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Oh woe is us


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Hello everyone,


When I read this post on Friday I was too dumbfounded to contribute anything, and now I have read what happened over the weekend I suspect that many of the contributors did not really know what to say either, and skirted around the issue of exactly why anyone would trust even the most respected dealer with their part exchange before a deal had been completed. Ask yourself if any dealer would have given you a new van before you had paid for it or given your part exchange to them?


Do I understand correctly that you may actually not receive your new vehicle until some months later than anticipated? If so that is unreasonable and frankly stinks of improper conduct by the dealer. They would have been aware of a long delay like that when you gave them your old van.


Anyway, with that bizzarre bit of logic and possible deceit put behind us, I forsee a problem.


In order to use an alternate vehicle which I believe the dealer has loaned to you, someone must insure it. Unless the dealer is insuring it for you, which seems unlikely because their motor trader insurance would not cover use beyond motor trade needs, you would have insured it yourself, and would have been asked if you are the registered keeper of the vehicle. If you had told them that you were not, the insurer would have declined cover, and if you said that you were indeed the registered keeper and something happened to the vehicle you may find that it is not covered at all.


So, apart from the lack of financial security in the current arrangement, I suspect you may have another potential nightmare lurking in the wings.


Get your vehicle or your money back. All of it.


Sorry if this is scary but 'worst case scenarios' are my thing.



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Don't take this as definitive but the 'Registered Keeper' and 'Registered Owner' are 2 different things unless there has been a change in the Taxation Laws in the last few years. You used to be able to be classed as the Keeper and insure it as such whilst someone else was the Owner.
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Re insurance, I understood that you can only insure something that you own, otherwise you could insure say a neighbours car, TV or something loaned to you. Should you then lose that item you would be profiting from the exercise if you claimed because you end up with more than you started with. Hire cars are different you get a specially devised insurance product.

I am sure that there is an insurance expert out there who will agree/disagree with my comments.

As Euroserve said - Be very carefull in what you do and at least get the monetry value of your van in your bank.

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Insurers are ONLY interested in the owner and driver. DVLA are ONLY interested in the KEEPER.


It must be the owner who insures the car, but he need not have a driving licence, provided that he specifies the driver. I met a case once where a lady was objecting that her chaufeur was shown on the log-book as the Registered Keeper. I don't know how it was resolved. Whatever, I feel that DVLA are not exactly consistent. Only the registered keeper can tax a car.


I suggest, that if you have lots of NCB, you could buy another car, register it in your name, but declare that the ONLY driver will be your teenage son.


That way there can be no argument about who is the main driver, but your son gets the benefit of your 75% NCB ..... which you are paying for anyway. Of course you will have to insure your own car with no NCB. Will it work out cheaper? It would be great if you could persuade Granny to give up driving, and give her NCB to Junior. Discuss!


Be warned, Teenagers not only shunt cars, they tend to lose them too, cos they park in silly places.



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Insurers are ONLY interested in the owner and driver. DVLA are ONLY interested in the KEEPER.


It must be the owner who insures the car, but he need not have a driving licence, provided that he specifies the driver. I met a case once where a lady was objecting that her chaufeur was shown on the log-book as the Registered Keeper. I don't know how it was resolved. Whatever, I feel that DVLA are not exactly consistent. Only the registered keeper can tax a car.


I suggest, that if you have lots of NCB, you could buy another car, register it in your name, but declare that the ONLY driver will be your teenage son.


That way there can be no argument about who is the main driver, but your son gets the benefit of your 75% NCB ..... which you are paying for anyway. Of course you will have to insure your own car with no NCB. Will it work out cheaper? It would be great if you could persuade Granny to give up driving, and give her NCB to Junior. Discuss!


Be warned, Teenagers not only shunt cars, they tend to lose them too, cos they park in silly places.



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My last post on this string.

Someone ordered a new van in November 2009, and was told it would be delivered late February/early March 2010.

