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Go Motorhome...quick look


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On first glance looks like a slimmed down version of MMM. Looks like a quarterly mag (this is the Summer 2009 edition) but I didn't see any subscription forms (a bit of a surprise unless it was hidden somewhere).


I'm mainly interested in reviews (thinking of buying) and there's a reasonable sized section (takes up about 1/3 of the magazine with 6 new 'vans covered et al). This section is at the rear of the mag so its easy to find.


EDIT: missed it the 1st time through; a page saying "Look out for further issues of our great new motocaravan magazine in 2010

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Guest Tracker

Go Motorhome plopped onto my doormat today too and the feeling of sheer amazement to find my name in print for my literary prowess (or something?) not once but twice simply astonished me!


However, that said, very many thanks for the prize Sally, and I look forward to levelling myself out onto an even keel once more! It will be a bitter sweet moment when I replace my 30 year old home made and much modified over the years wheel ramps!


As for the magazine - as suspected by many there is very little that is new in this sphere and what we have here is a slightly different way of presenting some of it.


However most of the articles seem well presented and although the subjects covered will not appeal to all there is, in my view, a good spread of articles and information designed for a wide appeal.


Whether or not it will appeal to the 'mass' market I am not qualified to say ,but whilst I might conceivably pick up the odd copy whilst away from home I doubt I would ever subscribe as the level of information is far less than regularly appears in MMM - and MMM is 10p cheaper with almost twice as many pages - even if a lot of 'em are adverts! Nevertheless it may well be worth all of the £1.75 that this issue cost me!


Maybe future 'Site File' items could carry sample site fees?


All in all a good first issue and maybe with some fine tuning it might make it?


Is it intended to be a monthly quarterly or occasional magazine does anyone know?

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davenewell@home - 2009-08-17 6:22 PM


I haven't seen this new mag yet but someone told me there was a review of baked beans in it..................................please someone, tell me I was being teased and there is no such article :-( .





Dunno Dave - but that could have been one of Trackers contributions .



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Dave why not review baked beans ? There are some couples who experience great personal problems after eating the aforementioned comestible. Anything which will ease their discomfort by reducing the amount of gas created may help to save a marriage. Its not much fun you know being sent out to the awning for the evening at least my wife says so. >:-(
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davenewell@home - 2009-08-17 6:22 PM


I haven't seen this new mag yet but someone told me there was a review of baked beans in it..................................please someone, tell me I was being teased and there is no such article :-( .



Yes Dave, there is indeed a review of baked beans (Page 13 if you must see)!!!!

And, Next issues review will be Sausages!


I picked up a half price copy at Malvern and agree with earlier comments, it is a scaled down MMM at increased cost. I certainly won't be subscribing.



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There you all go again, you're simply buying advertising like I originally said some weeks ago.


Have you nothing better to do? There is ... very little that's new ... so why do you choose to line the pockets of others.


If any come through my door, the wheely bin is ready and open!



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Theres also a review of binoculars - another vital motorhoming accessory, unfortunately, bar one pair they are all from the same manufacturer and the article reads like an advertising brochure.As Ive posted elsewhere, theres a review of campsites where the same site is included twice and the whole magazine seems to be aimed at the younger (under 25) end of the market.

Sorry if his sounds negative, but I was very underwhelmed by this offering - I'll stick with MMM.


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libby - 2009-08-19 12:39 PM There you all go again, you're simply buying advertising like I originally said some weeks ago. Have you nothing better to do? There is ... very little that's new ... so why do you choose to line the pockets of others. If any come through my door, the wheely bin is ready and open! Bill

Oh dear! Here we go again. As I recall, your original argument was totally shot down in flames by several people and we did try to explain to you why advertising is important to magazines. Those same people also told you why they buy them and like them but you seem incapable of taking it in.

Carry on trying to justify your rather illogical argument if you wish but no one's going to be convinced any more this time than they were the last.

It must be awful for you when you buy something, knowing that the other person may be making a profit! Those wicked capitalists! Bring on the revolution!

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A valiant attempt.


But doomed to fail I fear.


Because despite the pre-issue "hype" it doesn't do anything that MMM doesn't do.

It's an exact clone.

I wish I could say that it wasn't, but it is.


I cannot understand for one moment why a single publishing house would want to bear the costs of two, essentially mirror-image, mags, trying to sell to exactly the same marketplace.

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