinks he may have spare tank as temporary and I am going tomorrow at the crack of dawn.Will google though.Haven't turned on taps at all so the rest of the system should be fine.Will continue to update.\\\\\\\thanks again.
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Hi Poppy,

Re chemical Express FAD; I just made up a fairly strong solution About half a cupful in 2 gallons tepid water, poured it in (the tank had a large cap on top) then stuck my hand in (with Marigold gloves on; it's pretty hard on the skin) with a sponge and swabbed all round for about 10 minutes before rinsing out. This takes a while because of the foam.

Mike P

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This is just stating the obvious, but you really must make it impossible for the polluted water to enter your Hymer's system beyond the fresh-water tank. So far, the worst case is that you may require a replacement tank, a new water pump and some plastic hose. But, if the pump inadvertently gets switched on and the polluted water gets into the main pipework and boiler, the resultant repair bill will rocket. I'd be tempted to disconnect the power-supply to the pump, or remove the pump completely. That way, even if a tap is switched on accidentally, the pump can't operate.

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If you do find that you need a new tank then give O'leary's a try: www.olearymotorhomes.co.uk


They have some standard tanks but can also get tanks made to any size or shape required - more than likely much cheaper than a manufacturer's replacement - especially once the dealer has added on their 'commission' too. This is just a sample of one of the standard ones they do.


O’Leary water tank


I must agree with Derek's advice - if you get it in the pipes and pump you are really in trouble!!! 8-)

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Hi Poppy,


Sorry to hear about your misfortune,


Have you tried contacting CAK Tanks for a replacement tank as they actually make them and list dozens on their website, many for dedicated M/H's and chassis.




PS. Make sure you label the filler points clearly for the future!

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Have not done this thank goodness, but have been concerned at the possibilty. So now I keep the key to the diesel fuel filler on the key ring with the ignition key and alarm fob and the key to the water filler I keep at the back of the motorhome so I have to make an effort to get the water filler key. I,m hoping this will make it less likely that I will pull into a filling station for fuel in a hurry and make the mistake.

I do hope you manage to get it sorted and hopefully without too much expense.

Regards, Dave.

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Chudders - 2009-05-26 7:26 PM


Have not done this thank goodness, but have been concerned at the possibilty. So now I keep the key to the diesel fuel filler on the key ring with the ignition key and alarm fob and the key to the water filler I keep at the back of the motorhome so I have to make an effort to get the water filler key

Regards, Dave.


Me too - did this thirty years ago after watching a guy put petrol in his water tank in Scotland - poor sod - ruined his holiday.

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If the pump has not been in use then it probably has not been contaminated, so:


1) drain the tank


2) fill tank with water


3) drain the tank


4) repeat 2 and 3 above several times


5) use dishwasher fluid in tank (not too much .... foam)


6) fill tank three quarters full of warm to hot water


7) go for a 5 mile drive


8) drain the tank


9) repeat 5 - 8 until the drained water smells OK


10) when you go away, used bottled water for cooking - drinking until you are 100% sure the tank is clean.


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all good replies, i would also go along to my local plumber and blag some sterox tablets off him they are strong and should do the trick, or if you have a few bob go to your local water enhancement company who will treat your tank and then do a clear water analysis. in the mean time its got to be aqua roll.
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I am not an expert but I would suggest :-

1 Remove tank from vehicle.

2 Empty tank of any residual fluid

3 Tip in a large tin of GUNK.

4 Shake it around vigourously.

5 Empty the gunk back into its tin.

6 Tip in a can of Fairy Liquid.

7 Add just sufficient water to slosh the stuff all over the inside of the tank.

8 Pour the liquid back out of the tank into something large as by now you will be fighting bubbles.

9 Put hosepipe into tank and keep flushing until the water comes out bubble free and tasteless.


10 Video the proceedings and put on Facebook.




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