On later enquiry, they were told, apparently, that the manufacturer was not building RHD versions of that van for 2010, and later still that their RHD van could not now be delivered until September 2010, and that no orders for vans for earlier delivery could now be accepted.  The (German) factory closes July/August. 

In the meantime someone else (quite a few someone elses, in fact :-)) ordered their van/s during late 2009/early 2010 and it has been confirmed theirs are to be delivered, as ordered, on RHD chassis, during 2010.

The September van will thus be one of the first of the new model year 2011 vans to emerge from production.  Logically, therefore, it can not be being delivered in response to the order placed in November 2009.

So, what actually happened to the order placed in November, for the van that was to be delivered end Feb early March 2010?  Where is that order/van?

How can other orders for other RHD vans apparently be being met, when the manufacturer is reportedly not building any such RHD vans during 2010?

C'est les ordures d'un taureau, n'est pas?

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euroserv - 2010-02-08 1:37 PM


In order to use an alternate vehicle which I believe the dealer has loaned to you, someone must insure it. Unless the dealer is insuring it for you, which seems unlikely because their motor trader insurance would not cover use beyond motor trade needs, ............... you may find that it is not covered at all.


So, apart from the lack of financial security in the current arrangement, I suspect you may have another potential nightmare lurking in the wings.



While it is quite correct that the dealer's motor trade policy wouldn't cover a loan is it not possible that this loan MoHo is insured under a dealer's "Self-Drive" hire policy?

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two things why not,see if the money that the dealer has of Poppys could be put into a holding account via a solicitor where the dealer can only access it on completion of the transaction allowing the dealer to retain say a 10% deposit and poppy could only withdraw the funds after an aggreed date has been reached. Poppies monies are safe and so is the dealers subject to him completing his side of the deal, there is a name for this type of contract and as the moneys not the dealers it is not liable t seizure in the event of him going bust. As to insuring the dealers temporary loan motorhome, the dealer leases it to poppy for say £1 a month, to terminate on completion of the contract , as a leaser of the vehicle, poppy can insure it in their own name, take the policy to the dealer he can then tax it all is legal
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Guest Tracker

Oh great - that's just what we need - yet another self righteous anonymous pompous stirrer - adding an unhelpul two pennerth to a thread that has already quietened down!!



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Tracker - 2010-02-09 5:10 PM


Oh great - that's just what we need - yet another self righteous anonymous pompous stirrer - adding an unhelpul two pennerth to a thread that has already quietened down!!



Well said Rich, I couldn't be bothered to rise to the bait.




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Guest Tracker

Not so much rising to the bait Lenny - more a case of being fed up with people having an unprovoked go at others.


To retaliate in kind when someone has a go at you is one thing and is, in my view, fully justified but all this antagonism often veilled behind smileys is losing good, kind, helpful, if maybe a tad over sensitive people, from this forum and that is a great shame.


Why can't people just reply to the points made by expressing their own point of view without either rubbishing the other persons point of view or engaging ina personal attack?


That's it - rant over - I'll get down of my high horse now!



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Tracker - 2010-02-09 5:44 PM


To retaliate in kind when someone has a go at you is one thing and is, in my view, fully justified but all this antagonism often veilled behind smileys is losing good, kind, helpful, if maybe a tad over sensitive people, from this forum and that is a great shame.


Does that include smiley avatars????? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol) :-> :-> :-> :-> :-> :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Note - LOTS OF SMILIES!!!!!!!

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Hi poppy,


You opened a can of worms alright.


If you are having trouble sleeping (and I do not blame you), it is partly your present predicament but mostly caused by the comments on this site. If I had a problem, the last thing I would do is to offer it up on here.


Listen to Gypsy Tom and not the other moaning minnies.


I let Discover Leisure have my van before I sealed the deal on my other van but I kept the log book. You have trusted other human beings. We have to at times, that is how society works.


It will work out for you and you would have had more support elsewhere. I feel that the members on this site should be ashamed of themselves. When somebody needs help, it should be given without resorting to doom laden scenarios.


Please come back to us when you have achieved an outcome to this situation.

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