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The amazing "Double Skillet"

Geoff Tuckley

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Hello Again, Folks,


Whilst away in Spain this winter a female motorhomer was showing my wife a pan called a "Double Skillet". This pan will perform all operations necessary including the heating of pies etc. Since arriving home my wife has tried to find where these things are purchased with no luck. Do any of you out there have one and, if so, where did you buy it.




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Geoff Tuckley - 2010-03-01 4:27 PM


Hello Again, Folks,


Whilst away in Spain this winter a female motorhomer was showing my wife a pan called a "Double Skillet". This pan will perform all operations necessary including the heating of pies etc. Since arriving home my wife has tried to find where these things are purchased with no luck. Do any of you out there have one and, if so, where did you buy it.






Got ours from a motorhome show some years ago. Not sure if it was NEC or Peterborough.








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D&F Promotions - you will see them at all the shows and they will be at the NEC this week. Believe it or not, try www.doubleskillet.com ! We have one and it's great, keep meaning to get one for the house too. Not cheap but well worth the money.
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Hi Judge

It will cook a 7" pizza but you have to buy the "heat difuser" as an extra, to be able to do pizzas- forgotten how much this costs however, they are really excellent, ours is on the hob in the background as I write, and we use it for everything.



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I bought one of these 2 years ago off a gentleman on here, still in the box has lid and diffuser and I still have not worked out what to do with it or what I can use it for.


Anyone got any tips or good recipes I can try out on it, I have been the butt of many jokes over it as regards wasting money *-)



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Hi Geoff, I see Graham advises you to get the large on. There are only the two of us and my wife favours the small one. She cooks the chicken, chops, fish etc in the skillet and the veg in the steamer. She finds there is hardly room on the gas rings for the large skillet with steamer etc. Also consider whether you have room to store skillet in cupboard. Bon appetit.
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Thanks, Everyone,

Amazing results! I always say to my wife that "There is bound to be someone on the Forum who has heard of it" but to have such a good result in so short a time is incredible. Pretty safe to say that we will be using one very soon.


Thanks again for your replies



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I can see the difficulty of fitting a double skillet and a steamer on the gas rings at the same time but we don't have a steamer and don't need one with the DS. The veg go into the top pan with the glass lid over it and a very small amount of water and come out beautifully cooked.


Each to their own though :-D



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Geoff - I watched the demo of this amazing cooker thingy at one of the shows, it is good, the only thing I would mention is that for some meals it can take quite a long time. Well certainly longer than in a micowave lol = The lady doing the demo accepted this comment from me and said that most users quickly get used to preparing the ingredients a little earlier than you would at home. The only reason I don't have one is that I'm still waiting for delivery of my MH but intend to get one asap after that!!!
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Yes that's a great idea I think I will give her a call and see if she's free over Easter :-D :-D


Oh you meant for idea's, yes that has helped alot , planted the seeds so will go and have a play later in the week.


Just had the idea of Potato cakes and making them before we leave then grilling them while away, we have a good sized freezer in the van so could use that and the skillet instead.


Sorry to pinch your thread a bit but once you get yours these idea's will all come in handy.


Thanks to all


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I looked at them, but them found out the price then thought really there's nothing I need one for. We've got an oven in the van for roasting, (never used it yet though in 3 years!) You can buy roast chickens, infact most roast meats, virtually everywhere these days anyway. We have a wok and three other pans and have managed without too much fuss to cook all we ever wanted to eat in that.


We also have a 12 Volt slow cooker from RoadPro that has been really useful. We just fill it before going out for the day and the meals ready when we get home.


So all in all the decision was that it would be a piece of equipment we didn't need, money spent on something we put in the cupboard and forgot and extra weight we were carrying around.


Oh and if we want a pizza we can send out for one!



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Have used one to cook everything from porridge (on top) and full breakfast underneath, through soup, pancakes to roast chicken - and have only had it a few months. But again I recommend the large one. It cant't take up much more space than the smaller one, and although sometimes it seems a bit big on the ring you really can cook everything in it, so any other ring would be out of use, anyway :-D We do not have an oven or a microwave - and do not need them with the double skillet. I bought online but the sale was delayed as they were away at shows during August and early September!
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Tomo3090 - 2010-03-01 8:24 PM

... it would be a piece of equipment we didn't need, money spent on something we put in the cupboard and forgot and extra weight we were carrying around.


Yse, we bought one last year at the NEC as it looked good. We used it once and it now resides unloved in the cupboard under the cooker! The only good thing is that the glass lid fits our old frying pan so that does get used!


Oh and by the way we bought a diffuser as well, first time we used that it spread the flame too far and burnt the rubber buffers that the glass lid sits on so that cost me a new set of rubbers. The diffuser now resides with the double skillet never to be used again. Be warned!



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Just bought one! Seeing as we're changing vans and our new one won't have an oven (didn't use it anyway as it gobbled too much gas!), I decuded to bite the bullet and get the large one at £40, small one is £35. I already have a diffuser (carbooty) so didn't have to fork out for one of them.


Once you have the pan hot you lower the heat to its minimum setting and only then do you put the diffuser on, so that could be why you burnt your rubber bits Keith.


Haven't had a chance to use it yet, will probably have a play at the weekend when I've got time to experiment - first item on the list - jacket spuds! :D

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Keithl - 2010-03-01 8:36 PM


Tomo3090 - 2010-03-01 8:24 PM

... it would be a piece of equipment we didn't need, money spent on something we put in the cupboard and forgot and extra weight we were carrying around.


Yse, we bought one last year at the NEC as it looked good. We used it once and it now resides unloved in the cupboard under the cooker! The only good thing is that the glass lid fits our old frying pan so that does get used!


Oh and by the way we bought a diffuser as well, first time we used that it spread the flame too far and burnt the rubber buffers that the glass lid sits on so that cost me a new set of rubbers. The diffuser now resides with the double skillet never to be used again. Be warned!





Like so many things, you either love it or hate it.

Looks to me as if the best one to buy would be one someone else doesn't want. It is like many things - you either love them or you hate them. - give it a go, Goeff

PS I have not had any problems with diffuser - works a treat :->

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Mandy&Andy - 2010-03-01 6:51 PM


I bought one of these 2 years ago off a gentleman on here, still in the box has lid and diffuser and I still have not worked out what to do with it or what I can use it for.


Anyone got any tips or good recipes I can try out on it, I have been the butt of many jokes over it as regards wasting money *-)




I do not know how I would manage without one of these, had ours for 5 years now, it really does do everything the lady in the demo says it does, we have no oven, we often have a joint of lamb or chicken and cook a full dinnner.


Also the toasties are great you put the butter side out, the best recomdation is to take time out and stand and watch the demo a couple of times at one of the shows, as a refresher does no harm, the comments of people watching are always possitive even though I know how to use mine still watch, the defuser is excellent for warming up pies etc. the only reason it would burn anything is if the gas is to high you really only need a low heat. We regularly have jacket potatoes which cook beautifully depending on the size of the potato how long to cook it. Bon Appite

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I have these pans now for several years and the one in my kitchen at home is used on a dialy basis. It is the best thing since we got someone to slice our bread !


In fact our full meal this evening was cooked using both sides of the skillet. I have two one for the house and the other for the motorhome.


Good on the makers !

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