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Lille Christmas Market


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We called in their last year by mistake and are going back this year as it looked a lovely one to visit. They take over the market square and the hall.

It is in a lovely setting, we do Aachen first then the place beginning with M just under it (too early in a morning for research) then across to Lille and back to Calais.


We went to the Aire last year but it was full of cars as we went in the day, just down from there we spotted 2 MH's and parked up next to them, right on side the river and had a very peaceful night. Just a short walk to the town centre if you don't get lost like we did.


We are there on the 10th to 14th .



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We were going to visit the Christmas market at Lille this year but decided on Aachen instead - going via tunnel late on 11th December. We should have time to go to Lille too before returning home on 15th. Thanks for saying Lille is good - we were concerned about parking but will definitely have a go.


This is our first visit to the markets but have been reading about them for a while - is the Brugges one a good one too? Now I can't wait - probably our last "long" trip in our current van as we don't want to put too many miles on it before exchange in April, so we'll make the most of it. :-D

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Have to say we went to Brugge the first time and were not that impressed, large ice rink in centre, lights are pretty and about 20-30 stalls all selling pretty much the same and most of them were food orientated .


We are going over on the 9th late staying a Bray Dunes as usual as this is on your way and knocks 40mins of journey.

Then on to Aachen on the 10th , then down to Monschau (this was all our favourite last year) on 11th (my birthday) then on 12th over to Lille for the night and back on the evening of the 13th.


Aachen can get really busy in the Aire but last year they had an overspill onto the carpark next door which you can't really see unless you turn left out of the gate way, there must have been another 30 vans in there. They have a bread stall in the Aire that is open every morning. When you come out of the gate turn right and walk down the hill, 5 mins, there is a crossroads, cross over to the other side to the garage and outside the garage is a tram stop that is where you catch the tram to the centre and coming back it drops you just over the road outside the huge hotel. Someone did say somewhere that you could walk but judging by the amount of time it took the tram I wouldn't fancy it.


The drive over to Monschau last year was stunning as there was snow nearly the whole way, nothing on the roads just all on the trees and banks.


The place itself is just like a picture postcard and with the atmosphere to match. If you are one of those that get a bit hung up about not getting parked or level or a "this shouldn't be allowed" kind of person it may not be the place for you as you would struggle to get the "sardine" between the vans in places. :-) The Aire also has cars parked in it so getting there as early as you can would be best, but don't plan to leave too early as they can block in. If you go to the back of the car park which is half way down a huge hill there is a tarmacked track that takes you right down to the river turn left at the bottom and this takes you into the village about a 10 minute walk I would say.


Lille was different again from the other two it is almost like the town and with the other two you get a city and a village. Didn't see the market in full flow as we had to get off in the morning but it did look excellent with plenty of stalls both inside and out.


Have a great time


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A warning re Aachen Aire


When we were there in June this year a number of Fiats were broken into via passenger cab door overnight and the sat navs snatched. None of the occupants heard anything. The police spent all next morning interviewing those affected.


Apart from the loss of sat navs the door locks were wrecked.


We have flashing lights on the front grille and rear light warning of our alarm and were left alone.


Please be sure that you take all valuables to bed with you.


I hope you enjoy the markets, I wish we were coming too.





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Hi, Hope you have a great time as its a fab place to visit , just be careful in the car parks,with foreign plates, leave a radio on, (small battery one will do). Last year some couples on returning from shopping found their vans broken into. Three of our team had radio's on and were untouched,

This can be very isolated,so don't let it put you off, have a lovely break. Brendan

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