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Well, dahn 'ere, it aint!  At least, not yet.  :-)

However, I note with some displeasure that Clive has benefitted from gritted pavements, whereas all ours (and most of the roads) remained, completely untreated until yesterday evening, leaving the pavements covered in wet ice, except where stalwarts (mugs?) like me shovelled them clear. 

The effect was to stop local buses and the post, because of the state of the roads.  Oh, they said, when I asked what had happened to the gritter (on a bus route), we have to prioritise the main roads.  Prioritise, said I, merely means you do them first, not that you omit to treat all the others.  Ah, they said, but it was over a weekend and we were short of staff.  It was forecast from the beginning of the week, I said, and your gritter drivers have always been willing to turn out at nights and weekends in the past, so what has changed?  Yes, they said, but we have to prioritise the main roads.  Hmmmm!  Bye!

East Sussex County Council folks, that well known Conservative flagship!  :-(

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Guest JudgeMental

My wife is stuck in the car in traffic in streatham...My son on a bus and my daughter does not finish her retail job till 8 *-) hope there is still some buses running then:-S


I went out on bike today and it was dreadful...a bit sillly really.

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Panic Panic Panic anyone would think we have never had snow before a bit of snow and the whole country grinds to a halt if more than half of the " Idiots " on the roads stayed at home instead of being out panic buying there would not be all these holdups.

I have been out in the lorry delivering to supermarket distribution centres a priority service  its the too scared to drive in these conditions but cannot stay at home brigade that are the cause of all the snarl ups .

Thats better rant over early to bed another early start in the morning to keep the nation fed.

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bob b - 2009-12-21 7:41 PM

I've seen a couple of people out and about wearing shorts !  Presumably they're winter shorts ?

There's no right or wrong way of course. Just normal and odd. 

No Bob.They are people who are absolutely convinced that the climate has become a lot warmer. :-|
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JudgeMental - 2009-12-21 6:44 PM


My wife is stuck in the car in traffic in streatham...My son on a bus and my daughter does not finish her retail job till 8 *-) hope there is still some buses running then:-S


I went out on bike today and it was dreadful...a bit sillly really.



I did nine miles on a bike around the country lanes today and enjoyed it.

Just got my feet a bit cold.



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Tracker - 2009-12-21 8:22 PM


Move to South Pembrokeshire - no snow here and stayed above freezing all day again!


Makes me wonder why I want to move away!

Damned decent of the neighbours to have that whip round to help towards the cost of moving Richard, and a bit of a cad if you're now having second thoughts.

My Sister and family left their Florida hotel at 10am Saturday morning (our time ) and after the various delays arrived at Heathrow early Sunday only to find their car would,nt start. The AA were up to their necks with emergency calls, so after waiting in the cold all day they were lucky enough to find a room at one of the nearby airport hotels and finally arrived home at 5pm today looking like a collection of recently dug up zombies. Should have bought a motorhome like I told them, and as for Eurotunnel, well thats the clincher.

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Tracker - 2009-12-21 8:22 PM


Move to South Pembrokeshire - no snow here and stayed above freezing all day again!


Makes me wonder why I want to move away!

Because it's always raining. :D
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I have not seen anybody gritting, I have not seen a gritter lorry, and I have not seen any grit on the roads. Pavement outside my house was black ice as far as the eye coud see (it rained then froze) roads are just as dangerous to walk on. Neither the bypass nor Neath town centre apear to have been gritted .... dangerous to walk between the shops, but not to bad to drive on.


What we need is a more meaningful policy than "do not travel unless your journey is necessary". Lets face it,it snow so seldom in UK, that it is scarcely worth planning for ....... but there ought to be a policy in place that we all know about, and understand.


"This is the nine o'clock news. Today you should stay in bed ! Those in job catergories A, B, and G, SHOULD go to work, and WILL receive their bonus payments."



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Guest Tracker
peter - 2009-12-21 9:45 PM


Tracker - 2009-12-21 8:22 PM


Move to South Pembrokeshire - no snow here and stayed above freezing all day again!


Makes me wonder why I want to move away!

Because it's always raining. :D


It has not rained here for nearly a week and Welsh Water are on the point of declaring a National Drought Emergency and seeking International Humanitarian Aid from Flash Gordon - saviour of the Universe!

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Guest JudgeMental

it took my wife 4 hours to drive 4 miles last night back from work. my son walked approx the same from Christmas shopping in Croydon and my daughter had a 5 mile walk from Brixton via a friends house where there was a gatering of her friends back from Uni.


It is unbelievable! this downpour was not forecast, I got caught in the opening salvo out on my bike. You are supposed to learn from your mistakes we pay £2500 council tax, a bit of gritting when necessary is not to much to ask is it! :-S

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Guest Tracker
JudgeMental - 2009-12-22 12:38 PM

we pay £2500 council tax, a bit of gritting when necessary is not too much to ask is it! :-S




Still sunny and dry here with temperatures now well above freezing!

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Syd - 2009-12-22 2:16 PM


If you cast your minds back a few years you will realise that this weather is just how things used to be when you were a child



These days it just doesn't last so long.

In 1963 the snow and ice was on the road, and the temperature below freezing, for weeks. Similar to 1947 if I remember rightly.








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J9withdogs - 2009-12-21 6:29 PM




We haven't had so much as a flake of snow yet this winter :'(


Thats because you live in gods own country, I'm glad that I bought a nice warm nightshirt from a shop in Shrewsbury, to hell with what I look like I am nice and warm even if I do look like Wee Willie Winkie. (lol)

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Loads of snow here, since Friday. Came down really heavily on Saturday from tea-time onwards.


Took our 2 little monsters out on Sunday morning and they loved it - this is Lily doing her meercat impressions to see what's going on in the next field and across the road.



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