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Nature Pure Water Purifier


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Since having the above fitted to my Motorhome 2 years ago, complete with the faucet( tap), I seem to have very short Filter life. On average I,ve had to replace the Filter after 3 months of use, bearing in mind that the daily water used through the Filter is about 2 litres.

The normal water tap ,s pressure is good, so I don,t think that there is a problem with the Pump-but after a period of approx 3 months the normal flow of water through the Filter is reduced to a trickle!

Would fitting a Micro-switch solve the problem of the Filter life, as at nearly £50 a filter, the cost of drinking water is not cost effective.

Any tips or suggestions would perhaps help the life of the Filter.



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We have also been using the same kit for just over 2 years. Although we have only changed the filter twice in that time. We spend about 7 months of the year in the 'van and use water from many different sources in the Uk, Germany, France and Portugal.


After a few weeks of use the water flow slows from about a count of 12 seconds to fill a 2 mug kettle to about a count of 16 but the filter is still doing it's job.


I can't see that a micro switch would make any difference as the filter only cleans water passing through it and I assume that the water is fed to your filter from a "T" in the cold water pipe and is not feeding anything other than the dedicated "Nature Pure" tap.


I am also assuming that your pump is pressure controlled and does not have micro switches on the other taps.


If your filter is "bunging" up in such a short time to the extent that you say it must be filtering out a lot of crud - have you checked the state of your fresh water tank? I have seen one that after a long lay up had managed to grow some serious algae. Also check for kinking in the pipes to and from the filter housing.

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Yes, sounds like the filter is doing its job and that your water, for some reason, has a lot of particulates in it.


Our Nature Pure filter lasts us around 4-6 months of full time use - depending on where we get our water from.


I'm considering fitting a 10 micron domestic-type sediment filter to the water pump outlet, it should catch most of the particulates and leave the Nature Pure filter to take care of the 'nasties'. The advantage of a domestic sediment filter is that they take standard cartridges which are only a few pounds to replace.



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Gosh, we changed ours after 18 months use, we have the separate tap so we don't filter everything that goes through, just drinking water etc.


Ours started to slow down alot and we had a froth on the coffee which told us it was time to change.


Initially there was 4 of us now just 3 as teenager grown out of it, only use on weekends and holidays but do spend quite a bit of time away, would definitely check the water tank for sediments.



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We have one in the motor home, one in the boat and the Seagull type in the house. I have just bought a new filter for the van, the old one has been in for nearly 3 years and is still fine but we feel it should be changed. The one in the boat has done 2 seasons but it doesn’t get used much. The one in the house gets changed every year. The only trouble with them is that after a while any other tap water tastes’ disgusting. Please don’t take offence at this but I am assuming that you have a switch for the pump when you use the tap. If the other taps have a micro switch you will need one.

Regards Mike W


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You say you are considering fitting a micro switch, why, do the other taps have micro switches fitted?

If so try turning on one of the other taps to start the pump running then see how much flow you get out of the nature pure tap.


I think this is along the lines of what Mike was asking when he asked if you had a separate switch for the pump when using the nature pure tap.



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