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Flat van battery - help.


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This really a continuation of the problems i highlighted under "leisure battery" the other day.


Both van & leisure battery have discharged with nothing switched on that i can identify.


I have removed leisure battery which i am charging independantly.


I left van battery in place, plugged van to mains, selected van battery on the control panel and hoped the charger would charge the battery.


Instead the battery has completely discharged and the control panel switched itself off.( now, when i try to switch it on, it just shows a red light re battery state whereas 24 hours ago i had 2 amber lights - plus an alarm keeps buzzing and will not switch off)


I wanted to remove the van battery but thats not straightforward - the black negative is designed to be easily taken off but the positive is attached to a substantial connection box that seems to be screwed to the battery with an antitamper seal.


Sooo would it be feasible to

1) disconnect negative from battery

2)leave the positive connected

3)turn off van charger

4)Charge the battery in situ using a stand alone charger plugged into the van mains cicuit


This seems logical i am just worried about doing something nasty to the electrics!


I need to be able to start engine on Tuesday to take to Fiat to sort the EMS warning light.


Many thanks for any thoughts.



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